The day before ...: Good afternoon everyone... - No Smoking Day

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The day before ...

nsd_user663_58909 profile image
7 Replies

Good afternoon everyone

Well, this is the day before my quit date and to say I am nervous has to be the understatement of 2013. My mind is screaming out 'scaredy cat' and I suppose that is perfectly true, I am scared - very much so - but also quite excited at the same time.

It's strange how times passes - was it only yesterday that I was saying I had set my quit date as the 15th July. Funny, it didn't seem that near back then but now it is approaching - at great speed :eek: - it seems daunting. Was I really that stupid and silly to think that somehow time would stand still and the 15th July would just disappear into the wild blue yonder :confused: Perhaps and perhaps not but whatever way I look at it, it is going to happen on the 15th, because unlike on previous occasions I haven't said I will quit after this one last cig or I will quit tomorrow (which never, ever comes) or I will not buy anymore after this packet - once they're gone that's me finished with smoking.

Whatever the whys and wherefores, 15th July is my date - maybe I should look on it as the start of a new life - a smoke free life - but whichever way I look at it now whether from the side, the top or the bottom, nothing will stop the 15th arriving.

I had all sorts planned from varying my usual morning routine to what I could or should do to keep my vow to myself. I am still working so work isn't the problem it's the time between getting up and going to work and when I've finished work. Don't get me wrong, I have plenty of hobbies - reading, knitting - and I can usually keep myself pretty busy but having done cold turkey back in March for a little over 2 months, I know that as each day dawns, it will be a battle of sorts. My good self and my bad self vying to win the day and like a lot of things, the more you think about what you're not having, e.g. a cigarette, the more you want one!!!! :( Or is it just me that feels this way?

I so want to succeed this time but there is that little voice at the back of my mind saying huh do you really think that you can beat me:confused: What is it about cigarettes that seem so attractive? This addiction to them is dangerous to say the least. Quitting now will not repair the damage I have already done but I am so hoping that it will halt its progress and make life worth living and thinking about anything other than when can I realistically sneak off and light up! :mad:

Strangely enough, I feel quite calm about it now but perhaps that is because the date has not actually dawned. Writing this has helped so perhaps posting on here may be one of the things that I can do.

I have thought about this long and hard and know that I can think about it forever and ever and by doing so I am just postponing the actual deed. I'm quite good at it actually :D

Life has to be better being smoke free - I look around and see women and men smoking and wonder if I look like them - relieved that I have a cigarette in my hand and that I am actually smoking it - but one thing they don't look is happy :o yes, embarrased is how they look and I know that there have been times when I have FELT embarrassed to be a smoker.

Well, this has made me feel a whole lot better and I will go back now and read some more of the good advice on here.

I won't ask for you to wish me luck - you make your own luck - and luck won't cut it. Determination to succeed is what I require, need, want and have at this moment and long may it continue.

Have a lovely afternoon everyone and stay strong and smoke free!

I can and will do this and be a better person for it! :)

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nsd_user663_58909 profile image
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7 Replies
nsd_user663_54332 profile image

It is the start of a new life :)

No more smelling of fags, inhaling cancer causing chemicals, having to go out for a smoke whatever the weather, spending £8 a day to kill yourself, being narky because someone or something is stopping you from having a fag... the list is endless

When you look at it, what has smoking got going for it?

Don't be afraid, the only thing that keeps us smoking is fear!!

How you'll cope, enjoy life, be you without the fags - but smoking doesn't help anything!! The cigarette you're going to smoke next doesn't do anything but fill the need the last one you had created.

We all coped fine for the first years of our lives without smoking, why should the smoke free ones now be any different?

You're right about telling yourself you can't have something making you want it.

I announced (all of a sudden) to my friends on a saturday afternoon that I was giving up smoking (was having one and really hating it) and that it was for real although I hadn't set a date. The next thing I did? Spark up another 'cos it made me scared!! You can imagine the reaction that got :p

Don't think of it as depriving yourself of a treeat, you are freeing yourself from a drug addiction!!

You *can* do this and you *will* do this!!

We're here to help you :)

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

It's like standing poised on the edge of a cliff, isn't it?

But don't be afraid. You won't fall. You'll fly.

Just focus on one day at a time, one hour at a time to begin with. Baby steps. You can do it!


nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Good afternoon everyone

Well, this is the day before my quit date and to say I am nervous has to be the understatement of 2013. My mind is screaming out 'scaredy cat' and I suppose that is perfectly true, I am scared - very much so - but also quite excited at the same time.

It's strange how times passes - was it only yesterday that I was saying I had set my quit date as the 15th July. Funny, it didn't seem that near back then but now it is approaching - at great speed :eek: - it seems daunting. Was I really that stupid and silly to think that somehow time would stand still and the 15th July would just disappear into the wild blue yonder :confused: Perhaps and perhaps not but whatever way I look at it, it is going to happen on the 15th, because unlike on previous occasions I haven't said I will quit after this one last cig or I will quit tomorrow (which never, ever comes) or I will not buy anymore after this packet - once they're gone that's me finished with smoking.

Whatever the whys and wherefores, 15th July is my date - maybe I should look on it as the start of a new life - a smoke free life - but whichever way I look at it now whether from the side, the top or the bottom, nothing will stop the 15th arriving.

I had all sorts planned from varying my usual morning routine to what I could or should do to keep my vow to myself. I am still working so work isn't the problem it's the time between getting up and going to work and when I've finished work. Don't get me wrong, I have plenty of hobbies - reading, knitting - and I can usually keep myself pretty busy but having done cold turkey back in March for a little over 2 months, I know that as each day dawns, it will be a battle of sorts. My good self and my bad self vying to win the day and like a lot of things, the more you think about what you're not having, e.g. a cigarette, the more you want one!!!! :( Or is it just me that feels this way?

