Lost the quit..: Just had a fag... That's it... - No Smoking Day

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Lost the quit..

nsd_user663_2681 profile image
42 Replies

Just had a fag... That's it.... Back to day 1.......:(

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nsd_user663_2681 profile image
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42 Replies
nsd_user663_59777 profile image

Oh ****** hell! you were doing sooooo well:confused:

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Not anymore.... :(

nsd_user663_61085 profile image

Donna hun - there is forum day 1, and there is reality. Don't you dare confuse the two, no one that knows you needs to know this, so when you step out into the real world tomorrow - you are a non smoker still, believe it, live it and it will happen

Think of it as a virtual lapse, not a life defining error

Non smoker Donna is what the world knows, and will see tomorrow

Good luck


nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Gutted... But there we have it.... :(

nsd_user663_49415 profile image

Really sorry for the way you must be feeling but can quite understand why it happened.

This place needs to get its act together sharpish.

Done with it for now.

nsd_user663_52101 profile image

The only thing you can do is pick yourself up and start again:)

That fag didn't live up to expectations I bet...eh?

We live and learn:)

nsd_user663_61422 profile image

Don't beat yourself up Donna, it is what it is. I had a fag last night too...don't think I quite got over the one I had last Saturday. I still want to be a non smoker and so do you, so learn from it and move on. Big hugs xx

nsd_user663_61170 profile image

Oh dear well it's done now, don't be too hard on yourself.

If at first you don't succeed try try and try again:D

nsd_user663_61320 profile image

Fracking hec. How you doing this morning hon?

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Hiya not too great... Day 1 is not today lets put it that way.... An 11 week quit fully down the drain..... Brilliant.... :/

nsd_user663_51263 profile image

Donna, and Valsy, I know that feeling only too well from my numerous past quit failures. It's so easy to do but why we do it I just don't know!

Glad you're back on track again. Better luck this time.x

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Don't beat yourself up Donna, it is what it is. I had a fag last night too...don't think I quite got over the one I had last Saturday. I still want to be a non smoker and so do you, so learn from it and move on. Big hugs xx

Hey Val, sorry you had one too.....we do have to learn from it you are right... I hope we can both find our quits again soon xxx

nsd_user663_61320 profile image

I know I could never get straight back on the horse. Needed time to get to hate smoking again. I admire people who can do it but it never worked for me just delayed the time when I accepted I was smoking again.

Gutted for you mate.:mad:

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

If it's any consolation I actually do feel sick now.... :/.... I definitely don't recommend it...it's vile :(

nsd_user663_61320 profile image

:D Yeah that's the irony. We really do hate doing it even when we're doing it and it's such a disappointment. Now you know you don't need it as well after 11 weeks it must be even worse.

I really feel for you Donna.

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Sorry to hear that you lost your quit Donna :( I hope it's not too long before you get that fighting spirit back.

Before you get back onto the horse, do you know what the trigger was? Is it something you can bear in mind and be prepared for next time? How did you feel when you lit up the ciggie?

These are all questions that you might want to consider, so that you can relate to a similar situation (should it arise) in the future. I think that by sorting out that slip in your head you'll be much more confident the next time.

Good luck. x

nsd_user663_56673 profile image

Sorry to hear you lost your quit again Donna. Many times in the past I did exactly the same ...It really is only about having your head in the right place and once it is it really doesn't matter what life throws at you, you will succeed ...when you're ready to try again we'll be here :)

nsd_user663_61094 profile image

Gutted for you Donna. I know how hard you worked to keep this quit. Hugs x

nsd_user663_61429 profile image

Hi Donna & Val,

The vast majority of us have all been here and it is a horrible place to be BUT you still quit for all those weeks - they have not been wasted. This is a journey we are on and there are some pit stops and curves in the road, please try and look at it like that - it is not wasted.

Sending you a big hug,


nsd_user663_2681 profile image

thanks everyone... it is soley my own fault.. Im not blaming anybody or anything else for this... its just stress over recent times has proved too much... I hope to get back on board again very soon indeed...unfortunately, it wont be today xx

Ola44 profile image

Aaaw Donna, gutted for you. :(

Hope you feel strong enough to try again soon x

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Donna and Val,

So sorry. I'm sure you're both feeling a bit down in the dumps now but as others have said, no quit is wasted. It's all a test-flight for the biggie, which may well be the next one (and if Debs has her way it most certainly will be :D)

Perhaps you could become quit buddies?

Anyway, loads of love and hugs for me. Don't go away either of you will you? :)

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Hi Skiddaw, I am starting again tomorrow, I havent had a cig since this morning but Ive already ruined this as being day 1 so back to it tomorrow, I wont be smoking anymore today though xx

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Good idea to get back on it ASAP :)

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Hi Skiddaw, I am starting again tomorrow, I havent had a cig since this morning but Ive already ruined this as being day 1 so back to it tomorrow, I wont be smoking anymore today though xx

Oh well done Donna :)

You'll be back to where you were before you know it. All roads lead to the penthouse (and beyond) eventually.

