Hello everyone: Hi all, I smoked my... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_62294 profile image
12 Replies

Hi all, I smoked my (hopefully) last cigarette on 31st May so I'm on day 13 today. I do have an ecig which I have occasionally used, generally if I drink so maybe once a week.

This is the second no smoking forum I joined, the other one was very anti nicotine in any form and the people seemed very pushy/bossy about NRT's and NOT using them. Yes I do aim to give it all up (I actually have a zero nicotine ecig tip also - started on 11mg, now on 6mg). I gave up smoking a few years ago for two months and started again on a night out drinking with smoking friends, so the ecig should prevent that.

I am however, in a much better place now as I honestly didn't want to quit last time so I was very negative and miserable. Now I really want to stop and I'm amazingly upbeat and positive. The only side effects (if it is one?) is I'm not sleeping very well at all, waking up every hour or so.

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nsd_user663_62294 profile image
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12 Replies
nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Well done Nicky- 13 days is a fantastic achievement! You should be very proud of nearly reaching the end of 2 smoke-free weeks.

As has been said, no-one here will judge you. Many regular forum posters have quit using e-cigs (and found them invaluable). It doesn't matter what method you use as long as it works for you (NRT, e-cigs, CT, Champix, murdering OH and kicking/eating/dismembering furniture, eating your body-weight in Pringles, it's all fine as far as we are concerned :D)

A big welcome to the forum from me and I hope you will share your journey with us. We're all in the same boat.

nsd_user663_62294 profile image

Thank you...all of you

Thanks so much for all of your lovely replies, certainly does seem very welcoming here.

Jenny - thank you for the sleep comment, so hoping it improves soon. I am currently menopausal (and have been for few years) so was unsure what was causing the waking on the hour every hour situation.

Skiddaw - On my last quit I very nearly did murder OH :eek: and this time I am eating my was through everything (off to purchase a bike later on today) :D

Tractorgirl and Sandbetweenmytoes - Thank you, 13 days does feel ****** great :):)

It will be nice to log in, post, and see how you are all getting on.

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

I am currently menopausal (and have been for few years) so was unsure what was causing the waking on the hour every hour situation.

Join the club Nicky! I think we'll have to set up a Menopausal Quitters social group. ;)

Could be either of course (I tend to wake a lot due to night sweats these days) but there are few of us that didn't experience sleep disturbance in the first few weeks of quitting. It does pass, honest, however irritating it feels at the time.

nsd_user663_2096 profile image

Hi Nicky,

I am on day 13 too, I am using everything I can get my hands on this time, I have read Allen Carr Stop smoking book, I have a relaxation and hypnotism app on my ipad and I am on Champix and I have used 0% nicotine e cig! I will quit this time! You have to do whatever works for you! Good Luck with your quit. xx

nsd_user663_62023 profile image

Welcome Nicky,

Good to meet you and well done on your quit.

Who cares how you get there just there!

nsd_user663_2096 profile image

Hi Nicky

How are you?

We can be quit buddies if your still about?

Hope you are staying strong!

Bev. x

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Hi Nicky, good to meet you, as said before there are lots of lovely people on here to support and help you along, will look forward to reading your posts :) xx

nsd_user663_62294 profile image

Just checking in

Hi Everyone

Wow, lots of replies and encouragement (not posted as been away for a couple of days). Day 19 today as still going strong! Still not sleeping much but it's very hot at night at the moment which doesn't help. I have now bought some Nightol herbal tablets so will be trying those tonight.

My hubby pointed out that my sleeping habits have completely changed as I used to lay awake for over an hour (fidgeting) every night but sleep fairly well after that, now I'm asleep before my head hits the pillow but awake an hour later, odd!

Anyone else have a horrible taste in their mouth? it's been noticeable for about 5 days now......

Befly - More than happy to be your quit buddy, not sure how you do that so feel free to message me.

Keep positive everyone :)

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Fantasic Nicky- aren't you doing well? :D

I know what you mean about the horrible (sort of chemically?) taste. I had that for around a month. I couldn't understand why everyone said things tasted better after quitting. It gradually passed off and then I really understood what everyone meant!

Nytol has worked for a lot of people here and I will keep my fingers crossed that you get a better night's sleep tonight. The sleep disturbance does wear off eventually...

Many congratulations from me on your 19 days. That really is fantastic. :)

nsd_user663_62343 profile image

I think I have finally decided to do it

Hello everyone

I have never posted before so forgive me if I make a mistake.

This morning I spontaneously made the decision to quit. I have no plan or support in place but I think today is the day!

It is with fear, sadness and excitement that I begin this journey. I have been reading some of posts and I am full of respect and admiration for you.

Any encouragement would be greatly received


nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Welcome to the forum Camellia :)

If my experience is anything to go by, you've made one of the best decisions you will ever make. Sometimes the spontaneous quits are the ones that work- it was similar for me in that whilst I had a long-range plan to quit I went for it earlier than I had originally planned.

You might want to start your own introductory thread rather than yours getting lost in the existing one. That way, you'll probably get more responses.

Everyone here is lovely :) and you'll find all the support, encouragement and advice you could possibly need. We're all in the same boat regardless of what stage of our quit we're at.

May your journey to permanent freedom be a mighty one. Do keep posting, reading and sharing your experiences with us.

nsd_user663_60655 profile image

Hi Camillia

How brave, well done. Not easy, if it were, none of us would be here looking for support and offering it too.

You made the best decision of your life. You will be discovering new found strength within you, both mentally and physically. They were killing us, no other way to look at this addiction.

It is all win win - your circulation and breathing improves, you won't stink and that is just for starters. You have no doubt read about weight gain. There is truth in that. Just some advice, it is said our metabolism slows down with cessation, so be conscious of that and if you don't want to gain weight, just revise what you buy and stock the fridge and cupboards with. In all fairness, you have to see the greater good, so a little weight gain is no big deal, but it is nice to have come through this unscathed. I gained a few lbs and can't seem to shed them. Now I realise, I should not have succumbed to all that comfort eating, or rather been more selective with what I stuffed my face with.

Just keep focused, keep the mindset, be positive and day by day, you will come out the other side a winner!

And visit this website religiously. Believe me it was what got me through the first stages. I really really couldn't have done it without 'here'. That you know you are not alone is of such solace.

'Bestest' of luck :)

Be strong


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