I have been having a problem for about 2 months now if I get up from the floor too quickly I get really bad shortness of breath. I end up gasping and having to hold on to something until I get my breath back. I decided to check my blood pressure when it happened recently & it was 157/101 pulse 101. I am not sure whether it's part of RA or not.
Does anyone else get problems with shortness of breath. - NRAS
Does anyone else get problems with shortness of breath.

Hello that blood pressure reading is high go to Gp Though this weather doesnt help, if you take methotrexate this can be rare complication/ side effect as a matter of safety seek medical advice from GP initially/ rheum
Hi Summer. I keep trying to leave you a reply but it's not showing up. Here goes 3rd time lucky I hope. I'm not on mtx but will go & get bp checked by gp as getting breathless still. Franbie
I didnt know that high blood pressure was a side effect of methotrexate. I have had problems with high blood pressure and even the cardiac specialist didnt mention the methotrexate. Must look into it. Thanks Summer
Hiya Rosie. This is an old post but thought my experience may be helpful. Hypertension isn't listed as a side effect of methotrexate but hypotension is, a rare one. I've been on MTX for 8 years & it's never affected my normally perfect BP yet I've just had to stop leflunomide for another side effect & that did. Thought this may be of help, particularly if you're under Cardio, your hypertension may be due to something else if it's not a known cardiac disorder.
Thanks so much for your reply but would you believe that I have looked into it and have found that 2 percent of RA suffers will experience hypertension. This was done as a medical study and you wont find it on the listing of side effects. I can share the link with you if you are interested. I was blown away. I have had hypertension problems since I started the methotrexate. It was elevated at the time but then got so much worse and my cardiac specialist did not know the cause. But then again I am having more heart tests to see if I have a problem. Had a whole range of heart tests last year with no abnormalitites but the breathlessness has got worse so my GP is looking into it.
While Methotrexate has been a wonder drug for me I do get very tired and I have a friend who was diagnosed with autoimmune arthritis and refused to go on any drugs ... she went to an acupuncturist instead. 10 years later she is okay. Wish i could afford it as I have been a few times and it was incredibly helpful.
It's certainly worth discussing your repeat meds including MTX with your Cardio Specialist if you haven't yet Rosie, it might be worth him persuing advice because of hypertension not being listed plus the info you've found relating to MTX is such a low percentage it may be dismissed. The thing is those of us with RD are at higher risk of heart problems, you may have read about comorbidities? They can be higher for us than the normal ones of high BP & cholesterol, poor diet, smoking or diabetes, so it needs investigating if MTX (or any other of your regular meds) could possibly the cause or it's something like atherosclerosis due to RD inflammation or even age related (sorry, not sure of your age). It was breathing issues my h was investigated for initially, having ruled out asthma. Even though he now has additional issues at least now he's had his op we now know he's heart-healthy. Do let me know how you get on, & if there's anything I can help with just ask.
Hi Summer
I have looked into to and found some studies by reputable clinics which show that 2 percent of Methotrexate users will get high blood pressure especially as they get older... not connected to any other conditions. The side effect is not even listed on the information slip that comes with the meds!
Are you taking MTX? I had a problem with s.o.b. on getting up, walking etc. Was a side effect of the drug.
Certainly see someone about it, and I agree, that's a high BP reading.

I meant to say it doesnt read that clearly now is that shortness of breath can be a rare complication/side efffect of mtx.. blood pressure prob is a another issue but it is too high!!

I'm not taking mtx but I will go to GP as still having problems. Thanks for reply Carolyn,
definitely needs checking. Could be several different reasons for it, not just the MTX.
Hi Franbie. Definitely go to see your GP. I have been really breathless the last couple of months so went to see mine. He wrote directly to my Rheumie as he was concerned I may have Fibrosis! This week I have ct scan. echo cardiogram & lung function tests. This has all happened within 3 weeks of my last visit so although apprehensive I'm glad I went. Good Luck & hope all will be ok x
Yes go to GP for a good work up, may have a blockage which is causeing elevated BP. This can cause shortness of breath.
Yes for several months I have been going through test for this same poblem. Elevated red blood cell sent me to a lung dr. In turn many test now waiting form results. The RT that was giving the test explaining that if you get up several time a night, you could have sleep apnea.