Newbie 1 week in - hi!!: Hi everyone As the... - No Smoking Day

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Newbie 1 week in - hi!!

nsd_user663_60474 profile image
12 Replies

Hi everyone

As the title says I am 1 week in, gave up last Sunday 20th October and going 'cold turkey' :eek:.

Lovely DH passed a cold onto me last week and it hit my chest and stayed there like never before, i couldn't breathe on the Saturday night, was very scared TBH, i physically couldn't smoke and haven't had one since.

I will be 44 (shhh) in a week or two and have smoked since i was 18, gradually building up about 25-30 a day.

My chest is now better (after the antibiotics) and i thought i would be straight back smoking once this happened, but i haven't.

Have had a few stressful situations this week too, which would ordinarily have me reaching for a fag, but again no.

I was a right horror bag the first couple of days, moody, snappy, tearful etc. I felt like my choice to give up had been taken away from me and i was being forced (by bad chest) to give up when i wasn't ready. I have now got my head around this part and after reading that the nicotine leaves your system after 72 hrs, i was determined not to put any back into my body that would make me dependant again.

At the moment, my cravings are still very strong, they do come and go and the old adage of keeping busy certainly helps. Kids are off this week for halfterm so how this week will be i don't know, it may be ok because i am not in my normal routine, we shall see?

I have downloaded Allen Carr's EasyWay to read as mum (66) who gave up cold turkey too 9 yrs ago after smoking 20 a day for about 40 years, found it a great help. She did 'crawl the walls' for a good while after giving up, although she has reassured me it does get easier day by day.

Dad (71) gave up about 20 years ago, also cold turkey, with no problems, just stopped....hope i have more of my dad's genes;)

At a family gathering yesterday i told as many people as i could and that's another reason for joining this site too, as i feel the more people that know, i don't feel on my own so much, which i think will be very important in the early stages, and hopefully i can help some others with my experiences too.

So, hello to everyone as i start on my 2nd week - still a bit fragile :rolleyes:

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nsd_user663_60474 profile image
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12 Replies
nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Hey Melly,

Welcome to the forum and thanks for filling us in :)

It sounds as though you have your head screwed on tight and, despite not feeling "ready", your post sounds full of confidence!

My quit also happened when I was poorly. It was only a cold but I'd had four in the space of around 9 months and it really upset me. I am 25 years old and in good health, so I hated the horrible feeling of yet another cold lurking. My OH does smoke but cannot understand why someone would continue to do so when sick (he's a social smoker and can say no easily unless he has a beer in hand! :rolleyes:) We would fall out every time I was ill because we both new I'd end up with that hacking cough and it would prevent both of us from sleeping well.

Anyway, after a boozy night at the beginning of my cold, I found myself upset because I hated the control that smoking had over me. So I decided that I would quit.

The beginning of my quit was a mixture of patches, cold turkey and an e-cig, and I definitely recommend that you stick with the cold turkey method. Everyone is different and we all require different types of aid, but if you feel as though you can keep the cravings at bay then it's best if you carry on like this :)

I think everyone on this forum would agree that there are ups and downs along the way and posting on here can be a god send at times. I personally wouldn't be where I am now without the help of everyone else!

Allen Carr makes some amazing points and it helps to know that he was really one of the worst smokers at certain parts of his life. I found that I could relate to his books very well and he cemented some important facts in my head that I'd never considered before.

His method doesn't suit everyone and I don't agree with absolutely everything he has to say, but you can take or leave his advice really. As long as you're not smoking then the way you tackle your cravings is totally up to you!

8 months in and I am so incredibly happy that I made this decision. There are soooo many positives that you will pick up along the way and the pride you feel for this achievement is great.

So, good luck and stay positive! Your quit can be as easy as you want it to be as long as you keep your head up and focus on each day as a non-smoker! :D

nsd_user663_60474 profile image

Thank you very much for the welcome, and well done you too on quitting since April...seeing all these quit dates makes me feel much more positive that what i am doing is achieveable. :)

At the moment, i am loathe to use any NRT products as doesn't the nicotine leave your system after 72 hours, i really don't want to introduce it back into my system to try and withdraw from it all over again.

My daily mantra to myself is that the nicotine is GONE, it is now just psychological and habits and triggers that i have go overcome and i realise it's going to be a hard slog.

It's payday tomorrow for me and i've just realised all my wages are my own...going to treat myself with a reward i think.

Thank you for being the first one to say 'hello;)

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Thank you very much for the welcome, and well done you too on quitting since April...seeing all these quit dates makes me feel much more positive that what i am doing is achieveable. :)

At the moment, i am loathe to use any NRT products as doesn't the nicotine leave your system after 72 hours, i really don't want to introduce it back into my system to try and withdraw from it all over again.

My daily mantra to myself is that the nicotine is GONE, it is now just psychological and habits and triggers that i have go overcome and i realise it's going to be a hard slog.

