How do I get over my fear of quitting - No Smoking Day

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How do I get over my fear of quitting

nsd_user663_51214 profile image
10 Replies

I am ready to quit smoking. I just have so much fear. Can someone help me get over this obstacle?

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nsd_user663_51214 profile image
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10 Replies
nsd_user663_18145 profile image

Hi Kyl

first of all welcome to the forum :)

second what do you actually fear?

is it the fear that you dont think you can stop or stay stopped

or is it the fear of you dont think your strong enough to stop

if you have any questions

please ask there is always someone here that will answer your questions



nsd_user663_51232 profile image

Hi Kyl,

Welcome to the forum, we all here to support each other achieve the same goal :)

I'm currently on day 10 of my quit and things are much better. I completely know where you are coming from when you talk about the fear of not smoking. I found just focusing on one day or hour at a time helped. Don't let your thoughts dwell on never smoking again, just put your energy into not smoking that day.

I also found the Allen Carr book helped me to view smoking in a different way. It helped to give me a positive attitude to not smoking. Finally the thing that helped me the most is this forum - there is a real wealth of knowledge, support and experience. I did nothing but read posts on this forum for the first four days of my quit.

Good luck with stopping smoking, everyone on this forum is here to help. You can do it!

nsd_user663_46317 profile image

Welcome Kyl

As Sam says concentrate on hour by hour day by day week by week. What ever it takes to get you through the early days.

I promise, it does get easier. Best of luck:D

nsd_user663_48461 profile image

Hi Kyl

Welcome and congrats.

Remember you weren't born with a fear of not smoking - the fags have kindly created that for you.

There is generally only one way to overcome fear - face it head on! Same applies here - make sure it's you, not the cigs, that wins this battle.


Dippy_Egg profile image

Kyl....I think Sam is right here. You need to take a calming breath and just 'put your energy into not smoking' today. Take this thing minute by minute. Little steps at a time.

I think you, like loads before and after you, are leaping ahead of yourself into a panic about a lifetime of not smoking. I know I did. I could hardly decide if I was more afraid of failing or succeeding. You and I and everyone here knows the truth though Kyl. There is far more to be afraid of in a lifetime of smoking than a lifetime of not. I have not smoked for three and a half months and OH MY GOD this freedom from addiction, and from the fear of what the addiction was doing to me, is very very addictive :) In such a short space of time, and I promise you it all went very quickly in the scheme of things.........I have become someone who can fill their lungs up to the brim with healthy, delicious summer air. Someone who can cycle up big hills, all the way from bottom to top till her heart is pounding in her chest with the glorious effort......all the time celebrating my fantastic lungs which I no longer fear will burst! What I'm really saying to you is this. Dont be afraid of not smoking. Stopping smoking is the best best most wonderful thing I EVER did for myself. Hang in there. One day at a time. Before you know it you'll be posting that you havent smoked for three and half months and feel chuffing fantastic.

Sam massive congrats on 10 wonderful smoke free days. I cant tell you how happy it makes me to see others succeed. GET IN! :D

AngryBear profile image

Kyl, as has already been stated many times, just a bit at a time. By all means have a smoke tomorrow. Just not today. Or have one this afternoon, just not this morning. Or have one in an hour, just not now. Whatever you need to do. It all goes away sooner than you'd think, or it did for me anyway, after 22 years of heavy smoking :D

nsd_user663_51214 profile image

What am I scared of

I guess what I'm scared of is losing the plot emotionally when I quit. Which has happened in a previous quit. I also suffered anxiety and depression when I quit for nearly 4 months. I loved being quit but in the end I smoked because I felt depressed. I see this now as very stupid to throw away that hard work but now I have the memory of the tough time I had quitting last time and I am fearing it happening again. :confused:

nsd_user663_18145 profile image

most people suffer with panic/anxiety attacks depression when stopping and if you already suffer with any of these it can make things worse for a while

but like every side effect it does get better

have you tried mindfullness, relaxation or tapping at all?

trying to keep in the moment and not think to far ahead helps and is less daunting

perhaps seeing a quit nurse or doctor about your concerns may help

but it does get better

most people take afew times to quit before they achieve the final quit so try not to think about past ones and just concentrate on getting through each day saying to yourself

i choose not to smoke to day

keep posting and reading posts on here

nsd_user663_51214 profile image

Thank you for the tips and replies. Tomorrow is a new day and I may start my quit journey then. I will see what the weather is like or ofI am feeling like its a good day to begin.

nsd_user663_26699 profile image


It has been said before, but I will repeat. Don't think of the future, but think of now. Can you stop now? Of course you can! Do you have to stop forever? No, you can start any time, but you have chosen that for now you don't smoke. There's nothing to fear, although I understand the feeling. It can be overwhelming to try and imagine the rest of our lives without smoking! Always think of today. Can I stop for today? Can I stop for now? I'm not even smoking now, so I've already quit! That's a step forward.

It's also been said, you need to put yourself in the shoes of a non-smoker. They don't want, crave, or even remotely think about cigarettes. The whole smoking farce is in our heads, planted by the bloody chemicals that make you think you need to smoke! There are millions of people on earth who live perfectly happily without tobacco, so there's no reason why you would be the exception.

Once you get past the stage of thinking you need cigarettes, you'll be in a much happier place.


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