I wrote this in my sleep....: Therein lies the problem... - NRAS


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I wrote this in my sleep....

12 Replies

Therein lies the problem. I wasn't asleep. It was 4 a.m. and I couldn't get back to sleep. Then it hit me. This brilliant idea.... It goes like this.

I was thinking about blogging (as you do at 4 a.m.) and wondered if I had offended anyone by my naughty words? I would hate to think that my ramblings offended anyone... Any road up I was thinking what if I could manufacture a "bleep". So when I write naughty words, I can tag it with the "bleep" tag and you could have it ready for when you get to the naughty bit. Then instead of reading it you press a key and " bleep" instead of the naughty word... simples!

Then I thought what if I went on Dragon''s Den and asked them for £25 to get my Bleep Company.con up and running?? Whaddya think.

I could ask Theo Flapperfeetis, and Deborah Dour Curr, and snooty Peter Smugface Jones for their expert opinions (yeah right!). What I could then do with that £25 is by loads of biccies. put me feet up have a cuppa and get everyone on Health Unlocked to manufacture bleeps for me. It's something we can all do at home, in our spare time between flares and to suit ourselves, depending on whether we can stay awake or not. I think it's brilliant, even though I say so myself.

On another note... how the heck can you be awake and unable to sleep at 4 a.m. in the morning, one minute but only a few days ago have a marathon 18 hour sleep-in when not even World War III would have got a look in?

You've got to just love RA haven't ya... huh?

Have a good day y'all x

12 Replies
Tricia-P profile image


You are nuts in the nicest way, you must have been watching the telly ad with granmas knit shreddies. Now would we knit a beep, but we had a blog on knitting and we don't. sew a beep, no. so maybe I should get the educational teething toy I bought my newgrandbaby that has a beep on it. I will then get Elliot his 2 going on super genious older brother to show granma how to make one.

we would have to keep the beeps in a tin so they don't get out when it's a good word.

Now re your sleepathon I did something similar last year, I felt that I'd got a something, not perticularly painful RA wise but not right. i took my self off to bed on Sunday evening at 7 and got back out of it at 4 oclock on the Monday.

then i remembered my Mum saying that you must have needed it.

she used to say that a lot, when my little one Vic was playing mud pies and ate the mud she said she must be missing some minerals or something it won't hurt her. Thanks Mum!!

gentle hugs to all


in reply to Tricia-P

I think I might go the knitted beep Tricia... yes and my mum always said that. I'd be thinking there's something wrong her I am so tired and ought to have more energ. what do you think is wrong Mum? Ah well you must have needed it... bless her and God rest her beautiful soul. If you are watching Mum... Love ya xxx

emandedmum profile image

I have bad dreams which leave me lying awake for what seems hours. I dreamt that last night my neighbour opposite was having a baby (very unlikely) and I was helping her during the birth (also higly unlikely as I'm so clumsy and would probably drop it). I also dreamt that another neighbour was 'fixing' our drains but really filling them with jelly causing a lot of flooding! I have searched the web and can't find anything in any dream dictionary on the subject...so I've come to the conclusion that I might actually be insane....

in reply to emandedmum

You and me both Jo! Good innit... x

emandedmum profile image
emandedmum in reply to

I'm not sure I should be allowed out...

Tricia-P profile image

I'm sure we are all mad and probaly living in a virtual world, like one of those old films where the men wore tight shiny babygrows, and the women were always blonde and they would have on a very short tunic, tights and kinky boots.

There would always be the voice that made them do whatever.

We are the ones that are in status, plugged into a computer and being tortured with RA to find ways of stopping pain.

I blame the cheese, or maybe to much oramorph la la la la de la


emandedmum profile image
emandedmum in reply to Tricia-P

What "old" films have you been watching?!

It could be porn by the sound of it Jo.... hehehehe

emandedmum profile image
emandedmum in reply to

Ooer Julie! :)

Hi Julie, OMG (bleep) LOL... I just read all that, and the comments and couldn't make head nor tail of it!!

Yo lot going mad or shall we just blame the RA!!

mand xx

Oh I thought it as a good idea!???? Must be the tablets. I shall go back into my corner and sulk now..... :-(

Only joking... x

hmm I was on line in the small hours good old ra not up to blogging between oooo and 6000 though due to brain shut down...

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