Champix.......side effects getting worse. - No Smoking Day

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Champix.......side effects getting worse.

nsd_user663_59642 profile image
19 Replies

Please can I have advice, comments, experiences, suggestions, any help at all with the following things: (I am on week 7 of Champix)

1) When I first took Champix, I always felt a bit sick for a short while afterwards, it lasted for about 5-10 minutes. But now, I feel sick all day long, smells make me feel sick, I'm losing my appetite, even foods I've always loved now make me feel sick. I permanently have that "wateriness" in my mouth which you get just before you are actually sick.:(

2) first they were just very vivid, not frightening or anything like that. But now, they are really scary and even when I wake up I am panicking because I still believe that they are real. Eventually, I half-realise that they were dreams and I lie there shouting at myself to convince myself that they weren't real.:(

The two things above are by far the worst things, but also, I feel permanently woolly-headed, headache-y and vague, I'm hot and am sweating more :( and I'm feeling quite weepy. :(

Would these things be caused by the cumulative effect of over 7 weeks of Champix, does anyone know? Would I be better off by just taking one tablet once a day, or half a tablet twice a day, or should I just stop them completely?

Please help....I'm feeling really miserable. :(:(



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nsd_user663_59642 profile image
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19 Replies
nsd_user663_59305 profile image

Hi Val, I went down to one tablet a day at about the 6 week mark because I just couldn't cope with the nausea and dizziness, like you it would last all day. I just took the bedtime one as once I was lying down I was less troubled by the dizziness, I used to get about 10 minutes of the saliva thing but was still able to nod off. I never had nightmares but the nurse warned me that I might get them. I only stopped taking it Friday so it's still in my system a little bit but I can't say I've had any withdrawl symptoms yet. Perhaps you could try the bedtime dose, or, half a tablet a time. I am a little worried about you as you mention feeling weepy and champix was originally an antidepressant. I think you should see your doctor/nurse ASAP, just to set your mind at rest. My OH stopped champix dead at one month as he was feeling rotten, he has now quit for over six weeks, so don't panic if you're taken off them, I'm sure you'd do fine without them. Good Luck & sending healing hugs ;)

nsd_user663_59642 profile image

Thanks, debbie. xxx Thanks, Jenn. xxx

I am so glad to hear that it's not just me having these awful experiences. I've just trawled through the patient info leaflet (all of it :eek:) and have found reference to all of the things that are happening to me. I hope I don't sound like a hypochondriac, but it's quite frightening that some of the effects, like the sweating and the loss of appetite are amongst the less common....that makes me think that they could be really bad for me if I continue to take them at the current dose.When I broke my wrist a few years ago, I was taking cocodamol, and as the days went by, so I felt more and more nauseous until I was actually being physically sick, that is exactly how it's going with the Champix, only with the Champix I'm getting all of the other stuff, too.

Well, that has made my mind up for me, in that I definitely have to adjust the dose. I shall mull it over this evening, to decide what is going to be the best way for me to do it.

Thank you both so much. :):)



nsd_user663_59642 profile image

Thanks, Kat xxx. I'm sorry you had such a bad time with it, especially the fear of whether or not you could cope without it.....that has been in my mind quite a bit just lately. Trouble is, that sort of fear feeds upon itself, doesn't it. :(

I shalln't bother my GP or stop-smoking adviser, not yet, anyway. I'll spend this evening deciding how to go forward and I will be keeping an eye on myself to see how things go.

Thanks again.:)



nsd_user663_35711 profile image

I took two overdoses when I took these tablets. I KNOW that they benefit a lot of people BUT if you suffer from depression don't even consider taking them.

Lillie xx

nsd_user663_27255 profile image

Cyber hugs coming your way

Sorry to here your having a bad time with Champix Val. I also have tried them twice and whilst they helped me stop smoking I ended up on anti d's after taking them both times.

My brother had too tried them a couple of times and also has changed his opinion on them but as others have said they do seem to affect people differently.

