What a way to start week 2: Things not... - No Smoking Day

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What a way to start week 2

nsd_user663_1930 profile image
7 Replies

Things not looking good for today...

Well just for people who don't know, I am now starting Day 8, but yesterday I went out to buy a TV only to find that my 5 year old Son could break my spirit in a matter of minutes.

Needless to say I got through yesterday (not easy, but I did), only to have my wife barge into my office 30 minutes ago telling me the washing machine had flooded the utility room.

So to summarize, after yesterday I swore that I wouldn't go shopping with the family for a few weeks, only to be forced into a situation today where I need to buy a washing machine.

Wish me luck everyone, Gav is going shopping at 10:30 am with the family :eek:

Note: Let me put it into perspective for everyone, I have spent the last five years building a business, I have also spent the last three years building two bungalows with my father. I have had no holiday for 5 years, and over the last 3 years I have had about 6 weekends off from building. The last 6 months we have been laying the driveway at weekends (Final building job) and have only been unable to work for 3 weekends this year. And I can honestly say, yesterday shopping with my son was the most painful day i've had in 5 years. :eek:

However, the difference today, is I know what to expect... Let the battle commence...

Oh and I would just like to say to all the ladies out there who are looking after the kids day in day out... "You are all super heroes and I take my hat of to you all, you are doing a job that would break me (well infact most men) in a matter on minutes".

Anyhow, off to the shops we go... La la la la... :)

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nsd_user663_1930 profile image
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7 Replies
nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Oh and I would just like to say to all the ladies out there who are looking after the kids day in day out... "You are all super heroes and I take my hat of to you all, you are doing a job that would break me (well infact most men) in a matter on minutes".

:D Thanks for the recognition! If you expect a kuffuffle you will get one! try and work on a plan to help make situations easier, keep your son amused with crayons or toys in the car. Tell him if he is good for you he can have a sticker every hour ~ Keep a chart so he can see how good he is. if he is naughty he gets a sad face ~ 3 sad faces = time out 5 mins sitting on a chair with no distractions i face mine towards the wall. If you need to time out while out and about just hold his hand for 5 mins with no communication.

Sorry waffling again >_<

Take more time off! you work so hard how can you enjoy your family!

My other half is building a house at the bottom of his mums garden and he gets the kids to labour for him :D hehe they love being involved!

It is great that you have set up your own business! you must be really proud, i could never discipline myself enough to get of my arse and work from home hehe i would just make tea all the time :D

Shows great will power and self discipline, parenting and not smoking should be a breeze for you! :D

P.S probably too late 'cos you've gone, if not may i advise an AEG washing machine, superior quality!

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

I hope the trip went well, i went swimming and shopping, kept thinking about your stressful day! I do hope it went well x x x x maybe even it was all a ploy to get you out the house for a surprise fathers day lunch?

I do hope you've had a good day

~ Buffy x

Keep up your amazing strength :D

nsd_user663_1930 profile image

Hi Buffy,

Trip went very well (I think!!!).

I figured if I am going to buy a Washing Machine / Dryer then I may as well pick up that TV I was looking at. I could rent a van on monday and pick everything up and get everything sorted out by the end of monday night.

However when I saw the prices of Washing Machines I nearly passed out... :eek:

So I considered my options over an Angus Meal at Burger King.

Now considering our old washing machine was only 3 years old and was a BOSCH with a 5 year warranty, I figured that I was going to get it fixed.

So then I thought bugger it, I won't bother with the TV either saves me a job next week and saves me a stack load of cash... :D

And to be fair the TV was a no-smoking treat... However I'll just have to make do with my old 37" Plasma and just carry on dreaming about that 50" one. :)

And more importantly thats Day 8 pretty much done and dusted for no-smoking.

nsd_user663_1830 profile image


How well are you doing??? When do you have time to watch TV anyway????


nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Rofl my god how on earth did you ever consider replacing a 3 year old bosch washing machine?!

and you want to replace a 37" plasma with a 50" Jesus , or as my 3 yr old said yesterday, but thats another story :D 'wow Flucking hell!'

