I am 5 days clean. Determined non smoker thanks to the aid of patches. Send prayers.
I am 5 days clean. Determined non smoker thanks to the aid of patches. Send prayers.
hi casinolife
welcome to our little family 😊
what a positive post 😁
you have chosen to do a great thing.you can do this.,its not easy but you should read pinned post and look at peoples story's.
keep busy,keep mind busy,
you can do this,
take care 😊
keep kicking 😎
Stay busy....you got this...
Great to hear an update from you casinolife on your new journey, well done on 5 days, please stay close to us and post anytime, if struggling, do up an SOS post, we are here to help you
Keep on keeping on You can do this.
How is things Chinnup - is the anxiety settling down?
It's still there, but not as intense thank Roisin, practicing mindfulness has been helpful.
Mindfulness? Fellow anxiety survivor. Is this new?
Hi Exsmo, I've downloaded a couple of mindfulness apps to my phone - Smiling Mind and Stop think Breathe, but there are plenty of others if you google, plus I've been listening to some guided meditations by Meditation Vacation on Youtube - the guided medications really relax me and aid sleep, and I think over time they will help my anxiety - they help to retrain the brain to focus on positives and be in the moment, rather than dwelling on negatives that feed anxiety. Give them a whirl
Casinolife 5days is great. Well done & keep up the great work! Prayers going up. We all need em eh?
Thank you Exsmi, much needed and appreciated. Have been sleeping in all spare time, is that normal also
It was for me. Couldnt stay awake. Felt drugged
. Was told its bc your body is healing in so many ways you're not even aware of.
It doesnt last too long and you will be better than your smoking normal sooner than you think. I promise. Will just take a little time.
You are worth it!
Be good to you and rest as much as possible & drink lots of water to help speed healing.
Thanks, was starting to get concerned. Slept with patches on several times and wow, vivid vivid dreams. Kinda liked but scary.
Better off removing them before bedtime. Will be so glad when warm weather returns. In TN and its cold!
Hey casinolife - tiredness is a very common withdrawal from nicotine (insomnia, sleep disruption too which I had). Might be better to take off the patches while in bed as can't smoke while you sleep unless you have the horrible 'Smoking' dreams - still have an odd one and over 2 years stopped
Below is a pinned post to some common withdrawals worth a read if not already done so:
Bitterly cold here in Ireland too with snow and freezing sub temperatures.....
We BELIEVE IN YOU!!! Well done on 5 days!