had a bit of a trigger today: quite... - No Smoking Day

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had a bit of a trigger today

nsd_user663_20978 profile image
12 Replies

quite shockingly i had a little trigger try to catch me out today

what happened when we [me and oh] quit smoking we bought a steam cleaner and steam cleaned the smoggy smelly fag butt smell out with steam and i have been using it regularly ever since but today i decided to deep clean the bathroom with the good old fashioned bleach well half way through the tiles [lots of them floor to ceiling ] i thought ahh have a fag break in a min OMG as quickly as i thought it i dismissed it but wow it scared me how easily it popped in my head


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nsd_user663_20978 profile image
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12 Replies

lol Boo,

I think I am going to have triggers for years to come to cover experiences from all angles because I don't do the cleaning as often as I should :o)

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Hey Boo :)

You're not the only one. I had a bit of a trigger - actually quite a major one - a couple of days ago, when I got really nervous about something. I was so glad nobody in my house smoked because I honestly don't know, in that moment of weakness, if I wouldn't have just lit one.

I posted about it on here and got about 70 views and not a single reply. I think there may have been an element of 'what are you whinging for, you're fine!' in that. Probably I deserved it. Felt a bit guilty for posting.

But actually it just serves to remind us that no matter how far down the road we are the brain can still play tricks. Never drop your guard!!

Fancy coming and cleaning my bathroom? :D

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

I posted about it on here and got about 70 views and not a single reply. I think there may have been an element of 'what are you whinging for, you're fine!' in that. Probably I deserved it. Felt a bit guilty for posting.

But actually it just serves to remind us that no matter how far down the road we are the brain can still play tricks. Never drop your guard!!

Sorry that I missed that post, Hels...I don't read everything on the boards as I used to in my first year. From my part I mentioned recently about being exhausted - real World long term pressures at work - and was suprised how the crave manage to whisper sweet nothings in my lug hole.

Nothing wrong with the odd craves, Boo, Suze and Hels. But this increased self knowledge we gain about ourselves through quitting helps in dealing with those issues as they arise. Of course it doesn't even need to be about smoking and for that reason I'm pleased with my self-awareness gained through stopping smoking and I think you should be too. Suze, I'm aware that you're a newbie in your gleaming new found non nicotine stained life but I'm sure you would be aware of what I'm wittering on about.

Boo, when you're done with Hels cleaning please head directly North a couple hundred miles. I'll look out for a woman with a mop ;)

nsd_user663_20978 profile image

Hey Boo :)

You're not the only one. I had a bit of a trigger - actually quite a major one - a couple of days ago, when I got really nervous about something. I was so glad nobody in my house smoked because I honestly don't know, in that moment of weakness, if I wouldn't have just lit one.

I posted about it on here and got about 70 views and not a single reply. I think there may have been an element of 'what are you whinging for, you're fine!' in that. Probably I deserved it. Felt a bit guilty for posting.

But actually it just serves to remind us that no matter how far down the road we are the brain can still play tricks. Never drop your guard!!

Fancy coming and cleaning my bathroom? :D

sorry helen i didnt see your post either as i would definately have answered if i had i tend to click new posts and i think i seem to miss alot by doing this

i felt abit wierd posting my woes on here to not done it for a long time used to be daily lol .......how far we have come eh

Boo you're bloody perfect... EX SMOKER ...succesful slimmer...wonderful mother ..new student!!! and you still get the odd moment!!! We must all beware or is that be aware! Whatever it's a hard habit (smoking) to beat. You I think will always beat it as will Helsbelles . GO both :)of you

thankyou una i wouldnt say perfect on all haha ex smoker ...yes sucessful slimmer.....no not yet but i have lost my smoking weight just got the baby weight to go. wonderful mother .... i like to think i am. new student ....yes but it is scary and very exciting hope i pass [finished unit 1 three more to go]

i would just like to clarify i clean loads but it was the DEEP clean that triggered the trigger you know when you have to get every morsel of dirt off of every possible surface in a kind of obsessive way it just i read my orginal post and it sounded like i hadnt cleaned since i quit lol


nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Hey Boo :)

I posted about it on here and got about 70 views and not a single reply. I think there may have been an element of 'what are you whinging for, you're fine!' in that. Probably I deserved it. Felt a bit guilty for posting.

Hi Helen, sorry I didnt reply to your post too! You have been extremely supportive to me and everyone else one on here with very good advice. Please dont feel guilty about posting you deserve support. You have both got good quits under your belts and should be proud, and you didnt give in to the triggers either.:)

nsd_user663_42755 profile image

I posted about it on here and got about 70 views and not a single reply. I think there may have been an element of 'what are you whinging for, you're fine!' in that. Probably I deserved it. Felt a bit guilty for posting.

