Not done it yet.....but going to!!!! - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Not done it yet.....but going to!!!!

nsd_user663_57687 profile image
13 Replies

Hi everyone:)

I have been to the stop smoking group, collected my patches and lozenges and have the day planned for Sunday.

I am already getting worried, concerned, fearful....... not sure of the words really.

I gave up for 5 years and started again 6-7 years ago. I have tried lots of times since but never got past 2 weeks cold turkey.

I have tried all sorts of NRT and all made me feel sick (I thought) but the counsellor bloke said he thinks that is in my head.

I have been reading this site for a couple of days now and there is so much support so I hope it's ok to post before I stop?


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nsd_user663_57687 profile image
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13 Replies
nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Of course it's ok to post here! :) it'll give us chance to get to know you and vice versa, before the big day on Sunday. A huge well done for getting this far and please know that fear is quite a normal feeling at this point. Fear of the future and of failure.

We'll be here every step of the way, if you need us.

So just remember to be proud and remind yourself of what this quit means to you! Look forward to hearing more from you :) x

nsd_user663_57687 profile image

Thanks for that.

You are doing well and that's so good to see. I must be one of the few people I know who is still smoking and even though I hate it, I just keep lighting another....

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hi everyone:)

I have been to the stop smoking group, collected my patches and lozenges and have the day planned for Sunday.

I am already getting worried, concerned, fearful....... not sure of the words really.

I gave up for 5 years and started again 6-7 years ago. I have tried lots of times since but never got past 2 weeks cold turkey.

I have tried all sorts of NRT and all made me feel sick (I thought) but the counsellor bloke said he thinks that is in my head.

I have been reading this site for a couple of days now and there is so much support so I hope it's ok to post before I stop?


Hi Erin and welcome :)

Good luck for Sunday, it really *won't* be as bad as you're dreading!!

Please post here as much as you want, that's what we're here for :D

Anyway it's normal to be scared, worried or whatever - fear is what keeps us smoking (or kept in my case, lol) but it's lots less bad than you worry about.

I'm on patches too, they're brilliant and having lozenges as a backup is good too - then when you get a crave you can have one of them and it takes the worst away.

If NRT makes you feel sick, then ask for a lower dose, and don't be afraid to ask anything at all on here, we've all been through it before so we can help :)


nsd_user663_57687 profile image

Thanks Gemma-lou

I will do it, I have to! My bloke goes to sea for a living and will be back at the end of July and I really want to be an ex-smoker by then. I promised myself and him. He is one of those who stopped years ago and can't remember how hard it is!!!!:mad:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thanks Gemma-lou

I will do it, I have to! My bloke goes to sea for a living and will be back at the end of July and I really want to be an ex-smoker by then. I promised myself and him. He is one of those who stopped years ago and can't remember how hard it is!!!!:mad:

You'll do it easily by then :)

We don't let people fail on here!! :D :D

nsd_user663_57734 profile image

Hi Erin good luck for sunday. I have every faith in you, stay strong and believe in yourself. Keep posting on here because it helps loads.

I quit tuesday, feels like forever. I joined here yesterday and wowee its got such a powerfull hold over me already. I feel part of something and it feels so good to be able to share it with people and they all understand what your feeling so you know its normal and your not alone.

Good luck i'm rooting for you x

nsd_user663_19503 profile image

You have definitely made the right decision to quit smoking on Sunday. Think we all felt fearful at first, but it really isn't as bad as those fears made us think. Just think of the benefits of quitting they far outweigh the disadvantageous of continuing. You can do this be strong

nsd_user663_55248 profile image

Hi Erin...

Im a seriel quitter! I know how hard it feels...from my experience though, do everything you can to keep busy and avoid the usual 'triggers' if and when you can.

Ive still yet to combat this disgusting habit......why oh why do I keep going backwards, I honestly dont know. BUT, it sounds like you have everything in place, and good motivation.

The fear or giving up is a strange one isn't whats so frightening about no longer polluting our lungs with dangerous killing chemicals, whats the fear of having more money....and living longer and healthier lives?!! Yet, there is that psychological fear.....and I have it too. But you know what, you can do it......and you will....and you'll be so grateful and proud. Im willing you on can beat this. Kepp saying to only have to get through a few weeks in your begin the new NON smoking habit...if that makes sense.

