Hi all you wonderful people. Hope you are all having as much pain free time as possible and enjoying a little sun.
Last time I blogged I was explaining about working full time and how tired I was all the time and finding my work very difficult because of the tiredness.
Well since then I have had a bit of a battle trying to agree with my boss about reducing my hours on a temporary basis hoping this will help with fatigue. He did agree he could see i was struggling and my health seemed to be deteriorating, but Unfortunately I didn't get much support from him or HR and in the end I got myself into such a state. I had an appointment with my GP anyway for some results from my rheumatologist and when he found out I was struggling and was getting myself into a bit of a state he signed me of sick and gave me a letter to say that my hours had to be reduced. That was 4 weeks ago? My GP refused to let me go back until my employer agreed with his recommendations, 4 weeks later they have finally agreed, whoopee, so I return to work tomorrow and will work a shorter day which hopefully will give me a little more time to recover. But they have stated that this is short term only and must visit their occupational health and be assess by him. But one step at a time and at least I have my GP and Rheumatologist supporting me. But this is a typical example of not understanding what we all go and are going through. So thanks guys for all your help and advice, one battle won for now. Here's hoping you all have as much pain free time this week as possible. Be blessed.