A very long introduction to my life with RA... - NRAS


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A very long introduction to my life with RA...

6 Replies

My name is Ann, I'm 43, live in London & I was diagnosed with RA in September 2010. I've also had Hypothyroidism for at least 15 years. I'm married to the long suffering Michael and have 5 children aged between 27 & 9. To make life a little more interesting, my 17 year old son has Asperger's Syndrome & my 16 year old son has High Functioning Autism. I also worked part time until last June when RA entered my life.

I was very lucky that once I finally went to my G.P. with a variety of strange symptoms in June, I was referred very quickly to my local hospital and seen by a Rheumatologist in August. As I knew nothing at all about RA, by that stage I had convinced myself that my symptoms were due to peri-menopause, stress, depression or even Munchhausens! It was quite a shock when the Rheumatologist made an urgent referral for me to be seen the following week at the Rheumatology clinic at another hospital.

Having had blood tests, scans, x-rays and finally a biopsy of the synovial membrane, I started treatment: methotrexate, sulfasalzine, prednisone & folic acid. I went home clutching loads of drug leaflets, weekly blood test stickers, red methotrexate book and a follow-up appointment for 12 weeks.

I hate taking drugs and having read the leaflets was scared that they were going to kill me off quite quickly. Luckily, I'm a bit of an internet junkie so quickly found the NRAS and phoned them for some information and advice. They were brilliant and talked me through all my anxieties about the medication and within days a huge pack of information arrived in the post.

I'm usually quite quick on the uptake, but for some reason I still didn't register exactly what this diagnosis was going to mean to me and my family. I thought that once I started taking the drugs I would be cured or at least able to function normally again. I had some side effects but nothing I couldn't handle so persevered through the increasing methotrexate doses until I reached 20mg weekly. By my 12 week check up, it was apparent to everyone that I wasn't getting any better and the RA was progressing quite aggressively. Hydroxychloroquine was added to the mix and I was weaned off the prednisone as it was having no effect. I had another "the side effects are going to kill me or make me go blind" wobble but once I had my eyes checked as instructed, I started on this drug too.

By the end of February I was going slightly mad with lack of sleep and pain and burst into tears at a routine monthly blood test visit to the hospital. I was extremely embarrassed and kept apologising for being a wimp but the nurse was lovely and said she'd get the Doctor to see me. Having examined me and put up with my sobbing apologies, the Doctor gave me a steroid injection to take the edge off and said that she felt I needed to be referred for Anti-TNF treatment as soon as I reached 6 months since starting the combination drug treatment deadline.

Now I'm waiting for that to happen and adjusting to my new life. Although I've accepted I've got RA, I'm still in the "maybe they've made a mistake" phase and the "I hate not being able to do normal things" frame of mind. I have also begun a course of CBT & Mindfulness to help me learn some strategies to deal with the whole range of emotions this diagnosis has brought with it.

Looking forward to reading everybody else's blogs and sharing stories and experiences to make life with RA more manageable. I also have a rather dark sense of humour and am really rubbish at political correctness so I will apologise in advance now in case I put my foot in it.

Apologies for the extremely long introductory post, but now it's over I promise that all future posts will be a lot shorter!

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6 Replies

Hi Ann, I'm new to Blogging and would just like to say hello. Having just read your blogg I can truly say that so many things you said and probably many others know what you are going through.I've had RA for 16yrs and still find it difficult, I know I have come to terms with my condition but still have so many days that feel like why me!! I read with interest about your children having Asperger's and one having Autism. I understand a little about (and I say a little)

this as my niece as four children and her eldest age12 as both of these conditions (sorry if conditions is not the correct word) so I'm sure you have your hands full to say the least.

unfortunately due to the RA I only have one child who is 16 next week, but he as always given me the strength I need to carry on along with the total love and support of my long suffering hubby!

Hope you get your Anti-TNF soon as I know from experience it will help, there are three different type of Anti-TNF so I'm sure you will find one to suit. Eventually all the drugs you take for your RA will just be part of your everyday life as will your change in emotions I'm afraid! Good days bad days but most of all think positive and if your feel like crying just let it out you will feel so much better after. mand xx

hi good luck, how do you get mindfullness or cbt ,or counselling, I Have had none

Thanks mand & summer for your comments.

My local carers network put on some taster CBT & Mindfulness sessions which were really good. I then referred myself for the full courses and was lucky enough to get them. They are not disability or carer specific but the strategies are universal.

Gina_K profile image

Love your blog have much in common, also hypo throid for years! good luck with the anti tnf, I am on Humira injections twice a month and they have helped me greatly get back to 'normal'. I think you will find a great improvement, when you get going. I also take 20mg meth wkly and plaquinil, I was on steroids for nearly two years and just got off them at Xmas. Will never go on them again if I can help it gained so much weight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Annknitsphere...welcome to the blog site...I have also been hypothyroid for 22 years..............Hey do ya think me you and Gina were triplets in a former life!! S x

Thanks Gina_K & Wonky. Obviously we all have jumped into auto-immune world with both feet thanks to RA & dodgy thyroids :-)

I'm also struggling with my weight Gina. I lose some then have a bad day/week/month and put it all back on + more. I'm intending to jump back on the healthy eating wagon again tomorrow but I'm sure I can already hear that bar of chocolate in the fridge screaming for my attention!

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