18 months: I want say I wasn’t going to post... - No Smoking Day

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18 months

nsd_user663_7469 profile image
36 Replies

I want say I wasn’t going to post on my 18 months quit because like 12 months it seems a worthy milestone that deserves commenting on, I am shocked that I haven’t lit up and even more shocked when I realise the only time I truly think about smoking is when I do a milestone thread like now, I don’t think of it in terms of wanting to smoke more in a sort of surprised way that I had forgotten that I did smoke, when people used to tell me it gets easier I was always doubtful and I would think maybe for them but not for me.

Well here I am 18 months and I am being totally honest when I tell you that after the 6 months mark it did get easier but after 12 months it actually begins to feels normal if that makes sense, now it’s like I actually enjoy being a none smoker and the thought of going back to smoking is quite scary, so I hope I am never in the position of even considering it.

I don’t want this post to come across like it was easy because we all know it’s not, but it can be done and I truly hope that any of you struggling to get your head around the idea of never smoking again will try not to think in terms of never, just stop for today and let tomorrow take care of itself, that should be good enough.

I cannot praise this site enough and the people on it for all the support it has given me, it has been the mainstay of my quit and I am sure that I am one of many who feel the same way, maybe a little time consuming at times but you only get back what you put in, maybe lately I haven’t been so giving on the support side of things but we do have some great supporters on here now who are doing an amazing job which gives us who are a little further up the road a chance to take a breather instead of a ciggy break.

So thanks again to all of you who have carried me to my 18 months post and I wish you all a long and smoke free life.

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nsd_user663_7469 profile image
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36 Replies
NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Well done jamangie!

It just keeps getting better!

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Thanks Nic it does seem that way and you would know, is it coming up for 3 years for you?? well done.

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Thanks Karri :eek: it sounds completley unbelievable 2 years so I try not to think about it and will settle for the 18months at the moment, I hope you are doing OK x

nsd_user663_9987 profile image

Wonderful......your post is MY INSPIRATION.

Dannyboy55 profile image

My quit buddie does it again

Hi S

I was at the big "Support the armed services" day at Edinburgh yesterday, "Saturday" and went into a local coffee shop. I was sitting with J.K. Rowling, and I was showing her your posts! and she said you could be a writer because your comments are well constructed and I was about to give her your contact details but I got pushed out of the way by that bloody Shaun Connery, so I just left before I did him some damage,

But joking aside "well done" my quit buddie, we have came a long way together so enjoy the momment and I look forward to Christmas when we will both celebrate another big milestone, and to anyone who is reading this have a look at the amount of posts that this wonderful lady has done and you will see how supportive she has been to the people of this site.

P.S I noticed that they had missed you from the Queen's birthday honers list oh well there is always the New Years list. Joking aside, love you lots and a big thanks for being my biggest support.

PS I still have that lovely bottle of single malt to share with you the next time you are near the Forth Road Bridge area.


nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Wonderful......your post is MY INSPIRATION.

Thanks Douglas, that makes my quit so much more worth while, I hope this time its a forever quit for you and that once past the 6 months you will begin to feel the real benefits of stopping.

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

18 months is amazing in itself. I can't imagine you ever having a blip or smoking again. I'm good thanks J x x

I hope you are right Karri and that no matter what I never take up the habit again, I fell over my old dog this morning and I dont mean my OH I mean Nan Nook my 19 year old Border Collie who has taken to laying in doorways and ignores us all the time :rolleyes: so I have broken my little toe and guess what I did not think I want a cig, it was laying off to the side and it hurts like hell, but still havent craved one so thats good but now Dogs want get a walk unless OH takes them in 2s LOL

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Hi S

I was at the big "Support the armed services" day at Edinburgh yesterday, "Saturday" and went into a local coffee shop. I was sitting with J.K. Rowling, and I was showing her your posts! and she said you could be a writer because your comments are well constructed and I was about to give her your contact details but I got pushed out of the way by that bloody Shaun Connery, so I just left before I did him some damage,

But joking aside "well done" my quit buddie, we have came a long way together so enjoy the momment and I look forward to Christmas when we will both celebrate another big milestone, and to anyone who is reading this have a look at the amount of posts that this wonderful lady has done and you will see how supportive she has been to the people of this site.