Maybe begin with modifying the dose if you don't want to stop them to see if things improve, if they don't I'd definitely suggest discussing other methods with your gp as Kat has said xxx

nsd_user663_59642 profile image

Thanks, Thanks, Mrs

I have decided that it would probably be best if I stopped taking them and I shall be giving my stop-smoking adviser a ring tomorrow, as I really am not feeling too good. However, they certainly took away the desperate need for a fag in the first week or two, so they have done what they were required to do. I have the momentum now to carry on without them, I hope.

I hope that your quits are both going strong. I am keeping an eye on you both, you know! :)



nsd_user663_27255 profile image

Prob the best decision Val. As you say they've done what they were supposed to and you've mastered the rest :) xx

nsd_user663_59642 profile image

Back to the start for me, then. Day 1 will be tomorrow. Sorry for the long rant that's coming.

I had the morning from hell at work, thanks to someone else really mucking up some stuff I had done. It's a sort of jobshare thing.....I do 5 days, someone else does 2 days and the 2 day "person" mucked up my work. But I wasn't going to let it take me back to the fags.....I took a deep breath and decided on a plan of action to put things right. Plan of action didn't work. So I took another deep breath, gave myself a good talking to about nicodemon and his ways and made another plan of action to correct the muck-up. That plan didn't work out either.

I don't have internet access at work, so I couldn't come here and ask for help. I am on my own at work, so there's no-one to talk to there. There was nothing I could do, nowhere to turn, no-one to talk to. I can, however, go out to the local shop if I need I did. I went out and bought some fags and smoked them.

I stopped taking the Champix the other day, because of the horrible side effects. I spoke to my stop-smoking advisor and she said to just take the morning Champix, but I was worried that even a small amount of Champix would keep the side effects "alive", just like a small puff on a fag keeps the nicotine monster alive, but she didn't have an answer, although I persisted with the question as it was a major concern for was the thing that was worrying me the most. As she couldn't give me the answer, I took things into my own hands and stopped them completely. Yesterday I managed fine, but today I couldn't cope with the horrendous morning at work.

If I had access to this forum at work, then I know that I could have come here and the craving would have been beaten. I hate my boss. I hate the person who mucked up my work and I hate my stop-smoking advisor.

I do not want to be a smoker. I have taken a Champix and will have to put up with whatever horrible side-effects it brings. I shall stick with the whole 12week course and will use the remaining 5 weeks to work out the best possible strategy for coping with any mega-cravings that I may get when the next 5 weeks are up.

I am sorry to be so miserable. I am so disappointed with myself (that is an understatement). I suppose I must look on today as a very bad stumble rather than a complete and utter failure. I am not complacent. I am not treating it lightly. I am beating myself up about it, which I know I shouldn't be doing. It's not the end of the world. It is just so disappointing and I keep bursting into tears about it.

I'm back to square 1 in more ways than one, as I still don't really know how to proceed with the I go back to the 2 a day, or do I take 1 a day, or do I take a half tablet twice a day? I suppose I just have to weigh up the pro's and cons.

A throwaway line........perhaps the monster is half-dead enough that he hasn't noticed the fags I've had today.


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Oh heck Val don't beat yourself up!!

We have all been there, especially when other people bugger things up for you - what matters is that you learn from it and that you are getting straight back on the wagon.

That shows a hell of a lot of strength and that you really don't want to smoke!!

Personally I'd call this a blip and try not to dwell on it too hard - as long as it helps you to realise smoking doesn't make you feel better :)

((hugs)) xxx

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Hiya Val, firstly, I'm sorry you're having such a horrid time with Champix, I didn't use that so I can't help with that I'm afraid.

I have however slipped and smoked twice in the last year. The first time I slipped I realised that there are many ways of looking at the situation AFTER you have smoked, what it means etc.

At first I felt so weak for smoking that I fleetingly wondered if I was cut out for quitting at all, I was so disappointed in myself because at the end of the day I was 5 months in and I knew that smoking is never a good idea.

