After having 2 high DAS's my rheumy nurse has interviewed me to discuss cimzia. I am already on methotrexate injections and sulphasalazine tablets and because of a very bad flare early December I may be "considered" for cimzia injections. However, after copious reading about the drug I am not sure if benefits will outweigh the risks. So I would be grateful of other opinions from those already on the drug?
might be offered cimzia but unsure.......: After having... - NRAS
might be offered cimzia but unsure.......

I am on another biologic and have to say that the benefits for me far far outweigh the risks and I have read of so many here who are so glad for the biologics. It is difficult from where you stand right now but if the biologics work for you then you get your life back and believe me that is worth all of it. Remember the risks are not what will definitely happen...they may but equally may not
Ultimately it is your choice and I would advise discussing with your rheum. Team and make an informed decision
If you go on Cimzia will they stop prescribing one of the other DMARD.My opinion and I am not a Doctor would be the three medications would be one big push, unless they reduce the doses of the other two, remember the three medications are immuno seppressent medications. How do you feel, with just the other two. Does the benefits over the three outweigh the risks. Only you and the prescriber can make those decisions
However the biologics work in a very different way from the Dmards Bob
Hello , well I'm on Cimzia and I cannot tell you how it's changed my life ! 5 months ago I couldn't walk properly I was fatigued to the point of collapse. I'm a 43 year old mum of two young girls and was working but had to give up my job my life was a mess...I was so down. I've only had RA 2 years, it came over night literally and everything just went downhill, I started Methx tabs then injections up to 20mg but it wasn't enough and then Sulphasalazine that made my stomach really bad. I kept having very painful flares and ultra sounds etc showed how aggressive my disease is although my blood crp levels always show normal however I am RF positve and the only thing that controlled the pain was steroid injections which as you know you can't keep having so I was offered Cimzia. Like you I was terrified and to be honest still afraid of the implications but for me the positives definitely out way the negatives. I have my life back with no side effects apart from being careful with germs and foods etc ...I don't know what's round the corner but who does? My body may reject Cimzia and I'll have to switch to another biologic but I'm living for today - so I'm looking for another job , running around after the kids again, swimming 3 times a week and feel great! The implications of cancer, ms and drug induced Lupus do worry me but we are monitored carefully and have regular blood tests so I think remaining positive and living life is good for anybody. I'm still on Methx but only 15mg and it will slowly be reduced to nothing , like I say I'm not speaking too soon as I might be on here in a month suffering a flare and asking advice which I'm quite aware of but I'm making the most of it now. Nobody can make the decision for you I just really hope I've helped - Claire
What you need to remember is that some of the side effects you may have read about are theoretical. You will always read much more about problems real or imagined than you will hear from people like myself and claireyj who are doing well on Cimzia.
Normally Cimzia is combined with a lower dose of methotrexate.
I have been on Cimzia for a year and doing well on it.
NRAS has a good set of information sheets on Cimzia and the other biologics. Read these for a balanced view on these treatments.
Hope this helps
Hi... I started Cimzia 6 weeks ago (already injecting MTX and taking others too) and like you, I had reservations. But I have to say, I am beginning to feel so much better. This is probably combined with the fact I gave up my job at Christmas as well so I am resting and putting my body first for the first time in my life! My inflammation is slowly getting less and although my wrists and foot are still painful - it's nothing like it was. My story is very similar to the lady, Claire, above.
I am back swimming and I now do Pilates which I am really enjoying. I feel like I am slowly getting my life back and I'd like to think the Cimzia is playing a part in this. Although it's still early days, I'd say for me the benefits far outweigh the risks. Good luck x
Wow so similar I'm just about to start Pilates and also gave up my job at Christmas for me time ! It's great but a job has come up local to me in a school office which I've done for years just 2 days a week so that's the only reason I've applied as I can still have me time and earn a few pennies for all my kids hobbies !! Before I was working every day and in a junior school and I was conscious of chicken pox and all those young kiddy germs but the job I applied for is in a senior school so I reckon will be better for me , we'll see what happens - glad you are doing well x
Hi tessintrouble. Go for it wholeheartedly. It helped me to get my life back. Sulfasalazine and MTX were ok, but when I started on CIMZIA it made such a difference. After a few weeks I was able to start to help myself along better by giving me the ability to exercise. After three years on it I'm still fine. No side effects to trouble me. Walking regularly. Tai Chi. Swimming etc. All things I only dreamt off before the bio. All the very best and god bless.
Thank you all so much! I have been told that I will have to continue my mtx injections alongside (if offered) the cimzia. My last flare up gave me a good idea of what it is like to be truly disabled - not able to get dressed, go to the loo properly etc, it was terrifying and humiliating and I cannot bear to think that my future will be like that, so if offered I will go for it, thanks again x x