Hello, my name is Roisin, and today, I have not smoked for 1 Year, 12 Months, 52 Weeks, 8,760 Days, 525,600 Minutes and 31,536,000 Seconds...... I have re-gained 70 days life expectancy, saved €7,290 and resisted 9,115 cigarettes!
On Wednesday, 17 September 2015, in the early hours of the morning, I put out my last cigarette and never looked back. I did it cold turkey as I just wanted the dreadful poison out of my system as soon as possible so the abuse I done to my body would start to heal straight away.
Week 1 to 4 were by far the toughest physically as my body began its extensive healing process which it will continue to do for many years to come after 25 years of heavy smoking. I went through every emotion there is from crying, laughing uncontrollably over nothing, sadness, frustration, loneliness, despair, panic, fear and anger that I was flying around like a wasp ready to sting all around me!
Week 4 to 24 (6 month mark) was the toughest mentally, from 8 weeks, Mr Nico was sniffing around again, wanting me to take him back, I did think about it many times, had the paranoia that he was making feel that I had left it too late, the damage is done and why was a going through this pain and suffering and if I just gave him one more chance all would be well and that I would feel so much better. I remained strong and resisted the one night stand!
Week 28 to 84 (12 month mark) was the best part of my journey as I was clearly seeing the benefits of not taking Mr Nico back. I feel fantastic and am still noticing things I had not done so since I was a child. Everything tastes and smells so much better. I see nature in a new light, everything looks so much more beautiful smoke free. I have experienced and enjoyed so much better nights out, eating out, holidays abroad (comfortably able to pay for a 4 star holiday), not anxious where I will be able to smoke, improvement in my appearance, smell better, speak better, no embarrassing smokers cough but the main benefit for me is that I really feel I have become a better person. I now deal with stress so much calmly and have overcome many curve balls in the past 12 months. I have gained so much more confidence in myself - I truly believe if I was still smoking, I would not of had the courage to embark on my new journey. My goal now is to continue to get healthier and fitter.
I know I could not have got to my 12 month mark without this community. I really mean it and can’t reiterate enough how much of a support it has been for me.
So, nearly there with my rambling - I can’t finish without giving some special mentions of unforgettable gratitude to some people who greatly helped me reach this milestone:
Hercu and his wonderful inspirational quotes that got me through my journey. Nozmo for being quitting buddies with me and giving me many a laugh with his Geordie banter and humour (which I love) and always being there. Hidden for sharing the same great musical taste as me and always keeping me kicking. Tracey3 for introducing us to a remarkable, strong and caring woman who never gives up quitting and brings a smile to my face with heartfelt unintentionally funny posts.
FordyP for sharing his Irish connections and being one of the strongest quitters here (I will always remember your post during your ski trip where you sat on the slope reflecting just maybe a week into your quit).
The rest I will just name as I have gone on enough but anyone not mentioned I hope to see each and everyone in our community at the Penthouse Party Saturday night! (Music by Nozmo, Drinks by Hercu and Buffet by Roisin!) So thank you for the support from Trem , Linda545 , mushen Lucy1255 Ruthess28 , Madzoya car-d , Putter Harkut ToniR and runmeg .
Will leave ye with this song that has been ringing in my head from I woke up...