Glads thats over 2 days out of bed the whole off Xmas and New Year new meds taking a bit of gettin used to and a Trapped Nerve which was worse than my RA, I think I mentioned Mark is gettin married on the 15th June to Emma and out of the blue last night he asked me if i would be his Best Man I was speechless all i could say was why me his best friend was the best man from the beggining Fran was gobsmacked or she acted if she knew nothing about it. just watching him go down the aisle would have made me so proud of him theres me just hoping my health keeps getting better, Has anyone else out there heard of something similar I told him i would need a bit of time he looked a bit dissapointed, Would people think he was doing this out of symphathy.MATT
Mattcass is Back But Need Your Input.: Glads thats over... - NRAS
Mattcass is Back But Need Your Input.

Congrats, you will need to tie the ring around your neck. It you are like me that is
Don't think too deep Matt! He wants YOU , be proud snd now for the speech ( tremble) Axx
What a lovely celebration to look forward to and even more special your son asking you to be his best must have feel so proud. A very special celebration for you. Best father best man good luck Nicola
Hello absolutely lovely and no..of course he isn't asking you out of sound like a very close loving family and you must feel great that he sees you as his best friend...what a wonderful thing...enjoy and feel proud. Maryx
Hi Matt, congratulations, our son had his dad as best man, not out of sympathy, but out of love and respect. Go on, you know you want to.
Kath xx
Not from Sympathy but Love of his father. Please accept tonight and with a happy joyous heart. I think this is a great honour to you Matt. xxx
Hi Matt, a very good friend of ours was asked by his son to be his best man. I think that it is a real honour for your son to ask you and you should be proud that you and Fran have brought up your son to be such a loving and amazing young man. Clemmie
You must be so proud that you son thinks so much of you, it obviously means the world to him to have you as his best man, say yes!!
That's wonderful! I don't think it's out of sympathy simply because of the way you've spoken of your relationship with him before - he's chosen the one person who really is his best man. I know I don't know him, but I would lay bets that you're his hero, and there's no one better to be by his side.
Hi Matt i think its lovely that he has asked you. Be proud of him asking you say yes defo xxx
When's the stag night! I will make sure I not in the area, I feel some beer will be drank that night, whether it's good for you or not!? Lol, you and Fran have to share all the details with us ....pleeze! Axx
Matt i am sorry you have not been very well over Christmas. I think you should be proud your sone has asked you to be his best man.You have been his best man all his life so why should he relegate you to second best on his wedding.xxxxx
haven't "spoken" to you before but Hi.. how lovely , don't think too deep just be honoured and accept. my partner and I are getting married next Christmas , just praying I will have some improvement by then, we too are not being conventional , my 2 daughters are giving me away and steve's daughter is his best "man " we just wanted the people who are the most special to us and I'm sure that is the only reason yor son has asked you x
Hi Matt, so glad your feeling a little better. Please don't over-think this. My guess is that your recent health scares have made Mark realise how very precious you are to him. I'm sure his request is for his benefit. Please accept. I sense you're worried you might not be able to fulfil the best man duties as well as a robust young whippersnapper but the people that matter know the score and will support and applaud you all the way. Anyone who doesn't isn't someone that matters. xx