Mum's the word!: My mum who is almost 76 is... - No Smoking Day

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Mum's the word!

nsd_user663_8676 profile image
49 Replies

My mum who is almost 76 is the last person in my immediate family who smokes must have been feeling a little guilty since I quit and she has just told me that she is off to the doctors tomorrow to get started on Champix!

Way to go mum! :eek:

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nsd_user663_8676 profile image
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49 Replies
nsd_user663_8873 profile image


Awesome news Steph - look forward to seeing her on here :D

nsd_user663_8676 profile image

Hi Chris

Mum and computers - not really ;)

It hasn't been for the lack of trying on my part - believe me!

I do read her posts from the site and I will let you know how she gets on.

Have a good evening

nsd_user663_5028 profile image

My mum who is almost 76 is the last person in my immediate family who smokes must have been feeling a little guilty since I quit and she has just told me that she is off to the doctors tomorrow to get started on Champix!

Way to go mum! :eek:

Hey Steph and Steph's Mum

Loving your work,hope to see you on here posting away, gonna have to behave now steph arn't you :D

nsd_user663_8676 profile image


Hi Guys

I have read my mum your posts and she wants me to pass on her thanks. She is off to the doctors this afternoon so fingers crossed :)

Thanks from me as well and bradders - I am always good ;)

Staying strong together

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

:)well done you both xx awh that post as just made me smile so much xxx

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

My mum who is almost 76 is the last person in my immediate family who smokes must have been feeling a little guilty since I quit and she has just told me that she is off to the doctors tomorrow to get started on Champix!

Way to go mum! :eek:

Way to go indeed Stephs mummy :)

Wish you all the very best with your quit. Your daughter is a shining example on how to do it :D

Gaynor x

nsd_user663_8676 profile image

Ta very much

Thank you all so much for your words of encouragement. She will be really pleased when I call her later to find out how she got on at the docs.

I have to explain that not only does she have a phobia of computers ("which one do I press, I don't want to mess it up?" being the classic phrase) she lives in Yorkshire and as I am in Scotland so this really is a long-distance quit :eek:

I usually call her every evening, but I think I will have to make it more frequent in the early days.

I think you are all brill and thanks for being there :)

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

Oh thats great news... good for her hun :)

Let us know how she is doing wont you!!


nsd_user663_8351 profile image

What fantastic news Steph, you should be very proud of yourself.

Good luck to you and your mum! :)

Lottie x

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Hi thats super news and here's a link to say that the older you are the more health benefits you will notice and here is a link for a site that tells you just that, and as far as an old chap we know who stopped at 70 and hes 87 now and he just stopped when they gave him a scare and he has never looked back, so go for it gal and we will be there to drag you along the smoke free road.

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Thank you all so much for your words of encouragement. She will be really pleased when I call her later to find out how she got on at the docs.

I have to explain that not only does she have a phobia of computers ("which one do I press, I don't want to mess it up?" being the classic phrase) she lives in Yorkshire and as I am in Scotland so this really is a long-distance quit :eek:

I usually call her every evening, but I think I will have to make it more frequent in the early days.

I think you are all brill and thanks for being there :)

Hey Steph....well done to you and good luck Steph's Mum

reverse family....I'm in Yorkshire and my Mum is in Scotland...want to swap???


nsd_user663_8676 profile image

Mum Update

Hi guys

Thanks again for the encouragement.

Jamangie thanks for the link - I'll pass the info on.

Lorna - what a coincidence - wish we could swap - I miss her loads and also my granny who is 100 in July.

Well here is the update. She started the Champix in Friday so today is her day 5 on them and she has already cut down a little bit. She has set her quit date for next week so I am keeping everything crossed.

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Hi Steph,

Good to hear your mum has started the Champix & already cutting down, brilliant :D

Gaynor xx

nsd_user663_8873 profile image

Awesome news...

That's just brilliant news Steph. You must both be very proud of eachother?

And you have a gran who's almost 100!!! It's tough living so far away.

Keep us informed and pass on our best....

nsd_user663_8676 profile image

Thanks Chris and yes I have and she is amazing. Totally with it and is really pleased that I have quit and mum is trying to. I have added her picture into my album called Misc.

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Good luck to her Steph...

it is tough being so far away especially as they get older....and to have a Gran at 100 how Gran would also have been 100 this year.


nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Hi Steph your mums doing the right thing wish my mum had stopped, and if my Gran was here she would be about 150 and thats really scary LOL

nsd_user663_8676 profile image

Thanks guys and yes she is Jamangie but I think it will be a bit of a bumpy journey for her. :( But never say never!

Staying strong together.

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Onwards and upwards for both of you and I think you may be happily suprised us older ones are very determind LOL send her these from every one on the site xx


nsd_user663_8676 profile image

That is so sweet - thanks Jamangie and everyone.

She can be stubbon over most things, so I can only hope she is over quitting :D

nsd_user663_8676 profile image

Hi Chrissie

Thanks for the support - I will pass it along to her.

The phone bill will be worth it if she manages to stop.

A web cam might be a bridge too far :D

You have a good Easter too and chocolate always tastes good and cures all ;)

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Hi Chrissie wish that you hadnt mentioned the c word and it wasnt the cure all for me steph in fact far from it LOL HAPPY EASTER xxx

nsd_user663_8123 profile image

An I thick?

What is HALT?? Trying to figure it out, but I've had a drink and it's Sunday night!! lol.