I have to cope with a laptop and 3d a-na-lizer to play games, thats wrong but i have to sacrifice :rolleyes:

Why do you want to replace this TV?

Of course the machine needs fixing and you don't need a new TV x x

Over flowing machine ~ check over flow pipe is clear.

the long grey pipe needs removing and clearing any part you can reach clear it and run a regular boil wash with detergent to clear it out once monthly, also calgon is ok but i find it makes the wash stiff so i run an empty cycle with a calgon tablet 1 time a week.

Rofl well thats not all strictly true but it is what i mean to do :rolleyes:

so glad trip went well and you didn't fold x x

Gav can i be so bold? your amazing you have achieved so much!

Your little boy must be so pleased to have a stinky free daddy to play with now x x Well done x x omg did you watch dr who last night?

:D ~ Buffy x

nsd_user663_1930 profile image

Well here we are struggling to give up smoking and we must remember that there are people out there with far bigger problems than us...

Take the Doctor for example, the Master stole his Tardis... Now thats a serious problem... :D

Oh Buffy, if there is one thing you must remember in life "You can never have enough TV's"...

And Loopy, funny enough I watch most of my TV between 11 pm and 2 am in the morning. After working most night to 10 pm ish I need a good couple of hours unwinding infront of the TV.

And everyone on this forum said about giving yourself a treat now and then for giving up smoking...

Now I am only doing what I am being advised to do... :)

However onto more important matters. I have noticed this weekend a distinct change in my drive and motivation. I decided that most of the weekend I was going to work, but ended up doing absolutely nothing, put my feet up on the old desk and slept for most of the weekend. Now this could be one of two reasons...

1. No smoking symptom...

2. New TV playing on my mind and I won't be happy until I've bought it...

The question is, does this sound like a sympton of giving up? Has anyone else experienced this kind of symptom?

And I have also experienced a persistant feeling / urge to go back to smoking. Its different to a craving feeling as its permanently in my mind, up to now I have chosen not to smoke (It's just odd).

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Ok lol now i read your post and got a shiver again, i can not believe the master took the tardis (he reminded me of the wizard of oz lol ). Then i also reminded myself that Dr Who has been around all my life and it always turns out good and why do i still! sit on the edge of my sofa screaming 'no quick, ruuuuuuunnnnnnnnn' ????

Oh but the weeping angels were my absolute favorite!

Ok never enough TV's granted but one plasma in my house would be like OMG!!

my eldest has an lcd its awful IMHO.

Gav man i swear to god 2am is like totally wrong! unless your a student or something! but a business man with a family woo 2am, last time i saw that was when i was ~ oh ok i went clubbing a couple of weeks ago but thats not the point!~ generally! 2 am is for students man!

Next you'll be telling me thats red hot channel times ! hehe jokes soz x x

However onto more important matters. I have noticed this weekend a distinct change in my drive and motivation. I decided that most of the weekend I was going to work, but ended up doing absolutely nothing, put my feet up on the old desk and slept for most of the weekend. Now this could be one of two reasons...

I personally have found that a life change thing has happened with me, I am more, searching for the word ~ :rolleyes: unlike me never usualy struggle for words! ~i initialy felt more hard done by than ever before so unapreciated etc then i went through another stage and now i am really cool! i even quite like my kids :eek: i took them off of ebay :D serious i don't know, it runs deep , i think i found 'guilt free selfishness' i sit and play on the computer, when there are things that could be done, i am like nope i am sat down now. never was like that before.

Lol sounds crap but it is more than that, with the quit i changed my outlook no doubt x x

Did i go off on a tangent again? >_<

Should i start to limit my words per post? my posts per day? man i talk too much

Hell beats smoking :D

~Buffy x

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