Day 30, still smoke free, but getting numerous strong feelings about the need for a cigarette. On reflection, it appears that those craving feelings, are no longer cravings, but merely memories of things I used to do with my old unwanted friend, nicotine. After a very short distraction and I mean short, less than a minute, I can push that old learned memory out of my mind & get on with my day. I have noticed that those thoughts of smoking are becoming less frequent, but they are definitely tied to things I used to do in the past, like relaxing after a meal or snack, with a cigarette. The thought of that right now, just makes me more determined to stay a NON-SMOKER.
For everyone out there wandering about cravings, they really do get easier to shrug off, the longer you have been a non-smoker. Just find a distraction, my son suggested that I use his fidget spinner every time I wanted a smoke. I know, it sounded that way to me too, but I really need something to do with my hands, so I gave it a try (combined with going outside for a minute). It is actually helping loads, thank you son for your suggestion.