still tired...still having strange withdraw... - No Smoking Day

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still tired...still having strange withdrawals is this normal??

nsd_user663_4522 profile image
14 Replies

Day 22 of my quit and I still feel really tired and lethargic to the point where I could just sleep all the time, this cant be right surely? I am also developing big spots all over and in the last couple of days have endured an itchy right nostril which feels like a hair is constantly rubbing or brushing against it but when I look there is nothing there...I also have warm lower legs, it feels like a warm water is flushing down them....I just feel so weird still and it is worrying me slightly any input would greatly appreciated...

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nsd_user663_4522 profile image
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14 Replies
nsd_user663_55073 profile image

Hi Boss

I am 18 days into quit, 28 days on Champix, and feel very very tired all the time, I pick the children up from school and sleep on the sofa until 5.30 when they wake me feeling hungry.

I also have very achey joints at my knee and elbow joints, my face has come out in spots, but on a positive note my sense of smell came bursting out today.

Hopefully, others will come forward saying they are having these symptoms too, but you are not alone.

Well done on 22 days, stay strong :)

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

It is normal!

Hi Boss, lots of us have had weird and wonderful symptoms when we quit smoking. What you describe sounds quite normal. The strange feelings in your legs could be increased circulation and the tiredness does take a while to overcome. The spots again could be circulation.,

I suffered with bleeding gums and cold sores? If you really are worried see your smoking cessation nurse and I am sure she will put your mind at rest. It just goes to show how our bodies need to repair themselves after years of poisoning them.

Just keep going and soon enough everything will settle down I am sure.:)

nsd_user663_4522 profile image

Thanks everyone...haze I have quit cold turkey this time with no help, I did it last time with champix and didnt really have these symptoms or If I did maybe not as bad as now!! I have had the mouth ulcers and the bleeding gums its the fatigue that is confusing me I want to skip around like a 16 year old not slump into bed tired out hahaha...the spots may be down to the incredible amount of chocolate I have eaten hahaha so not too worried about that....its nice to know I am not suffering alone....

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

I dont know what causes the tiredness but that is a very common symptom Boss. I still get really tired now. Mind you that could just be me! I would just sleep if that is what your body wants. I am sure you will start to feel better soon. Anyway what a fantastic thing you are doing! The best possible thing for your body and your purse.:) Well done I say! Very well done!:)

Unah profile image

Don't worry about the tiredness. I was like that for weeks. I've never been so tired in all my life as I was the first few weeks. I had spots too and I'm way past the age for spots.

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Hiya Bossdean, I quit in September and, other than the usual sleepless nights at the very beginning slept normally until mid November or so, I think. I then went through 6-8 weeks of hell where I had anywhere from 0-4 hours a night. I can honestly say that it was only people on this forum that got me through! Then in the new year it started to level out. Now all I can do is sleep!

Quitting puts all sorts of things all over the place! I get a feeling of weakness in my arms, more like a feeling of intense relaxation, really weird. I still get really emotional for absolutely no reason as well, which can be kind of embarrassing!

Hang in there, I'm sure they'll all go in their own good time

Molly x

nsd_user663_52535 profile image


I was same as Molly, insomnia for weeks, and believe me I would take your tiredness over not sleeping, so when you're feeling that way just have a wee nap, and enjoy!! Sleep can only help in the repairing process.

Fi x

nsd_user663_55073 profile image

I actually thought the tiredness was down to the Champix, as it says on box, can make you drowsy, but if you are feeling as tired as me, it is more likely the nicotine withdrawal - which is a good thing I guess :D

nsd_user663_56336 profile image

I am now on day 23 - cold turkey, after many years of smoking 40+ a day.

Have tried the replacement products but to be honest I think it's an individual thing as none of them work at all for me, so after only a few days - the first 3, I just decided not to take anything. However, I do realize that replacements work for some people.

