Rang for a doctor to call and check up on us as we can't get there. Stupid man just rang ask why we need a dr. He spoke to hubby and is sending him some stuff to help him go to the toilet. Then he asked why did I need a dr. explained to him I have Ra and all the other diseases He is sending me some naproxen to the chemist. Then he asked what can he do for me and I said your the dr if you saw me you might find something to help me. Then he said if these naproxen will help will it make you better. Heavens above my bp went through the roof, I said do you know anything about ra because if you did you would know I am never going to get better. Then we left it at that. Stupid stupid man he knows how to make people feel worse than I already feel.xxx
Stupid stupid doctor.....: Rang for a doctor to call... - NRAS
Stupid stupid doctor.....

Either really stupid or totally insensitive. What a pr**t!
Are you ok to take Naproxen with the other meds you take? Do you need to have Omeprazole at the same time as Naproxen (I know I did but can’t take any NSAIDS with Prednisolone)? Do you find that steroid injections help you? If so ask doctor to come and give you one.
If you get no further help from that doctor perhaps best to contact your Rheumy or their helpline.
Sending you hugs and hoping you get some decent care and relief quickly. X
I use Naproxen as a break-through drug it is not something I take on a regular basis. I take tramadol slow release, pregalin, codienne , paracetamol and that's without the ra drugs and the ones for other health problems I have. The codeine I take in between the paracetamol. I am also on steroids which I am in the process of coming off and I am replacing them with turemic(god my spelling is crap today) I am on the barinitib if that's how you spell that. He said that may take up to three months hey stupid I know that. I actually asked him did he know anything about ra, I said if you did you would know we don't get better.. That's my moan over with darling.xxx
Thanks darling. I hope you are as good as you can be. I never say to anyone get or feel better I always say brighter as I feel that sounds better for someone who is chronically ill.xxxx
Firstly, are you sure it was a doctor and not a prank-line response?
Secondly, are you able to take the medicine he is willing to prescribe, and do you need to take anything else to counter the side effects? Oops, sorry, you're the patient, not the doctor, aren't you?
I would write to the GP practice and (tell them not to practice on you) ask them if they are aware of this practice of prescribing medicines without examining the patient first? I would also be inclined to send a copy to CQC ( Care Quality Commission) and also to the local CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group). I would also seriously consider changing my GP, because your one seems to be worse than useless (useless= won't prescribe, worse than useless= prescribe unnecessarily and even recklessly). You can also complain to the Royal College of GPs and the BMA, depending on how far you are willing to go with the complaint. The other thing you must do, in my opinion, is ask your pharmacist if all your medication is compatible with each other.
One thing I can say is I have a good chemist who will advise us on anything. He knows my case I think a lot more that the stupid dr does I can tell you. I have rang and let a message for my dedicated ra nurse to ring me back. I am just so fed up trying to look after hubby who is my main carer all we wanted was a dr to call out and see if he could help us in some way.xxxx
Poor you an hubby I’ve had problem with my surgery abt prescriptions and not allowed any before due dates as if my R.A. was so easy to control not more than 28 days and only day time so pre dayted script if it does and yet my dr who knows my probs sorts it all but so frustrating I’m try to reduce steroids as well you take care and a big hug xx
I had to fight for my Metoject prescription for my holiday when we are to be away for a month. I eventually threatened to sit in the waiting room for as long as it took to sort it out.
That's shocking, thelmar. Good for you for standing (sitting?) up to them! What did they expect you to do on holiday? Or maybe they thought you shouldn't have a holiday. More likely they didn't think at all beyond that there's a rule about prescribing for just 28 days. No common sense!
OMG!!!! Sylvi, as if you don't have enough on your plate without this ass##le of a GP stress you out like that!
Bad bedside manner to say the least! We just try to crack on in life and dont need extra stress! especially from a GP who should know better! Hope you and hubby have a better afternoon relaxing and doing your own thing. Love & hugs🌹🌷🌻 🤗 X
The help line I have is useless
Bloody doctors !!!! I’ve the same gripe they have no understanding or empathy they just don’t understand RD🤬🤯
I was sorry to hear about this and I know it's no consolation to your situation, but a few weeks ago now I had a very bad attack of vertigo and could not keep anything down. I had a visit from my own GP who gave me some anti sickness tablets but these did not settle things down.I would not normally ring out of hours but was so concerned I rang 111 in the early hours of one morning. After we had established several times over I was breathing, not bleeding and everything from the script they have to read the operator felt I may need to speak with an out of hours GP which may take up to four hours to respond! They then read again from the script and on the 3rd time of reading the same thing to me, they realised and then apologised saying it was telling them to read it another three times! My head was more than spinning at this point and I was trying not to vomit during the call. A GP rang an hour later at 3.30am and basically agreed with my GP's diagnosis that I had vertigo and then asked me could I make my way to the walk in centre! I felt so ill I had a job to stand let alone walk, was vomiting when I moved and then get in a car. Then he suggested I took a taxi....can you imagine. Eventually he came out to give me an anti sickness injection, I staggered to the door only to see him arrive and then leave. He told me when he arrived for the 2nd time he hadn't got it with him! Sadly it didn't work and I ended up in A & E being rehydrated and given some tablets which eventually helped. So I can see why you are so frustrated sylvi. While there is a general lack of understanding of our complex disease, in my opinion we seem to suffer or experience a lot of unnecessary stress, which as we know does not help our illness whatsoever. Sometimes a little thought and understanding goes a long way, as you rightly point out and unless I have missed out on a cure overnight, we wont 'get better' and what you and I in my situation needed was for someone to see us and have a better understanding of how we were and a appropriate advice could have been established. To date I do have a supportive GP and thank goodness you have a good chemist. Take care and sending my best wishes.
I'm not surprised, was the doctor a stand in one?
I'm sorry to hear of your experience sylvi. GPs should either be better trained, or not be involved in complex diseases. Your experience is all too common. Scream.
Oh Sylvi, not what you need when you’re having a rotten time. Gentle hugs to you.
😥 x
If you are both unable to get out do you receive visits from district nurses who may be able to help or are there volunteer services or family who could drive you to your surgery?
Hi Sylvi. I know how hard it is to look after someone who has had a hernia op, my partner had one in May his was in the groin. He came to stay with me, I was exhausted, as they have to rest. We muddled through. When I had all my serious ops, I used to speak to the GP before, a phone call is enough and they arranged short term care, an accessor came out to see what was required, this is under NHS. I needed personal care, washing dressing. They can help with simple meals, medication. I also had occupational health out to install some helpful aids. I was lucky with family nearby, one daughter in law changed my bed and took my washing home as they all work. My other daughter in law did my shopping, plus help from my sister with housework. It still isn’t too late to apply. Wish you both all the best. X