Hi Helen. I guess part of the answer is what advice can you give to the advisors? :) I'm not sure that you and Boo really need much help as such - as Boo says, even if they are surprising at this stage, they are not that hard to deal with.

In the meantime, I am off to do some deep cleaning, followed by an attempt to get myself interviewed on a radio, just to tick off a few more triggers....


austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

Someone asked me for advice for a similar problem recently.

I said,

"It's very easy to assume that once we've managed that first period of being smokefree that we're home and dry and quit for good. The period may be a week, a month, a year, it varies depending not only on the individual but also their attitude to smoking and cessation.

I'm coming up to my fifth anniversary but still I sometimes get the urge to smoke and it's not because of seeing other people smoking or smelling a waft of tobacco. It's often just a sudden out of the blue feeling that I need to smoke, there and then. It's embarrassing, knowing what I know and what I tell people, to get what is in effect a craving but I think that deep down in the subconscious these things bubble away and surface in response to stimuli when we're not expecting them.

I think it's like riding a bike. It may be an old cliché but it's actually true; you never forget how to ride a bike. After years not riding we may wobble a bit but it only takes a few yards and we're off and riding again.

Our subconscious remembers how to ride, how to swim and how to drive a car despite lengthy periods of abstinence.

I reckon it's exactly the same with smoking.

Deep down we will always remember it and at points in our future non-smoking life it will rise to the surface in response to a trigger.

You don't have to be scared. You just have to accept that these things happen and may continue to happen for the rest of our lives.

What's for certain is that rushing out and buying fags won't help anything.

The feeling will pass and you'll be astonished how intense the urge was despite the length of time quit.

It WILL pass though.

Whatever method you used to mentally cope with your initial quit, it may be necessary to revisit it just to keep you on the straight and narrow.

We can always find an excuse to start if we need one. Acceptance that these things happen and will continue to happen can make them easier to deal with.

There's nothing in tobacco for you now other than bad memories. It seems appealing from some angles but just think of it as the child catcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang."

nsd_user663_20591 profile image

happens to us all boo....as long as we get through it smoke free we are winners:)

nsd_user663_52535 profile image

Someone asked me for advice for a similar problem recently.

I said,

"It's very easy to assume that once we've managed that first period of being smokefree that we're home and dry and quit for good. The period may be a week, a month, a year, it varies depending not only on the individual but also their attitude to smoking and cessation.

I'm coming up to my fifth anniversary but still I sometimes get the urge to smoke and it's not because of seeing other people smoking or smelling a waft of tobacco. It's often just a sudden out of the blue feeling that I need to smoke, there and then. It's embarrassing, knowing what I know and what I tell people, to get what is in effect a craving but I think that deep down in the subconscious these things bubble away and surface in response to stimuli when we're not expecting them.

I think it's like riding a bike. It may be an old cliché but it's actually true; you never forget how to ride a bike. After years not riding we may wobble a bit but it only takes a few yards and we're off and riding again.

Our subconscious remembers how to ride, how to swim and how to drive a car despite lengthy periods of abstinence.

I reckon it's exactly the same with smoking.

Deep down we will always remember it and at points in our future non-smoking life it will rise to the surface in response to a trigger.

You don't have to be scared. You just have to accept that these things happen and may continue to happen for the rest of our lives.

What's for certain is that rushing out and buying fags won't help anything.

The feeling will pass and you'll be astonished how intense the urge was despite the length of time quit.

It WILL pass though.

Whatever method you used to mentally cope with your initial quit, it may be necessary to revisit it just to keep you on the straight and narrow.

We can always find an excuse to start if we need one. Acceptance that these things happen and will continue to happen can make them easier to deal with.

There's nothing in tobacco for you now other than bad memories. It seems appealing from some angles but just think of it as the child catcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang."

I like this too!


Fi x

nsd_user663_57321 profile image

Guess what I've had loads of triggers today and finding it really difficult but I've managed by coming on here and distracting myself - let's beat this thing forever!!! x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Guess what I've had loads of triggers today and finding it really difficult but I've managed by coming on here and distracting myself - let's beat this thing forever!!! x

What she said!! *High fives*

Nic is pulling out all the stops on me today, but he can get stuffed!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

My dad still fancies a smoke, wait for it!!!. 18 yrs after he quit :confused:

My nan quit years and years ago - my dad was about 10-ish - and she still fancied one sometimes.

Odd isn't it?

She tried to teach me her method of quitting but it didn't work on me :(

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