But since this is day 23 I thought I'd tell people how I'm feeling. I have aches and pains all over my body, now have a caugh unlike anything I had whilst smoking, and am now beginning to think I may have a chest infection, as I recall a friend once telling me that often (she read) when people stop smoking, suddenly they get all manner of chest conditions, maybe this is part of the clearing out process. I have decided to have it checked at Doc's next week, but one thing I'm certain of is that I will never smoke again, I'm reaping the benefits in other ways, and I'm sure weight and health issues will resolve themselves.

nsd_user663_56336 profile image

Max I would never have believed I had become so hooked on cigs - the house smell nice and fresh. I've got a sense of smell back that I didn't even know I'd lost LOL

nsd_user663_56336 profile image

I didn't have the energy to climb the stairs last night, so I slept on a chair with my feet on the footstool - that's where I woke at 7am this morning with my little dog beside me - this is just so unlike me but I'm completely done in, and feel as if I've run a marathon, I also have terrible caugh, phlegm etc, sore and tired legs, sweating a lot, I hope it's all down to quitting.

I'm not on Champix or any nic replacement, so i can't blame it on those. I'd love to hear from anyone who has had similar things, if so, when did it stop.

Incidentally, I'm 64 and started smoking when I was 21, over the years the number increased so up until the evening of 14th March I was on 50 cigs a day, and I feel so embarrassed to even admit that, as I've always been told most smokers when asked will drop 10 or 15 of their true number, but I've never seen the point.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I didn't have the energy to climb the stairs last night, so I slept on a chair with my feet on the footstool - that's where I woke at 7am this morning with my little dog beside me - this is just so unlike me but I'm completely done in, and feel as if I've run a marathon, I also have terrible caugh, phlegm etc, sore and tired legs, sweating a lot, I hope it's all down to quitting.

I've been going to sleep on the sofa regularly since quitting, hardly ever did before though!!

A few weeks after I stopped smoking I coughed and coughed until I was literally sick, I quit on the 11th and it hit just after Christmas, but it did pass!!

Incidentally, I'm 64 and started smoking when I was 21, over the years the number increased so up until the evening of 14th March I was on 50 cigs a day, and I feel so embarrassed to even admit that, as I've always been told most smokers when asked will drop 10 or 15 of their true number, but I've never seen the point.

I'm 29, and my number increased too - started as a social smoker, the a few a day, then an increasing number up to 20+ a day.

I did understate the amount I smoked, because I was in denial and ashamed of how much I smokd, and how addicted I was.

Kicking a 50 a day habit must be tough!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I dont really know how many I was smoking at the end.I always told people it was 14-16 a day but that was ******** it was more like 20-25 :rolleyes:

*Knows the feeling*

nsd_user663_56336 profile image

I think most people genuinely don't realize how many cigs they smoke.

I knew because for some reason I was taking more note of how often I had to go to the shop to buy cigs - oh and I should say, since I stopped I can't understand how much money there is in my purse as I'm not used to it, last night thinking I hadn't had to go to the shop for ages LOL just tells how often I went, and how much I spent. My cigs were £7.97 for 20 and I would buy 60, so the math says it all.

But a little update, Yesterday, I had a great deal of trouble with my breathing and caughing, which I didn't have before stopping, legs arms everwhere sore too. Sleep bad.

I had no choice but to go to the doctor, who has put me on a Ventolin inhaler, and also eight a day steroids just for one week, which he said will make a huge difference to my lungs almost as soon as I start with the steroids.

I don't want people to panic, as my doctor explained to me that everyone is different, my Carbon reading which was done by the nurse in my GP Practice after 2 weeks of quitting, was reading 1 which is the reading they'd expect from someone who has never smoked at all, on the day I stopped my reading was 4 which was better than they though, so my lungs have started to repair very quickly - hence my breathing problems, the doctor explained it to me very well. He listened to my lungs, and also my heart, and said everything was normal, as my symptoms had initially led him to wonder if I had pneumonia - thankfully I don't. It is the lungs way of starting to clean themselves out, as the normal process of cleaning hadn't taken place because of the years of smoking.

So I'm feeling on top of the world already, and that's just since yesterday, the painful legs etc have all gone back to normal. I think what my doctor said was right, and perhaps worth everyone on here knowing - he reckons quitting smoking affects all of us in different ways and to a greater or lesser extent, but the one thing he said from his experience with quitters is that almost all of them say they feel terrific in or around the six month.

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