I'm back, and I kind of hope there's no one... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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I'm back, and I kind of hope there's no one here I know ;)

Incy_Wincy profile image
41 Replies

Hi, I'm back, having successfully quit for a couple of years, then massively fallen off the wagon, and now finally feeling able to go again. This is it - this time Incy Wincy will get it right and then won't have to try again hahaha :)

Day two, going very well except for a bit of a mass-crave last night when the other half poured me wine. But I got through that. Didn't sleep very well so perhaps I can doze through some of today to make it go quicker!

If you were here with me last time round, I'd love to know how you're getting on, and if there's anyone that needs a buddy, I'm up for making a new support network :)

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Incy_Wincy profile image
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41 Replies
Whale1 profile image
Whale13 Months Smoke Free

HiI'm a recent quitter after 48 years of smoking. 3 months in, really glad to have finally quit an almost lifelong nicotine addiction. Have you read Allen Carr Easy way to stop smoking? I stopped half way through reading it. It explains everything and if you really want to quit it dispels all the myths and excuses we make to keep smoking.

Good luck, you know you can do it, the cravings reduce over time and things keep improving, breathing, sleeping more even moods no longer feel so stressed. Now walking 5k every day and feeling great!

Incy_Wincy profile image
Incy_Wincy in reply to Whale1

I did read alan carr last time around - this time I definitely know how to do it, I just feel like such a massive wally for putting myself back in this position! Congrats on your quit Whale1! You've got this :)

Whale1 profile image
Whale13 Months Smoke Free in reply to Incy_Wincy

ThanksDon't beat yourself up it can happen to us all. At least you are back on the horse! Must admit alcohol does bring on cravings so have to be really strong and say to self I know what you're doing and you're not going to win! At least now hardly think about smoking which is amazing considering how long I smoked. I would advise reading Allen Carr again I keep it on permanent standby! Good luck 👍


Incy_Wincy profile image
Incy_Wincy in reply to Whale1

I gave Allen to a friend! Oh, I think I also have him on kindle though...

Alcohol, yes, me too. But today I feel like pretty much everything I do, say, or see is a trigger!

Whale1 profile image
Whale13 Months Smoke Free in reply to Incy_Wincy

Know what that feels like. Drink a glass of water or any distracting thing so that the cravings pass. Failing that eat a biscuit! Remember you are not giving anything up, you are stopping and will be free of the tyranny of smoking, the need to smoke to relieve the nicotine craving. The ups and downs that brings, let alone the smell, disgusting taste and cost! You'll get there. 🤗

Icandothisme profile image
Icandothisme in reply to Whale1

Ha xx I have a couple of vodkas when I get the craving. It helps

Whale1 profile image
Whale13 Months Smoke Free in reply to Icandothisme

Know what you mean on 2nd glass of red wine xx

Adele_Julia profile image

I’m failing g miserably at stopping smoking. I’m open to all suggestions!!

Whale1 profile image
Whale13 Months Smoke Free in reply to Adele_Julia

HiWhat are you smoking?

Adele_Julia profile image
Adele_Julia in reply to Whale1

I had to laugh because, yes, "What am I smoking" that I can't quit. I smoke Menthol cigarettes. Have tried the Nicorette patches but break out in a horrible rash and I also have Metastatic Breast Cancer. Thinking about Chantix. I also bought the Nicorette fake cigarettes which do nothing. I'm an oral person so not having something to chew on whether it be ice or a pen cap .. grr. I need to stop, do a great job but then find myself dumpster diving for an old cigarette butt. How pathetic is that ~ ! LOL

Whale1 profile image
Whale13 Months Smoke Free in reply to Adele_Julia

Bless youSorry to hear about your diagnoses, keep strong.

If you really want to quit try reading Allen Carr easy way to stop smoking. You are not addicted to cigarettes but nicotine. It is the most addictive substance in the world, no wonder the crafty tobacco companies added it. The weird thing is, it only takes 3 days for nicotine to leave your body and 3 months or so to leave your brain. You just have to learn to distract when the cravings start. I have managed this after 48 years of smoking with the help of the book, I stopped all patches and lozenges half way through reading it. Suddenly it all made sense. Yes, it's true, sometimes the cravings are bad and I'm forced to eat something to get through it! Yes, I've put on 10lbs but I don't care, it's 3 months now and I still haven't fallen off the wagon!

Good luck with it all .

Adele_Julia profile image
Adele_Julia in reply to Whale1

Excellent suggestion ! I'm ordering the book now

Whale1 profile image
Whale13 Months Smoke Free in reply to Adele_Julia

Brilliant, have an open mind, he does repeat some stuff but it's intended to undo the brainwashing all us smokers have swallowed over the years and dispels all the excuses we make for smoking. 😀

Adele_Julia profile image
Adele_Julia in reply to Whale1

Gotcha. Thanks so much again !