P.S I noticed that they had missed you from the Queen's birthday honers list oh well there is always the New Years list. Joking aside, love you lots and a big thanks for being my biggest support.

PS I still have that lovely bottle of single malt to share with you the next time you are near the Forth Road Bridge area.


LMAO and I will be waiting for her invite to get writing :rolleyes: didnt I tell you that thats what I do already I am suprised you didnt reconize the style :D remember my friend that you have been there for me as well, its not been all one sided and you have been a great support to me also.

Isnt it strange that over all this time we have stayed buddies, sadly it doesnt always work that way and we lose some friends along the way but maybe in time we can get them back.

looking forward to the malt but can I have it in my decaf tea please, Luvs you loads take care speak soon xxx

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

He didn’t even raise his head 5774 this was taken about 4 years ago but I think it’s a cracking picture of him, he has altered so much though since then, mainly because he is going deaf and a bit non compos mentis LOL

If you had asked me that a year ago I would have said yes sometimes, 6 months ago I would have had to say rarely, and right now in all honesty the answer is no, I do not want to smoke ever again but the best thing is I know now I don’t need to.

The 12 month milestone was like turning a corner and seeing the light come on.

You will get there, it may take something drastic to make you take the step and stay there but you will I am sure.

And no I havent had it checked but I know its broke cause it flopped over eeeeeeeeeeeeeek :D

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

I thought I was going to be sick it hurt that much, its still throbbing but I have done the dinner, not sunday luch type dinner though just a curry as it was easier.

Yea he does look sweet doesnt he, felt right cross with him when I did it though.

Heres the others.

All rescue dogs, Gizmo One year, LouLou 8 Years and Woody just fostering him 3 years(talking about keeping him).


nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Karri Curry was great LOL and yes spoil them to bits, one of the reasons to quit was my Dog Btch had a cough, he sadly passed to Rainbow Bridge last December and I miss him like mad, he was a super little boy.

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Yes I will and u too, Dogs Cats are all affected by smoke it kills them too.

nsd_user663_14114 profile image


You are such an inspiration to others and always around to help people in their quits.

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Thanks Claire, I think that by using the forum and by trying to give support it helps to keep your own quit on line and focussed, you are getting close to the Penthouse and I must say I think you are also an inspiration to the forum, it is good to see the amount of quitters hitting some great milestones.

And it is also great to see people who are really struggling to get there quit going but still keep trying, that to me is harder than quitting permanantly as it must be harder work to be off and on, not only on the body but the mind as well, wouldnt it be great to go to sleep and wake up quit and feeling OK about it.

Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

Well done on your 18 mths. I have to agree that beyond the 6 mths point it does get easier. Will have to see the 12-18mth point from October :)

I think its so helpful for people still at the begining of their journey to see post like this as it shows that although its blooming hard its so worth it in the end.

Well done again


nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Thanks Levs, I know when I first started my quit journey it seemed nigh on impossible, but as I continued I started to see others who had made it to the year milestone, I actually started to realise that I could also do it.

There are so many missing from the site now who have gone past year one and even those that have hit year 2 and 3 so it shows that it can be done, and its great when they pop back and let us know they are still smoke free.

How great is it to look back at yourself as a smoker even if it was only a week ago, no matter how long or short your quit is just remember its still a quit.

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Hi Jam

Sorry im a late poster on this one but only just noticed it so i wanted to say a big well done and congrats on the 18 month quit. You have been an inspiration to me and of course the many out there so thank you hun.

Sorry to hear about your toe, i hope its starting to feel a bit better now. I hope your trying to rest it if you can.

Anyhow once again Jam well done and here's to your next milestone :)

nsd_user663_26699 profile image

¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸><(((º> Well done, Jamangie! ¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸><(((º>

Great job in keeping quit for such a long time, but also for generously supporting others in their quits!


nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Thanks Jo, toe (oops it rhymes) hurts like hell but being the gritty type of woman I have still done the cleaning stripped the beds and done some washing and I am now cooking the dinner, a little snapped of toe cant stop us we are made of sterner stuff than that, but it hurts r12.imgfast.net/users/1212/... hell, thanks for the good wishes though I am sure it will heal quite quickly if I rest it, fat chance :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_4991 profile image

Well done Jamangie , great post and very well constructed.

