Sing this to the tune of And the Beat goes on!
Went to the hospital for pre op assessment for my foot. Very surprised to find the nurse was filling in a brand new form. Asked why the old one couldn't be updated and she told me that when the operation was cancelled in July, I came off the waiting list (!) and didn't go back on it again until I saw the specialist on 10th October. So now they have to complete new forms (what a waste of time and money), go through all the tests again, ECG, bloods, blood pressure, weight and height and MRSI swabs and I will probably be waiting until January at the earliest, all for something which was not my fault and which I did not cancel. A complaint to the Chief Exec of the hospital is in the pipeline. This really is ridiculous. It will be a year in December since GP first referred me!
Had better news last week - saw the chest doctor who confirmed it was the MTX which caused the lung inflammation, my lung function tests were top notch and my oxygen saturation was 97% so he was very pleased. The breathlessness has all gone and lungs are now clear. He doesn't need to see me again. He also reduced the steroids down to 10 mcg a day and from tomorrow down to 5 mcg (1 tablet) and then stop after the week is up. I had been on a reducing dose anyway.
Saw my Rheumy on Friday for the follow up with him. He hadn't yet received the chest doctor's report but was pleased with the last lot of blood tests. He is not putting me on anything else at present (apart from the Enbrel) and will leave it until January to reassess if I need anything else. He did say a lot of his patients are on Enbrel alone and manage the RA quite well. So onwards and upwards.
Must admit I feel a lot better not being on the MTX. I know I will probably get flares once the steroids wear off but will deal with that if and when it happens. Had one flare so far when I couldn't use my left hand and wrist for nearly 3 days - some of my joints are sore but nothing I can't cope with at present. However, have noticed my feet are very painful so that is obviously something to do with it. Did have a pedicure last Friday afternoon - bliss. But feet feel very stiff and sore and uncomfortable to walk on. Hope that will wear off soon.
Anyway, my main worry - the lung inflammation is over and unlikely to re occur as I won't be going back on the MTX. - Ever.
Love LavendarLady x