Back from the big city! All things aside, it was a lovely day.
Went to MetroHealth Medical Center, Out-Patient Surgery building. Now that is impressive! Was taken in within minutes, had xrays of both hands, 3 views each. They put the pictures on a CD and gave it back to me to take up to the second floor Dr's office. He has a monitor on his desk, with my xrays already on it, so he could swivel it around so we could both view and talk.
I knew it would be bad, but what a mess! If anyones been told your knees are like bone on bone, no cartilage cushion, that is what my wrist looks like. He showed me several areas that should have space between them and didn't. As suspected, the ulnar bone had drifted down out of position which was blocking me from being able to turn my hand over, etc , etc, so much to do. bottom line, he has two answers depending on what I want to be able to do. I want to be able to write, legibly, hold my paint brushes, hold a fork and spoon and be able to turn my wrist enough to get a bite, and to continue gardening and digging in the dirt. After I told him all that, I asked him, did he have something that could allow me to be able to do those things.
He does. Rather than going to drastic measures and fusing the whole mess, which of course cannot be undone, he will remove all the bone pieces
that are out of place and threatening to sever ligaments and tendons. Gotta save those! Few other things he described, don't totally remember, but anyways, I guess that is what I will do. Recovery is 6-8 weeks, maybe less, with PT as it heals. Fusion recovery is more like 3-5 months. More like my spine surgeries, because the fusion has to have time to close and heal solidly.
What an impressive, intelligent and charming gentleman! He's the chief, about 60ish, slightly rotund and grey and balding. He said "I will do your surgery myself". Great, because, as this is a teaching hospital, he could have passed me off to one of the residents, who are the ones nearing the end of their 5 year training in surgical technique. He will likely have his fledglings assisting!
I have tremendous respect for surgeons, they have so much to learn beyond regular medical school and internships.
This will be outpatient surgery, get to go home the same day. Not general anesthesia, but a block from the shoulder down. Had that with the other hand surgeries, for carpal tunnel and two trigger finger releases.
Haven't talked to my sons yet, though probably will over the weekend. I will need to decide what I can wear at home for couple months that can be put on with one hand. Aanyways, it's approaching midnight, at which time I will turn into a carriage
\ Oh! One more item: Heard on the news tonight that there is threatening to be a shortage of Methotrexate soon. The story was covering the dilemma of a little boy being treated for leukemia, and he only has two more months to go to be in total remission, possibly cured. And what happens if cancer patients can't get their meds? Given, that is a life threatening situation, but when we think of the millions in each country being treated with a dilution of MTX, and what happens if that is the primary drug for many, well thought provoking. The FDA is saying they will consult other countries to see if supplies are limited. Well, that is scary enough! Good night to all US's and good day to those across the waves.
Hey I just thought of something!! If the beaches along the shores of the Ocean, all have waves coming in and the tide, in and out, does that leave a big hole somewhere out there in the middle? OK, I'm getting loopy, I'm outa here! Loret x