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

In all honesty hun Im not confident enough... I will see how I get on today...:) xxx

nsd_user663_61217 profile image

I appreciate that people send themselves right to the start - back to the dreaded day one in the forum. But in my opinion that is forum rules and not real life rules. You have stumbled in achieving your aim of never having a cigarette again but you have achieved so much in 2014 think of all those cigarettes you haven't smoked! Feel proud of yourself. We're only human, we do things that are bad for us everyday, whether that is losing the quit and having a cigarette, having countless glasses of wine over the recommended allowance, eating a large bag of sweets instead of a handful, not exercising as much as we should. Ofcourse its disappointing but you've done something great this year. Dont let it get you down, just think your body is far healthier than it was when you originally quit, and you're in a much better position to jump back into your quit - this is not a new quit its the same quit! I think positivity is half the battle! xx

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

thanks SJ, your right 11 weeks was good going but I have to be honest with myself... Ive done it, its my mistake... so for the forum at least I am on day 1 tomorrow, I wont be posting about my quit though until I get to room 4/5 because that would of been my next room, I will just plod on with it whilst having my app in the background with my original quit date, I am annoyed with myself but also very proud of the 1164 fags I havent smoked, I hope Val gets back on board too, she was doing great aswell and it cant just be disregarded :)xxx

Oh Donna I'm so sorry xxxx

It's all been a little too much recently hasn't it Hun.

Agree with everything said about this being a stumble - remember the real world has a much more balanced and caring view that the virtual world sometimes allows. You have achieved sooo much in the past 11 weeks in some very difficult circumstances.

Be proud of yourself and when you are ready move forward.

Sending a hug


nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Oh Donna I'm so sorry xxxx

It's all been a little too much recently hasn't it Hun.

Agree with everything said about this being a stumble - remember the real world has a much more balanced and caring view that the virtual world sometimes allows. You have achieved sooo much in the past 11 weeks in some very difficult circumstances.

Be proud of yourself and when you are ready move forward.

Sending a hug


cheers hun, to be honest there are lots of people suffering on here at the moment with losing family members, pets and friends....it affects us all in different ways I have total admiration for the people who havent lost their quits when under the extreme stress of grieving, unfortunately Im not so strong, but in the big scheme of things me having a cig and breaking my quit is miniscule compared to the losses lots of us are feeling/have felt recently...life really is too short :(..... I will pick myself up and move forward and I really hope that everyone on here struggling with outside pressures of life etc can stay the course and dont do something daft like I did, its not big and it certainly isnt clever...dont let yourselves get tipped over the edge... xxxx

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

I don't know why you don't just take a couple of days from your quit date. Psychologically you are still going to be at nearly 3 months. I think all this going back to day 1 is just going to mess with your head.

It's your quit so your choice x

your lovely Karri :) but its not fair to others who have gone back to day 1, thats the forum rules its cool ;) in my real life its different xxx

nsd_user663_54305 profile image

...its not fair to others who have gone back to day 1, thats the forum rules its cool ;) in my real life its different...

I don't know where you get the idea that it's forum rules - there's nobody here authorised to judge you, ultimately it's your quit, you are your own judge, and you'll do whatever you want to do.

Leaving aside non-existent 'forum rules' you do have to face the reality of addiction - you've smoked, so you blew it, so you're back at day one. You won't hear well meaning but deluded advice about blips, dust and horses from me:(. Sounds harsh, but addiction is harsh:eek::eek:. If you think any differently in 'real life' then you're fooling no-one but yourself - but as said, your quit, your rules.

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

I dont mean its the literal forum rules, its just what happens :)

nsd_user663_61685 profile image

Sending Donna a big hug x :)

nsd_user663_61217 profile image

Hi egg! I feel that the term delusion is harsh and incorrect. I know someone who has had 2 cigarettes in 5 years, having been a 30 a day smoker for as many years. I also know someone who once having had that one cigarette they have continued to smoke after a quit of nearly 11 months. Everyone is different and every route to being smoke free will be different on that basis. People's advice stems from personal experience and not everyone's experience will be the same as yours. I hope everyone finds what ever it is that helps their quit! x

nsd_user663_61235 profile image

Sorry to hear this Donna. :( I have noticed even while just "lurking" from the shadows that a lot of supporters have seemed to died down over the last month or two, which is a shame. Because that is where so many get motivated not to smoke day after day

Pick yourself up, dust off your knees and start to walk this journey over again whenever you're ready to. It's a bummer, but addiction is one of those things you just have to conquer day after day. It's a life long fight.

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Thanks onwards and upwards not to worry :)

nsd_user663_54305 profile image

Hi egg! I feel that the term delusion is harsh and incorrect. I know someone who has had 2 cigarettes in 5 years, having been a 30 a day smoker for as many years. I also know someone who once having had that one cigarette they have continued to smoke after a quit of nearly 11 months. Everyone is different and every route to being smoke free will be different on that basis. People's advice stems from personal experience and not everyone's experience will be the same as yours. I hope everyone finds what ever it is that helps their quit! x

Yes it's harsh, but as I said, addiction is harsh.

You say you know someone who had [or admits to] two cigarettes in five years. I don't know what message this is supposed to send out - presumably he/she counts as a pretty unhappy quitter who clearly still treasures an occasional smoke? In which case, I offer them sympathy for continuing to worship at the altar of their addiction.

Your other example - 'just one' after eleven months - well I guess 99.9% of us recognise that story:eek::eek:

I completely agree that every quit is different, but the end of nearly every failed quit is exactly the same - just one.

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Today is your Day 1 again then Donna, good luck :D

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Yep today is day 1:D not gonna post all through the days weeks etc because to be honest I'm not gonna feel like a newbie quitter I had 5 fags from when I posted I lost the quit to 10:30 yesterday morning..... it's not like I've been smoking for months again and quit, so today just feels normal and I'm off to the Zoo woo hoo :) x

nsd_user663_61320 profile image

Which zoo you going to?

P.S Glad you're back:D

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Bristol Zoo :) haven't been there for years xx

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