ANTI TNF: So many questions I ask, but are these drugs... - NRAS


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So many questions I ask, but are these drugs a cure for RA.

Do the nasty symptoms dissapear?

Thanks for reading, yet another question I ask xxxxx

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10 Replies

I just started on Cimzia 3 weeks ago and as it's a fortnightly injection I have only done twice so far. Feeling ok, however have to report just got my last ESR results which have halved!!!! Sorry for exclamation marks but they haven't been near this level in a year (except immediately after steroids). I think it is unfortunately very much a personal thing and what works for one will not necessarily work for others, I have not responded hugely to MTX and no results at all with Hydroxychloroquine so it was the next step for me. Some people get on great wth MTX alone so it really in trial and error.

I really hope I do start to see a physical improvement soon, must try to stay hopeful xx

Gina_K profile image

Sadly, there is no known 'cure' for Rheumatoid arthritis. All medications can hopefully do is slow down or even stop the progression of the disease, (joint damage). Anti Tnf or biologics are the most up to date disease odifying drugs.


cathie profile image

No cure but great improvement. Ive been on anti tnf for aboyt ten years and it has put me back on my feet. No time thus moening but i coukd write more later if no one else does

Xx c

reikimaster The straight answer is, unfortunately, NO. I have had RA for over 10 years, I am male, 66 and was disgustingly fit until I got RA (and a few other things) about 10 years back.

I have been on HUMIRA self-inject every 2-weeks since December and am happy with it. I am currently (this is my fourth day) having my first flare-up since then. Almost four months without a flare-up is fine by me, in fact a huge bonus! My dogs, who suspect both my legs are broken, are looking forward to going out for a walk soon. Cathie's comment above is spot-on. Anti TNF helps to get you back on your feet. Determination - and a wee bit of medical support - keeps you there!

I am ably supported by my GP Surgery and Nurses, my specialist RA Nurse and my Consultant. Make sure you form a bond with your Specialist and GP Nurses; they should be your brand new best friends! I consider myself to be very lucky.

If anyone tells you they have found 'the cure' (vinegar, honey whatever), check the date to make sure it is not 1 April.

Finally, accept the bad days - and celebrate the good ones!. I am very fortunate to be supported by NHS Scotland. Good luck.

Accept the bad and celebrate the goods days is EXCELLENT advice from bmc875. I too have recently started on Cimzia (6wks) apart from rash on 2nd wk, all o.k. - no major improvements -yet ! But I CAN reach out to my window sill now, so slight improvement there! Have had RA since I was 24 and am now 61, so have tried all sorts of drugs. To be kept mobile is my aim in, reikimaster, life goes on but very different to any plans you had. What are your side effects? If they are worse than the RA, tell your GP. Don't suffer in silence; its your body and your life! Good luck.xx

although not a cure it has made a 90% improvement to me, no flare since starting 7 months ago, for me, it's a cure for for now!

I think being given an anti-tnf (after failing 3 dmard's) within 6 months of my symptoms starting has played a huge part in it working so well for me as it didn't have time to do any real damage...

cherry2 profile image

Hi, as others have said, there is no cure but anti tnf can help in slowing it down and prevent permanent joint damage. I have been on cimzia for a year now and on a daily bais have alot less pain and stiffness. You may want to go on '' where you can hear peoples experiences of several ant tnf treatments, best wishes.

Thank you all for you posative comments.

Feeling a bit down, its really been a bad few weeks for me with the pain, fatigue,and intense sharp pains..

Had another Steroid injection last Tuesday but they dont seem to be doing a deal, I only had one on the 3rd March-then as I say again last Tuesday. My Rheume doc says when I go back in May, we will chat about the anti TNF

Will I be able to weight train again?- do you think?

I do light weight training( machine weights) to strengthen muscles around my joints, exercise should be done slowly/ gently and depends on individual conition, when first ill I had Arthritis symptons v bad in my spine too, I did core stengthening execise with a gym/ for ball to strengthen abdominal./ spinal muscles to support my spine. it paid off x

This is what I want to hear.

Are you on the biologic's yourself? If so are you finding that you can do all the thing's you did before your diagnosis.

Iv'e not been able to do any exercises for about 5 weeks now due to fatigue, hand grip and body soreness. This is so damn inconvenient

Best wishes Caroline .

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or two? Sounds daft I know but new drugs are scary things! Thanks in advance. Alison