I'm off to the Professor at clinic today to see wheth... - NRAS


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I'm off to the Professor at clinic today to see whether I go back on meds. I'm a bit nervous as I hate going there. If they are in an

Trulyfedup profile image
13 Replies

Approachable mood it's not too bad but most times I feel really stupid in there and end up not saying the things I want to. Do others ever feel stupid at clinic or is it just me. .?

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Trulyfedup profile image
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13 Replies
chemar profile image

I have to go see my rheumy nurse today, I always feel stupid and forget to ask things so I have made a list! hopefully I will remember to take it with me lol take care michelle :) x

Trulyfedup profile image

Thank you..yes..I'm not going to be a wimp today as I feel really rough and very tearful so going to go in there and tell them as it is. Hope you get on ok with your appt too.maryx

southwest profile image

I know how you feel. I'm like this with all the medics- GPs as well and having anxiety doesn't help. I often feel I'm gibbering, saying too much about the wrong things and the conversation steers us in directions I hadn't meant. However, sometimes desperation helps us say exactly how we feel and get the right points out. I make a list as a prompt too. I try not to refer to it if I can as it can break the flow of the conversation but it really helps to have it in my hand just in case. Also, although there may be many patients waiting outside remember it is your consultation, so take the time to say what you need to. All the best x

Someonesmother profile image

I wrote a letter to my Rheumatologist as it was the only way I could express everything as I wrote it while it was quiet and I had time to reflect on what I wanted to say I did that in desperation because I am like you I get the rabbit trapped in the headlights thing and forget everything I wanted to say. Good luck I hope it went well

Dotty7 profile image

Definitely write a list. I agree with not breaking up the flow of the conversation, but at the point when s/he seems to be drawing it to a close, just refer to it quickly, and explain what you're doing and why. I think they are used to it. Another way of doing it might be to put just a few post-its of key things on the outside of your diary. The rheumatologist may even ask you about them, and use them as a starting point.

Hope it goes well,

Dotty xx

Trulyfedup profile image

Thank you all for the kind reply. (S) I'm not normally so bad. My GP is wonderful and he says "Mary just go in there and say everything". But it's Sod's law isn't it. Today. Ost of my joints are not big and red.

Fingers crossed. Thank you Maryx

Jill60 profile image
Jill60 in reply to Trulyfedup

I always take my hubby, gives me confidence, also my Rhuemy is great, laid back and Loves to talk lol, but also loves the sound of his own voice...it booms around the room, very deep lol.....so I'm lucky :) good luck ok.

Dont forget that list, they see thousands of patients every year, they are use to all sorts of different natures ok.....chin up...and march into that room full of confidence......btw, they know the ways of RA, so if you not red and swollen, tell him you were last week, and that most of the time you can't cope....x

Hello BOB here

Do not feel stupid, we all become concerned when going into hospital,

Now I make a list of what I want too say, and the medicications that I take. I am a little forgetful now so my wife draws up the list

Relax they are looking after you.


Jill60 profile image
Jill60 in reply to

Well said BOB :)

allanah profile image

I without fail get upset at Rheumy appointments. I thinkin my case it's the opposite, they are overly nice and when people r nice, I get upset. I always take a list and at the end of the appointment I get it out and see what I have forgotten, and they always say they r glad I Have a,list!

beauty96 profile image

I used to feel stupid and forget all I should say so I now type an A4 sheet and I have one and the doctor has one and then I get everything done. I do hate the GP's who just look at the TV/computer. This way they can't as they are busy reading. It also has meant that I get all questions answered. And to me in a shortened way as I tend to go round the bush instead of getting to the point. Try this and see if you feel forgetful. Congratulations to Someonesmother who wrote a letter, brilliant way of getting across what one forgets in the moment.

Trulyfedup profile image
Trulyfedup in reply to beauty96

Exactly..that is why yesterday was a breath of fresh air...this lady consultant was brilliant...don't get me wrong they are all kind but some are more approachable than others...it's made me mentally feel a lot better. Thank you for reply, I think that is a very good idea writing it down..it makes good sense thank you. Maryx

Trulyfedup profile image

My nana used to say to me (I used to stutter badly) just imagine them sitting on the toilet!!! Great leveler (can't spell today ) maryx

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