Incy_Wincy profile image
Incy_Wincy in reply to Adele_Julia

I agree that book is really really useful - properly puts a lot of stuff in perspective. I'm vaping a little bit this time round - just a very low nicotine content and only when a really tough craving happens. It definitely saw me through those first few days. You can do this Adele, we all can :)

Adele_Julia profile image
Adele_Julia in reply to Whale1

I got the book !!!!! LOVE it ! I'm an oral type of person. Meaning I need to have ice in my mouth, a pen cap .. something. No question that alot of this is anxiety over my MBC diagnosis. Started reading the book - intellectually, everything is on point. For me, my go to is sitting on the porch with my dogs with a cup of coffee....I have a lot going on and my Onc (Oncologist) says, maybe not but try. The most important thing is mitigating stress. I think I'm doing OK. Admittedly, I'm not. I actually "dumpster dove" into my trashcan looking for a pathetic cigarette butt this morning over my blood results ! LOL. I'm trying tho xoxxo

Icandothisme profile image
Icandothisme in reply to Adele_Julia

Hi. Try Allan Carr stop smoking audio book and Champix tablets from the doctor. It's working for me.

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Hey Incy_Wincy , so good to hear from you. Sorry that you are beginning your journey again but well done for getting back on the horse.

I am hitting 6 years smoke free in September, which seems surreal. Still get the odd craving that lasts a few seconds but thankfully shrug it off....

How are you getting on now?

Incy_Wincy profile image
Incy_Wincy in reply to RoisinO1

Oh Roisin! How lovely that you're still here cheerleading! Six years coming up, I'm really pleased for you! So happy and not at all jealous...(one for any Friends fans)

I'm doing well, I think. MAssive crave on the way home from work tonight - first evening of my weekend, other half is not here, faced very real risk of jumping off the wagon. But I didn't, even though I had to go to the shop for milk. Phew!

Seven days exactly in,,,2hrs 13mins and 55seconds!

Icandothisme profile image
Icandothisme in reply to Incy_Wincy

Well done you. It is hard but will definitely be worth it in the long run x

CocoaXChange profile image
CocoaXChangeValued Contributor

Hi Incy_Wincy. Glad you decided to return to your quit. You have done it before, so you know you can do it again. For keeps this time.

I think I'm a week or two behind Roisin for six years. Still get craves if I'm in a bar with smokers, and I seem to smoke frequently in my dreams. I'm sure there is some meaning to that 😀

Incy_Wincy profile image
Incy_Wincy in reply to CocoaXChange

Oh lord I remember soooo many smoking dreams from last time round! I think I remember your name from last time, too. Good for you with the big old nearly six years :)

Petesake9 profile image

Hi Incy Wincy. I’ve just had the health scare of my life. Thought I coughed up blood. Freaked. Doctor then A and E/X-ray of lungs plus blood tests showed nothing. Then realised it was just a bit of gum disease so bled from gums. However, put the fear of god in me so NO MORE SMOKING. Determined as a bit too close to the bone. 😬

Whale1 profile image
Whale13 Months Smoke Free in reply to Petesake9


I am having a lot of trouble with bleeding gums too. It seems when you smoke, it severely reduces blood circulation in the mouth therefore hiding gum disease. Lots of Corsodil helps. Good luck

Petesake9 profile image
Petesake9 in reply to Whale1

Hello! Thank you so much for replying to me. I didn’t realise that about the gum thing. I’m now eleven days not smoking. Going in and out of breathlessness. Suffering through it. Very odd. At times I feel like I can take deep breaths like I haven’t been able to for ages. Then I’m chilling and suddenly my chest is super tight. Has anyone else had such an experience?

merriden profile image

I'd have been scared witless! Thank goodness it's minor. But also an underscoring that your decision was the best for you! Stay safe and stay well, nicotine-free. 😊

Petesake9 profile image
Petesake9 in reply to merriden

Thank you. I thought I was a gonner. Staring at the waving trees, thinking of how I should savor my remaining precious time on the planet. Truly a game changer.

Petesake9 profile image
Petesake9 in reply to merriden

What’s more, I’ve got children. Oh, despite the Pete name, I’m a woman. The name came from “oh for Petes sake, just f...... stop why doncha! The 9 being nine lives, like a car. How many chances can a girl ask for before you’ve used em up! Anyhow, I was thinking, during my seemingly dying days, what a selfish idiot I’d been to leave my teenage children bereft of a mother at such a young age. For a plant I couldn’t drop. I mean, geeeeeeez......😐

Petesake9 profile image

By the way. All that being said. Unbelievably, I’m still jonesing and having to hold it down. Now THATS an addict. Taking it a day at a time. Crazy how our mind plays tricks on us. Any tips would be appreciated. I meant nine lives like a cat in my earlier text. Not a car😁

merriden profile image
merriden in reply to Petesake9

I'm no major like some of the peeps around here (only about 4 months) but as I sit in bed, I'd luv a wretched fag! But I will not be hi-jacked by nicotine again. We here in SA have biltong (dried meat) or dried wors (sausage). That's for the scary moments! Chomp some celery or gum. One of our company smoked a straw.So, keep your 'no' in place - we've got your back!