Im wishing you the very keep coming on this forum too. In my first few was the people here that kept me going.

My first failed attempt was due to running out of patches and thinking I was 'fine' without them.......dur brain!

I will start again soon...


nsd_user663_56712 profile image

Hi Erin, nice to meet you, look forward to tomorrow with every cigarette you have today, don't fear it, don't be frightened or nervous about it, embrace it, and do that by relishing every cigarette today, think about why you are smoking each one, how much you are enjoying the taste, how much it has helped whatever situation you are in, rate them out of 10 maybe. (believe me , they are very difficult to enjoy if you are thinking about each and every puff you take.)

Enjoy ridding your home of the smell tomorrow, being able to smell your shampoo all day, having to turn an air freshener down when it becomes a tad too strong. Over the next few days, you will hit a rollercoaster of emotions, use this forum to rant, rave, cry and boast! there is always someone around.

Most of all, enjoy your quit, xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hi Erin, nice to meet you, look forward to tomorrow with every cigarette you have today, don't fear it, don't be frightened or nervous about it, embrace it, and do that by relishing every cigarette today, think about why you are smoking each one, how much you are enjoying the taste, how much it has helped whatever situation you are in, rate them out of 10 maybe. (believe me , they are very difficult to enjoy if you are thinking about each and every puff you take.)

Enjoy ridding your home of the smell tomorrow, being able to smell your shampoo all day, having to turn an air freshener down when it becomes a tad too strong. Over the next few days, you will hit a rollercoaster of emotions, use this forum to rant, rave, cry and boast! there is always someone around.

Most of all, enjoy your quit, xxx

That's fab advice Trea, did the same myself the last fags I smoked *but* I'd add to that and say write it down so when you think back fondly to smoking (bizarre but I think we all do) you can look back at how smoking *really* felt, smelled and tasted!!

Also put up a thread in the "reasons" part of the forum so if you have a crave you can look back at exactly why you've stopped :)

You'll be amazed how quickly things get better, smell, taste, your breathing and soon you're going to love being free. I am and everyone thought I'd smoke for the rest of my life - despite my "I'll quit when I'm 25, 30, blah blah" promises - so if I love it you will :D :D xxx

nsd_user663_57687 profile image


You are all so supportive and just great!!!!

I didn't even get through one day. I went out and got some about an hour ago and really regret it now. I tried the lozenges and they made me feel sick (or so the story goes!)

I have spent the whole day finishing a major work project and when I got to the end I decided to 'reward' myself with a smoke........dumb or what.

O well, tomorrow is another day and I am due to go to the stop smoking group so I can tell them I'm a failure too :o

nsd_user663_57734 profile image

Hey Erin sorry to hear you had trouble hun, dont worry you can still try again and we will all be here for you. Dont give up yet.

Please, please have a look at a site if you have time called why quit. There is quite a lot of reading material on there. Real life stories and lots of health information. It has actually made me see smoking in a different way.

I have been smokefree for almost 6 days, not long maybe but im sure you will understand how hard it was for me to reach there. I'm sure you will soon be there too. I'm obviously not out the woods yet but this forum and some information i have learnt from that site has keeped me going strong, it may help you too.

Anyway hun tomorrow is another day and another chance to try to quit again. Good luck and please ask lots of questions everyone is sooo clued up and supportive on here.

Take care x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

You are all so supportive and just great!!!!

I didn't even get through one day. I went out and got some about an hour ago and really regret it now. I tried the lozenges and they made me feel sick (or so the story goes!)

I have spent the whole day finishing a major work project and when I got to the end I decided to 'reward' myself with a smoke........dumb or what.

O well, tomorrow is another day and I am due to go to the stop smoking group so I can tell them I'm a failure too :o

Oh Erin, don't beat yourself up about it hun :)

We have all of us here had false starts on quits before - I've had loads but *now* I dont' smoke 'cos of this place.

We'll get you through it!!

You're not a failure, don't start thinking like that - it's the Nic Monster trying to keep you in his stinky grip!!

Personally, I didn't get on with lozenges at all - they made my throat incredibly sore, but patches and gum *definitely* work so maybe you could try them?

Although if the lozenges made you sick it could be that you either had too many, too strong ones or sucked them too fast?

Big thing is that you regret smoking - that shows you want to be smoke-free so now we've just got to work out how to get you there :) xx

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