I so want to succeed this time but there is that little voice at the back of my mind saying huh do you really think that you can beat me:confused: What is it about cigarettes that seem so attractive? This addiction to them is dangerous to say the least. Quitting now will not repair the damage I have already done but I am so hoping that it will halt its progress and make life worth living and thinking about anything other than when can I realistically sneak off and light up! :mad:

Strangely enough, I feel quite calm about it now but perhaps that is because the date has not actually dawned. Writing this has helped so perhaps posting on here may be one of the things that I can do.

I have thought about this long and hard and know that I can think about it forever and ever and by doing so I am just postponing the actual deed. I'm quite good at it actually :D

Life has to be better being smoke free - I look around and see women and men smoking and wonder if I look like them - relieved that I have a cigarette in my hand and that I am actually smoking it - but one thing they don't look is happy :o yes, embarrased is how they look and I know that there have been times when I have FELT embarrassed to be a smoker.

Well, this has made me feel a whole lot better and I will go back now and read some more of the good advice on here.

I won't ask for you to wish me luck - you make your own luck - and luck won't cut it. Determination to succeed is what I require, need, want and have at this moment and long may it continue.

Have a lovely afternoon everyone and stay strong and smoke free!

I can and will do this and be a better person for it! :)

Welcome to the forum!! :D

A great post and I know that I for one have experienced some of those same feelings at one stage or another.

Lookin forward to hearing from you again.

Enjoy day one!! :)

nsd_user663_58909 profile image

To one and all


Your encouraging words and positiveness (if there isn't such a word then there should be!:D) give me not only a great big boost to my determination but also make me realise that I am definitely, not alone.

Me thinks that I must have smoked more today then is usual even for me and I am sick, stalled and fed up with cigarettes ruling my life and I have most certainly had far too many as 30 minutes ago I felt positively ill.

My Dad used to have a saying 'never put off until tomorrow what you can do today' so, with his words in my head and my heart, I had my last cig at 14.30 hours on Sunday, 14th July, 2013. I hope you're listening Dad and as ever, that you are there just behind my right shoulder, cheering me on to victory. :)

Thank you everyone and I will, if that's OK with all, keep you posted on my progress. Just hope you don't get fed up of 'hearing' from me!

Have a lovely rest of the day and although hot, it's not quite as hot as yesterday but remember the sun cream if you're going out and about as although the breeze is lovely, it can mean that you burn more easily and quickly.

Off now to make a cuppa and sit outside and breathe in some beautiful, wonderful fresh clean air!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Now that is brilliant!!

We definitely won't get fed up with you, everyone here wants to help you free yourself from smoking!! Heck if people did I'd have been banned months back :p

The big thing is that you are totally fed up with being a smoker - that is a great start 'cos you won't feel like you're missing out.

remember that - maybe write it somewhere to remind yourself later on. You *do not* enjoy ciggies!!

You can do this :cool:

nsd_user663_52101 profile image


Buttons I for one have fely as you did a thousand times,wanting to quit but sometime in the future.Its great you have grabbed th emoment and stopped now it shows you mean quit a wk tomorrow and it has gone in a flash.

just keep busy and keep saying NO!NO WAY! welcome to these boards where everyone is so supportive and helpful:D

nsd_user663_58909 profile image

First test - passed (phew!)

Well, I have just got back from walking my two dogs and what a difference not having a cigarette makes!

We have 'a way to go' or put it another way, they go and I follow behind! So, setting off as normal, doogie bags and the like but without the fag packet and lighter. That must be a first! Me, going without my lifelong friend - must admit it did feel strange but rather good. :cool: Definitely not as hot today and a real breeze blowing so we're off. Up the road and then left. Then right and right again and lo and behold we're virtually in the countryside. I can smell today that the farmer has been in his fields and would you believe that I actually prefer that 'wholesome' smell to fag smoke - well it's strange but very true. Not fiddling about trying to balance walking two dogs with trying to retrieve a cig and light it makes everything so much more pleasant. I've seen swallows this afternoon and never before had I realised how dainty they look or how graceful and agile they are. Even rooks (in the woods) and crows (perimeter of the woods) are beautiful in their own way. Sparrows, blue tits, great tits and all manner of birds that I don't actually know the names of I can see and watch. I've even seen a squirrel today for the first time but I have no doubt that they have been about before but I have just been too busy smoking to notice/see them. Coming back home, I can smell barbie smells and I have to add wood smoke too which is a wonderfully unique smell - definitely one of a kind. There is a house on the way back which has a garden full of roses - standard, bush and trees - it is truly magnificent and a credit to the couple that own the house and I do know that they spend hours looking after every single one. The colours are so brilliant and range from white and cream ones to the most gorgeous vivid red. They even have some that are such a deep purple that they look almost black! The one thing I did notice though was the smell - heaven, bliss, you name it but to be actually able to smell it is something that I just can't get over. Never before have I had so much as a whiff and I have to admit that by the time I was usually walking past their garden I was on either my 2nd or 3rd cigarette since setting out. The pleasures of not smoking are, as someone a lot younger than me would say, ABSOLUTELY ACE and they are right. So right that it feels that I am doing the right thing by quitting and not only does it feel right but it feels good - in 3 hours I have noticed a change - I have the time to look at things now and I have the knowledge that when I breathe in I actually enjoy doing it!

Wonderful, marvellous, if this is what stopping smoking can do for me in just 3 hours then I have much to look forward to - the battle may only have just started but I feel so lucky to be able to say that feeling this good after such a short time gives me the strength to carry on. :)

Have a wonderful evening everyone and stay strong.

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