Then I sat myself down and let myself imagine properly what I would be giving up if I actually did give up on quitting: the extra money, not worrying so much what the future holds, my improved health, my self respect. In short all the reason I quit in the first place. When you first quit all these things are kind of ideals, they're slightly unreal. It's a different story when you have them, have worked for them, and realised you're considering giving them away!

It was at that point that I realised how utterly determined I am to break free of this nasty, horrible, crippling addiction. It was a revelation to realise that I KNEW I was strong enough.

You're strong enough Val, no matter what. Grab onto your quit with both hands and do not let go. You're staying with us and you're not giving anything you've flipping worked for away!

My thoughts are with you and I'm sending "fire in yer belly" your way honey.

Stay strong and stand tall

Molly x

nsd_user663_59305 profile image

Aww Val, I am so sorry things got so tough that you couldn't fight it, I can only imagine how gutted you are feeling right now - STOP IT, one slip does not a quit quitter make, as a serial non committed quitter I know this was a mistake. As Mistados said, there is no point hating people, I know my boss is an insensitive tw@t and most of my colleagues can be extremely difficult when they don't want to or are too busy to do something, but there's no point hating them, they don't mean enough to me than do more than annoy me, and once you can get into this mind set you'll be able to brush off antagonistic feelings. I personally don't think you should go back to day one, this is slip, you want to carry on with the quit and I think mentally it will do you more harm than good to throw all the good work away for less than one lousy day. Give yourself another good talking to, arm yourself with some diversion tactics then show the demon exactly what you think of him, as Kat said he's quaking in his boots right now, as the saying goes "Tell the truth and shame the devil" , you have been so brave in fessing up that tells me so much about you. Come on Val, you are only a couple of weeks behind me, I want you to join me in the joys of reaching the penthouse.

nsd_user663_58817 profile image


Please please stay on this forum as others have said you have done wonders for others....are we so selfish to want that ? Are we selfish enough to want you to pick yourself up and start must, you have come so far - next time you will be armed..knowledge is power and you have gained so much.

Really feel for you and just wanted to say that whatever you choose.

Good Luck xx

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

Hi Val, I have not been posting on here for quite a while but have been dipping in to check up on how everyone is and am so sad to see you are not happy. you have been so strong and such a source of support to people on here. Please grab the bull by the horns and jump back in the saddle. you can do it, huge hugs xxxxTrea xxxx

nsd_user663_27255 profile image

Cyber hugs to you Val

So sorry to here this Val but your a trooper and can do this again easily!

As others have said you have been a tremendous help to others (including myself) during our journeys so please please don't leave, WE NEED YOU!!

Ignore others who don't offer support, they're obviously on the wrong forum :D

How about a different method of quitting, have you tried patches or gum?

Remember you've done it before and you will do it again x

P.s just a thought, but I wouldn't mind privately sharing my mobile number so we can text each other if we've no access to the forum and need support or is this creepy now lol?? Any thoughts anyone?

nsd_user663_59642 profile image

My goodness. I am humbled by such lovely messages, almost lost for words. It's like having a family here, isn't it. I really don't know what else to say, except a massive "thank you" for the support, advice, suggestions, empathy (!) and kindnesses.

Together, we can all quit.

I've had a good old read of all of the ideas put forward and have decided on a plan of action, but first of all, I'd like to mention the effects of yesterday's fags. They tasted was like having wood-ash in my mouth and nose. No amount of chewing gum, mints, toothbrushing or mouthwash could get rid of was vile. I could constantly smell it in my nose too, despite lots of nose blowing, and the smell seemed to hang around me like an aura (and I was convinced that I never used to smell of fags :o).

