As I sat in the waiting room yesterday my right hand started to play up as it does and when I put my hand in my pocket and pulled out my Schwartz Spice Bottle I got a few weird looks as I put it into the palm of my hand and closed my fingers, the person sat next to me said he uses various dumbbell's and when I explained the contours on the bottle are ideal for your fingers as you can turn it round to suit the size of your hands and your fingers can bend so far and don't dig into the palm, then he sat and tried it then passed it on to the next person and so on and they are sitting smiling and said they would try it the next time their hands fare up, then into see my Rheumy again it's still in my hand and get a strange look from him till I explain and he sat with this for the duration of my consultation and said what a great idea and he would tell other patients and his Physio teams and OT teams, I know everyone tries different ways and aids to help but I do not go anywhere without my spice bottle if you have one give it a try you have nothing to lose. mattcass
My Schwartz Spice Bottle caused a Stir !! at my Rheum... - NRAS
My Schwartz Spice Bottle caused a Stir !! at my Rheumy Visit.

Brilliant idea. A great innovation.
Hi Matt,
That sounds a really good idea. Do you mind if we include it in our 'tips & tricks' section of the next NRAS magazine? It's always good to share these helpful ideas with others.
I assume it is this type of bottle you use:
Brilliant idea.xx
Going to give that a go thank you x
good idea. I HAVE recently started squeezing a squash ball!!, to improve hand strength.. my partner has drawn a face on it too!! (a personal trainer came up with the idea. physio is a joke at my hosp now at least six weeks for an appointment then you get 10 min!!
What a great idea! I have a hand sized squashy sheep (given to me as a promotion by an agricultural business) but it's not really the right shape, so I think I'll put it out to pasture and take up a spice bottle instead.... Polly
Fab idea
I use one off these kids sqeezy toys and I also use them for my toes too, so I can try to pick it up with the toes that haven't fused,
These are loads softer than the stress balls and make my daily range off moment exercises so much easier for my hands
thank you for sharing this. I also have RA in my hands and will certainly try when I get back home. I am sure I have some in my cupboard. Many thanks, Sue