Morning everyone, i am with the early bird club again. As you know i have been away at the weekend. I had my friend down from driffield for a week as my son was up there he kndly brought her down and we took her back. We had a lovely time all in,despite the fact we were both suffering with pain. Hers was all down her leg and at times she just had to go back to bed. My problem is my other hand is flaring badly at the moment and i find i am very tearful as well. I have done an awful lot of walking as my friend was using my scooter. I have overdone it with the walking and i am paying for it now. I think it is good as i am seeing the knee surgeon on wednesday so he will be able to see it as it is. The knee itself is working very well,the only thing is the swelling won't go down.
Also last thursday i saw the eye specialist about my eyes. He has said that the cauterisation in my right eye wasn't the success that it should have been. I have wondered what was wrong with it and said that though my left eye swells up,its my right eye that is causing the most pain. He put a plug in and said it might have to be done again too and i told him i was happy to have it done again as i saw much improvement afterwards. Anyway the upshot of this plug should have made my eye less painful not more,so i don't know what to do about. I am seeing him again in a couple of months time. I willo monitor it and see how it goes.
So here i am playing catch up with all your blogs and it seems i am not the only one suffering so i will give you all a collective hug from me.xxxx