I went to bed last night at about 10.15. By that time, I had stopped hating myself and punishing myself for having the fags; I realised that my defences were not as strong as I'd thought and I learned lessons from what happened. But I was still awake at 2.30am, whereas I had been asleep within about 10 minutes when I wasn't smoking. It didn't make for a very refreshing sleep and also, I woke up this morning with the "thick" head that I always used to have when I smoked. :mad: In fact, I still have it now. :mad:

Plus, the whole pathetic episode cost me £5.03. That was the fags, a cheap lighter and a packet of chewing gum. I felt like a dirty, smelly, weak sub-human being when I was in the shop buying them. :( Plus, I expect that over £2 of the cost of the fags went to the government as tax, for them to waste. :mad:

Well, that's it I suppose. That was my grotty, horrible failure of a day. I know it was bad and it shouldn't have happened, but it did. So I am putting it behind me and just looking forward. I have learned that I cannot do without the Champix yet, but I am reducing it to one a day, rather than quitting them cold turkey (:o). I shall have to get something to replace the Champix one day. (:rolleyes:)

I have got my quit strength back and am hopeful that the sleeping nicotine monster just stirred in his sleep a little bit yesterday. He certainly seems to be quiet this morning, so I am thankful that I seem to have "got away with it", but it has shaken me. My defences have been reinforced by the whole experience. I will get to the penthouse, but I have to be honest with myself and will not knock on the door until 12 months from today. I couldn't bear having to go back to Day 1, so, like others before me, I will stay where I am, amend my signature to take account of having been torpedoed yesterday and, when I get to the 6 month room, I will wait patiently for 6 months and 6 weeks before asking if I can enter.

I've learned so much over the past 24 hours about how you can be taken unawares. But I've also learned that you've got to put it behind you, strengthen your resolve and move forward. It's no good continuing to punish yourself.....I hated and despised myself for what I did, but that has to stop now.

Thank you, my lovely fellow quitters.



nsd_user663_59642 profile image

P.s just a thought, but I wouldn't mind privately sharing my mobile number so we can text each other if we've no access to the forum and need support or is this creepy now lol?? Any thoughts anyone?

MrsMash.......that doesn't sound creepy at all, but I haven't got a mobile phone!:o

I have since realised, though, that there is wi-fi where I work, so I can take my laptop in with me and will have access to the forum when I'm there. I'm a bit slow when it comes to technical things, :o, but it has helped my resolve going forward and is such a huge relief.

A big "thank you" for the kind idea, though! :)



nsd_user663_59305 profile image

Way to go Val, like Kat I am grinning ear to ear now that you've seen through Nicdemon's evil smokescreen - he uses this to make you think that a fag is the only answer to your troubles when in reality, not only will it make no difference whatsoever to the situation but then you feel like rubbish because you've fallen for his tricks. IMHO I think this slip will be the making of your quit, you hated the taste, the smell, the thick head and the extortionate cost, on top of that you've had a crap night's sleep and all because that rotten, evil monster decided to side swipe you. Keep strong Val

nsd_user663_59642 profile image

you hated the taste, the smell, the thick head and the extortionate cost, on top of that you've had a crap night's sleep

yes.... but apart from that, I'm fine!:D:D

Couldn't resist that, Jenn...sorry!

Yesterday, when I was in my struggles, I thought about you and your 4 hour crave of the other must have a will of steel; I take my hat off to you for survivng that, and if I could find and upload an appropriate smiley, I would!



PS Your teeth are looking very nice these days!



nsd_user663_59305 profile image

yes.... but apart from that, I'm fine!:D:D

Couldn't resist that, Jenn...sorry!

Yesterday, when I was in my struggles, I thought about you and your 4 hour crave of the other must have a will of steel; I take my hat off to you for survivng that, and if I could find and upload an appropriate smiley, I would!



PS Your teeth are looking very nice these days!



:D I just laughed out loud at that first bit :D TBH if I didn't have access to the forum and was near a shop, I wouldn't like to say that I wouldn't have caved in. I can't believe how wicked that demon is, sneaking up and taking us by surprise like that. I have learned now to be totally on my guard, I always thought those who smoked after a month or so did it because they wanted to, but I now understand the compulsion and have vowed never to be such a condescending moo ever again. I chose the smiling cow pic because I went to the dentist Tuesday and had a scale and polish so now my gnashers are looking lovely and I am a happy cow.

I am so pleased you've got your mojo back, ready and willing to fight another day, and it's strictly tonight

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