Hello everyone: I hope I'm in the correct... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Hello everyone

nsd_user663_6641 profile image
19 Replies

I hope I'm in the correct month!

I stopped smoking on the 23rd. October.

Am on patches and an inhalator.

Things are going really well so far and I've even managed to go a couple of days without the patches. It wasn't meant, I just realised at bedtime that I hadn't put one on.

I'm sixty-five and have smoked since I was around 25.

Have felt great since I stopped and am very chuffed that lots of people are commenting on how well I look, particularly my colour.

There are just certain times when I think about a cigarette, but I can't say it's a craving as such.

Cheers for now


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nsd_user663_6641 profile image
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19 Replies
nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Hi Dave

Welcome to the forum and well done on your quit so far. There is a lot of debate as to where we should all be but as you are into your second month of non smoking month 2 works for me.

It great to see such a positive post today...congratulations and I hope you keep going from strength to strength.

L :):)

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Hi Dave and welcome

Well done on your quit so far you are doing very well. Nice to have you in month two, bring wine!!

nsd_user663_5649 profile image

Hi Dave, welcome to the awesome Octoquit group... there's lots of wine and food, laughter and warmth and it is just as great a tool for quitting as tablets and patches :)

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

hi dave,

good on you mate! its great that your looking better. I think that peoples surprise and genuinely honest comments about how much better you look do really spur you on when quitting. Getting told you smell good is nice as well. Someone asked what washing powder i used the other day. I couldnt even remember :D

Now i wonder if my aftershave smells like persil lol

good sign that you are not noticing the patches, good luck with em!

welcome aboard :)

nsd_user663_6641 profile image

Thank you all for the nice welcome. It's great to know that there is support around.

I've been reading a lot of the threads and have gleaned plenty hints and tips from them.

I was particularly interested to read in one of the threads, can't remember which, that some people were experiencing a metalic taste in their mouths and were having bleeding gums. I am having that at the moment and was really worried about it. Knowing that it seems to be a symptom of stopping smoking, has cheered me up no end. All I need to know now is how long it lasts.

Any pointers would be most welcome.

Oh and talking of wine, I'm getting stuck into a bottle of Chardonay at this very moment. Ah bliss, puffing on my inhalator and sipping wine :)

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

I hope I'm in the correct month!

I stopped smoking on the 23rd. October.

Am on patches and an inhalator.

Things are going really well so far and I've even managed to go a couple of days without the patches. It wasn't meant, I just realised at bedtime that I hadn't put one on.

I'm sixty-five and have smoked since I was around 25.

Have felt great since I stopped and am very chuffed that lots of people are commenting on how well I look, particularly my colour.

There are just certain times when I think about a cigarette, but I can't say it's a craving as such.

Cheers for now


Hi Dave :D

Well done on your quit and yes you're in the right place

I'm pleased to hear that you're feeling great since you stopped and isn't it a lovely feeling when people comment on how well you look and forgetting to put a patch on a couple of times is a good sign as well

I'm also pleased that you're not craving any more but thinking about them is normal but it gets less and less the further you go OK

Below is my standard welcome and advice post which I try and give all new members

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathising with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here

are 2 I found very good to start you off whyquit.com and woofmang.com

Read,read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

This link is good for the psychological part of quitting whyquit.com/whyquit/A_Sympt...

Post often to let us know how you're doing, to rant, rave have a moan whatever you like pretty much anything goes on here OK



nsd_user663_6641 profile image

Things are going exceedingly well. Last weekend was spent Christmas shopping in Inverness and that, I was sure was going to be a bit of a problem. As it turned out, everything went smoothly, so much so, that I haven't put a patch on since last Sunday. I'm still having the very occasional "puff" of the inhalator, but if I didn't have it in my pocket, I wouldn't bother.

So to sum up, so far so good :)

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Things are going exceedingly well. Last weekend was spent Christmas shopping in Inverness and that, I was sure was going to be a bit of a problem. As it turned out, everything went smoothly, so much so, that I haven't put a patch on since last Sunday. I'm still having the very occasional "puff" of the inhalator, but if I didn't have it in my pocket, I wouldn't bother.

So to sum up, so far so good :)

Hi Dave, good to know things are still going well...

Stunningly beautiful part of the world you are from my friend...visted last April, awesome scenery....


nsd_user663_6641 profile image

Hi Dave, good to know things are still going well...

Stunningly beautiful part of the world you are from my friend...visted last April, awesome scenery....


Thanks Lorna. Why kill myself with fags while I'm surrounded by this wonderful scenery.

Where did you stay on Skye?

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Upper Milovaig.....but the whole island was breath taking

I'm orginally from West Lothian but had never ventured further north than Oban before. Nopw I live in Leeds and have marruied a Yorkshire man I feel I have to mkae more of an effort to visit my homeland....


nsd_user663_6641 profile image

Upper Milovaig.....but the whole island was breath taking

I'm orginally from West Lothian but had never ventured further north than Oban before. Nopw I live in Leeds and have marruied a Yorkshire man I feel I have to mkae more of an effort to visit my homeland....


Aye, the homeland always draws you back :)

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Hi Dave

Great to hear you doing so well and have not bothered with any patches in a week.

I used patches but hated them. They had their uses and were of immense help for the first couple of weeks, but I found they stunk of nicotine and came off them petty quickly much to my surprise. I did use an inhalator for a while (use of this increased when patches stopped) but after it being in my pocket for a couple of weeks without being used, I binned it.

Sounds like your ready to go it alone :cool: / :eek:

It'll be fine............... I mean, it has to be doesn't it.... not smoking won't kill us, just make us happily healthily moody for a while :p

Best wishes


nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Aye, the homeland always draws you back :)

Sorry about the spelling...

That is so ture...I get teary crossing the border and yet I have never been happier than since I moved to Leeds.... :confused:

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Lorna, you soppy thing. That sounds a wonderful mix. Your happy with your decision to live elsewhere but love going 'back'.. ideal :)

nsd_user663_6641 profile image

Hi Pol

The thing is that I only use one cartridge a day in the thing, so really it's a waste of time. I suppose knowing that it's there helps though.

Yes, I think I'm ready to go it alone now.



nsd_user663_5920 profile image

:o My one and only cartridge that I did replace in the inhalator last month was out of date.... it had to have been out of date as I bought them at least 3 years ago when I planned to quit but didn't. Of the pack of 6, there are 4 left. One was binned from within the inhalator when I found it last month, one stayed in there till I binned it ....... maybe that's the way to quit... use out of date stuff and find it so horrible that going without seems preferable ;)

I think your ready too Dave (go it alone) and all the best with it..... maybe don't change the cartridge any more but keep the inhalator close by as a 'comfort blanket'.... you'll do good :cool:

All the Best


nsd_user663_6641 profile image

That's a good idea Pol, thanks for that.

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Things are going exceedingly well. Last weekend was spent Christmas shopping in Inverness and that, I was sure was going to be a bit of a problem. As it turned out, everything went smoothly, so much so, that I haven't put a patch on since last Sunday. I'm still having the very occasional "puff" of the inhalator, but if I didn't have it in my pocket, I wouldn't bother.

So to sum up, so far so good :)

Hi Dave :D

I'm so pleased to hear everything is still going well for you even down to Xmas shopping without a crave in sight

Also patch free fpr a week that's great


Marg xx

nsd_user663_5956 profile image


Hi Dave

Welcome to the slightly mad month 2 forum group, but a nicer group you would not meet anywhere else online.

Keep going, and would love to visit Isle of Skye again but its so far for me.

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