18 months is fantastic and I am very proud of ya sweetie:)

Trev xx

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸><(((º> Well done, Jamangie! ¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸><(((º>

Great job in keeping quit for such a long time, but also for generously supporting others in their quits!


How long did that take you, shows that quitting smoking can make you have too much time on your hands :)

Thanks for doing it though.

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Well done Jamangie , great post and very well constructed.

18 months is fantastic and I am very proud of ya sweetie:)

Trev xx

Thanks Trev I much appreciate it, I am only sad that in theory you should be leading me, never mind babe take my hand and I will not give you the chance to roll up cause even you cant do it one handed, can you!!! :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_4991 profile image

Thanks Trev I much appreciate it, I am only sad that in theory you should be leading me, never mind babe take my hand and I will not give you the chance to roll up cause even you cant do it one handed, can you!!! :rolleyes:

Who has been telling tales hun ?:p , well done again x

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Congrats Jammie!! 18 months is great stuff, very proud of you, well done and all that ;)

jackieinv profile image

Well done, 18 months is worth a good celebration.


nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Congrats Jammie!! 18 months is great stuff, very proud of you, well done and all that ;)

Well done, 18 months is worth a good celebration.


Thanks Bell and Jackie, I hope you are both having a great summer :rolleyes: and thanks for the good wishes x

nsd_user663_4786 profile image

How time flies, a huge congrats from me.

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Quitting our lives away :) thanks Bev, hope you are doing OK and that the Kids are all good as well, haven't spoken to you for ages where have you been?

nsd_user663_4786 profile image

Smoking quietly in the corner, I'm afraid. Not quite sure how to stop again if that makes any sense. Sooo proud of you.

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Smoking quietly in the corner, I'm afraid. Not quite sure how to stop again if that makes any sense. Sooo proud of you.

WHAT? :eek: Bev, what the hell? Email me......... xx

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Ah Bev so sorry and you were actually getting there, never mind you know the only way to stop is by throwing that last fag in the bin and not lighting another one, afraid that is the only way and you need to do it for your little ones if not for you, I lost my Mum way to soon and you dont want them to have to deal with losing you until they are old enough to be able to do it without screwing them up completely, I am not saying its easier to lose some one when you are older but if they leave you when you are older at least you have memories that you truly remember not need someone to have to keep saying it like brain washing.

So this time its for good and do it now or it will only get harder.

Big r12.imgfast.net/users/1212/... deep breaths you can do it.

nsd_user663_4786 profile image

Thanks girls, don't want to hijack your 18month post tho.

I will make the decision and see you on the day 1 page soon, I promise.

Email sent Bella.

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Make sure you do and if its support you need then it a pleasure to be hijacked by you xx

nsd_user663_14921 profile image

Well done Jamangie! 18 months is an awesome acheivement :D

nsd_user663_5956 profile image

Hi Jam,

Long time no speak, but just wanted to say a massive well done for your quit. I do remember your early posts and like mine we were both really struggling.

Great to hear we are both still going, and I agree totally, this forum is an enormous help, I relied on the help, tears , laughter and support I received for a long time and I am very grateful I found this website.

Take care.

Dee x:)

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Well done Jamangie! 18 months is an awesome acheivement :D

Not long now Lissa and you will be up here in the Penthouse with us, you are doing really well so glad you are kicking the butt of Mr Nicco Demo.

Hi Jam,

Long time no speak, but just wanted to say a massive well done for your quit. I do remember your early posts and like mine we were both really struggling.

Great to hear we are both still going, and I agree totally, this forum is an enormous help, I relied on the help, tears , laughter and support I received for a long time and I am very grateful I found this website.

Take care.

Dee x:)

Thanks Dee you are now getting towards the 2 year mark, I bet if some one had said you would get that far you would have laughed in there mush, it wasn't easy and we all say that like we are willing others to get through the worst bits, which we are because we know if we can do it so can any one else, I shall be there shouting on your 2 years quit day.

Nice to see you back as well, I dont seem to have ever left, how sad is that.

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