It's payday tomorrow for me and i've just realised all my wages are my own...going to treat myself with a reward i think.

Thank you for being the first one to say 'hello;)

Rewards are a must!! ;) so enjoy the extra cash.

I agree with your daily mantra. If you are getting along just fine, why prolong your quit by adding nicotine back into the mix?

nsd_user663_60474 profile image

Thanks Sarah also for the welcome :)

Thank you for the advice too.

Your DH sounds very much like mine, he can get away with 1 or 2 fags a day, and socially, although he gave up before (using Allen Carr), blames me for starting again - because i refused to give up and he said it was too hard with me still smoking....I understand now, because the 1 or 2 that he still has, i won't let him near me to even smell it lol!!

I think i will stick with the cold turkey for now, because my mind keeps telling me that even if i did start on patches or something, i would need to wean off them and the psychological battle would still be there.

Thank you again for your advice and really well done on your 8 months, that's fantastic!!


nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Thanks Sarah also for the welcome :)

Thank you for the advice too.

Your DH sounds very much like mine, he can get away with 1 or 2 fags a day, and socially, although he gave up before (using Allen Carr), blames me for starting again - because i refused to give up and he said it was too hard with me still smoking....I understand now, because the 1 or 2 that he still has, i won't let him near me to even smell it lol!!

I think i will stick with the cold turkey for now, because my mind keeps telling me that even if i did start on patches or something, i would need to wean off them and the psychological battle would still be there.

Thank you again for your advice and really well done on your 8 months, that's fantastic!!


Thanks very much :) Just need to get the OH on the wagon now! ;)

If it worries you at all, I've found that both being around my OH who smokes and socialising with smokers has actually made my quit more enjoyable. I tried not to avoid smokers too much in my early days, as I thought this might hinder me later on. And it seems to have worked. At first the smell of a freshly lit cigarette drove me a little barmy, but I just made sure to keep lollipops and sweeties handy for when I needed something to chew on or keep my hands busy.

And now it means that I don't worry about losing control when I have a drink, because it really doesn't bother me anymore.

I just remind the OH now and then that he stinks ;) Ha! Xx

nsd_user663_59305 profile image

Hello Melly and welcome, congratulations on deciding to quit and huge respect to you for being brave enough to go cold turkey. I have had the "chest" three times now, culminating with desperately trying to draw breath in and ended up in A&E on the last one, but I was still too stupid to stop at that time. I've since found out that I have asthma and that I was having asthma attacks :eek: There are quite a few successful CT'ers on here so the minute you feel a wobble, get on and post, someone will be there to offer their wisdom and advice to get you through. Good luck and embrace your quit, learn from the bad times and relish every new benefit as it hits you.

nsd_user663_52535 profile image


Welcome to the Forum, best decision ever quitting, may this be the one for you.

You talk sense in your first post, mindset is the key, and you seem in a good place.

I agree in not going the NRT route now. please just Baby steps, try not to look too far ahead.

Fi s

Rex1000 profile image


A fantastic decision to become a non-smoker and welcome to the forum I haven't smoked for 14 weeks 3 days 2hours 35 minutes and 42 seconds not that I am counting Lol and I have saved £647.10, and I have saved it! for a new 60 inch smart television which I will be buying in the New Year sales at an approximate cost of £1000 which technically equates to free if you know what I mean. I used Champix which I found brilliant, but which ever way you stop providing it works is the right way so good luck and my advice is to make full use of the forum I have found it a valuable place for inspiration and encouragement.

nsd_user663_60474 profile image

Thank you very much all of you for your really lovely welcomes.

Looking forward to getting as much and hopefully giving some advice too on this journey that we are all on together.

I feel very proud to be part of your 'gang'


nsd_user663_54554 profile image

Shedloads of supportive people on this forum right now, which makes it a great place to come and browse, post, understand the nature of quitting smoking and seek help. And have some fun into the bargain, :D

Welcome mellyp and good luck with your quit, you're off to a great start by finding this place and I'm looking forward to sharing your journey, bon chance!! :)

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Welcome to the forum and congrats on making an excellent decision! This forum is full of amazing, supportive people and there is usually someone around at most times - so post when you need a kick up the bum or a shoulder to cry on.

Good luck on your quit journey


nsd_user663_58817 profile image

Hello again Melly

It's all here for the taking...and take as much as you need ok :)

I cannot remember how long I had quit for but there was a time my craves were leaning dangerously in the balance - I did consider the E Cig.

I didn't take it up in the end because I'd gone like 4 months, but for some reason I was going crazy with the craves, I remember there was a day where the demon was on my mind every second.

I got through it thank God and what I did at the time was cut up straws and sucked on them lol but it got me through.

What I just want to finish saying is be alert at all times, because CT does leave you feeling "bare" at times. But it's rewards are just the BEST !

Now GO AND GET THAT TREAT ! you deserve it :)

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