Petesake9 profile image
Petesake9 in reply to merriden

Thanks for your reply Merriden. Had a rough day yesterday. Smoked a couple of marijuana butts my addict neighbour threw down from upstairs. Plus a butt of my neighbours that contained the combo weed and “the devil’s weed”, that being tobacco. Personally, I think whatever smoked thing you breathe into your lungs is straight from hell. As my weakened state of health is a testament to. Anyhow, today’s a new day with new resolutions. As my lungs hurt when I smoke, it’s getting easier to stop for longer stints. Hoping today is the beginning of the end of my smoking saga. So tired of it!

merriden profile image
merriden in reply to Petesake9

Listen, Petesake, you're a human and like the rest of us, the weaknesses show up when we're trying to do something difficult. Don't beat yourself up, accept and move to the next level. Try the 3x rule. Urge only lasts for 3 minutes - can you stick it out? Brush your teeth again, suck on a stick of celery, but do something with both mind and hands. It helps. If you can do it once, you can do it twice. Take it slowly, one urge at a time. We're here to help each other. Hpoe this does.

merriden profile image
merriden in reply to merriden

By the way, bake mj cookies, lasts longer. 😆

Petesake9 profile image
Petesake9 in reply to merriden

Aaaah yes. I’ve taken weed in edible form. That’s been my new resolution. Helps a lot to keep in mind I can still catch a buzz without smoking it. Deffo. It’s the habit of smoking that got me by the huevos(as they say in Mexico). But your kind suggestion is definitely helping me through the withdrawal stage😅⭐️

Petesake9 profile image
Petesake9 in reply to merriden

Ok. I’m going to try the 3Xs rule which I’d never heard of. Thank you for the tip.👍🙂

Petesake9 profile image
Petesake9 in reply to Petesake9

Btw, I’ve never done this anonymous chat thing. It’s great as I’m able to admit how low I’ve stooped with this smoking thing. I think it’s prolly good to get it out there, mortifying as it may be.....

Whale1 profile image
Whale13 Months Smoke Free in reply to Petesake9

Just read your profile. Might be best to stop mariuana for at least 3 weeks before quitting smoking. You cannot stop smoking until you can quit the former. One thing at a time .Once you stop smoking, or should I say, stop being addicted to the nicotine they cleverly put into tobacco to keep us addicted. It takes 3 days for the nicotine to leave your body and around 3 months to leave your brain. In that time you will have cravings. Drink water, deep breathing and do anything to distract until it passes. Read Allen Carr Easy way to stop smoking, I stopped half way through the book and have been smoke free for 3 and a half months. I have more or less stopped coughing, can breathe through my nose, sleep so much better and feel freed!

I will never smoke again, I'm done with the tyranny of smoking. My house now smells sweet as do I! If your congestion does not improve, see your GP. Good luck, stick with it ,you know it makes sense.

merriden profile image
merriden in reply to Whale1

On that note Whale1, I have a great-granddaughter who loves talc and fragrances. I buy her some body sprays to keep her away from the good stuff. There is one she likes particularly and because I can smell again, I sprayed some into the air today and found out why she likes it so much!

Whale1 profile image
Whale13 Months Smoke Free in reply to merriden

Good for you glad things have improved anazing how the small things make such a difference 👍

Mike2105 profile image

Hi, I trying to quit for the who knows which time. I'm trying to give up vaping, I managed to kick the cigs years ago but now vape far more than I ever smoked. I'm new to this site, thought having a network of people in a similar boat might help this time round.


Yoghurt60 profile image
Yoghurt60 in reply to Mike2105

Hi mike2015, I gave up fags and did vaping, Thought if I used low strength I’d be ok…. 9 years I vaped and like you vaped more than I smoked wax forever in my mouth…then thought all the toxins from the oil going in my body…. Didn’t know what was worse fags or vape…..so went back on the Fags for couple years…. Had two chest infections and coughs over last couple months and thought enough is enough …. Went cold turkey and now on day 10….getting easier every day, so my friend give up the vaping, read the Allan carr book, free download on Amazon….. lots of support here too, I used to smoke menthol some bought extra string mints snd suck on one of them if I need a hit … good luck xxxx

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