I meant Am I thick!! lol!!

nsd_user663_8676 profile image

Mum Update

Hi Steph, hope all well with you :)

NSD has written the following:

I've been reading all your inspiring stories today and it gives me a warm cuddly feeling

so positive news from your Mum could take warm and cuddly to a new dimention lol

How is Mum doing Steph? as even tho she is a star to you already, maybe a bit more fame would encourage her to stay stubbed out and make her journey more exciting :D

Hugz Chrissie

Hi guys

Sorry I've not been on for a couple of days - I run my own business and we have been really manic. Also, my daughter was admitted to hospital and so I have been visiting her. She comes home tomorrow so I am really glad.

Thanks for your kind words Chrissie and for asking about mum - well .............(drum roll)......................

She stopped yesterday!!!!!!

She says she is going mad with the cravings but if I speak with her every couple of hours she calms down a little. I am exhausted - it is like quitting twice and simultaneously :eek:

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Hi Steph that is so woppingly amazing, you should contact the super mod and get them to do your Mums story it will help her keep strong on the quit.

Also it will show people that it doesnt matter about age so will encourage them to quit.

Give her my good wishes and buy her a laptop LOL

nsd_user663_8676 profile image

Hi Guys

Called her this morning and passed on your encouraging words - she has asked me to pass on her thanks.

Jamangie - I have but she won't use it :(

I don't know about contacting the Super Mod, but you guys are certainly helping :)

Chrissie - her name is Shirley and I keep telling her that you are never too old for anything (including computers :D)

Here's a picture (me, mum and my sister) and I'll keep you posted.

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Hey Steph

Send loads of our love to your Mum...she is doing great and proof that it is never too late.

BTW, you are her inspiration...well done to you and hope things calm down real soon.


nsd_user663_8676 profile image

Thanks Lorna

She is on day 6 today and I really hope she can get there. After 60 years of smoking I know it won't be easy but no pain no gain :eek:

The weather is fantastic up here today - hope it is the same with you?

nsd_user663_8676 profile image

Thanks Chrissie - your support is greatly appreciated :)

She keeps saying she feels as though she has lost something and that the cravings are frequent and bad. I sent have sent her the 19 craving stoppers and have read her many of the links from Tales from the Quit but she says they are not working. Maybe moaning to me every couple of hours is the only thing that does. :eek: It must be working as she still hasn't smoked! :D

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

well done to you both xx this is wonderful xx love it xxx:)

nsd_user663_8676 profile image

well done to you both xx this is wonderful xx love it xxx:)

Thanks kitkat

I am sure that without you lot I would have buckled – thanks :D

nsd_user663_8676 profile image

Thanks Chrissie

Don't think she's tried that one - I am off to post an envelope full of elastic bands to her.

I have to be honest and lucky I guess, but I didn't feel that I was missing something. Before I quit my days were ruled by my smoking and I felt I had lost control. When we went out for a meal I hoped that no one would want dessert so that we could leave and I could have a ciggie, I wanted to travel in my car when we went anywhere, because I could smoke in my car but not in my OH's etc.......

When I quit I felt like I had regained control and I would love my mum to feel like that as well. As you say, maybe it takes time :)

nsd_user663_8676 profile image

1 week for Mum

Hi Chrissie

Just got off the phone and she is distracting herself by painting her outside wall. She is much better today - less down. I read your posts to her and she thought you were (in her words) ' a lovely lady and everyone is so kind.'

nsd_user663_8676 profile image

Day 10 for mum

Although she is still getting cravings she has made day 10. :D

I am so proud of her and I have passed on all your comments and she has asked me to say a huge thanks.

Chrissie - mums are always right and it's OK, I don't read everything to her :p

Btw the wall is white.

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Hi Steph so glad that your Mum is still into the quit albeit only 10 days seems longer, there will come a time in the not too distant future were she will be glad that she has take this route and then she will feel more committed.

When people like me and your Mum quit after so many years it’s not just the smoking its probably more to do with the routine as we don’t work I think it’s harder because we don’t have a daily routine that doesn’t include a cig every 10 mins or so but it does get so much easier as I am finding now so wish her the best from me and also to you xx

nsd_user663_8676 profile image

Thanks Jamangie and yes I think the fact that she is no working is a problem and she also lives alone. She is trying to keep busy to distract herself.

I only have to ring 4 times a day now so things are looking up :D

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Oh that’s good shows she is beginning to cope better, I do wish it could be easier for her especially as she lives alone I don’t think I could have done it if I had lived alone my OH has been brilliant never a word as to whether I smoke or not which is great from someone who has never smoked, he says he didn’t smoke because he had too much respect for the life he has been given which does sound a bit pompous but I promise you he is not just that he saw his Mum struggle with asthma and she didn’t smoke and his Gran struggle with Lung problems and she did so that is why.

Pity she doesnt like comps but dont think if my Mum was still here that she would either.

nsd_user663_8873 profile image


Hey Steph,

So glad to hear your mum is continuing well with her quit.

You know, me and Mrs Orlov are fancying a nice white walled garden - maybe your mum could come and stay with us once we start building :D

nsd_user663_8676 profile image

It is good to have the support I know - my OH and family have been brilliant as well :) It helps loads so that is why I am trying everything I can to encourage her along the way - it would be easier if I wasn't 300 miles away :(

nsd_user663_8676 profile image

Cheers guys - I'll suggest it to her Chris :)

Chrissie - I am amazed she has gone this far (never has in the past) and that's a great signature - just how I feel :D

nsd_user663_8676 profile image

Mum Update

Hi Guys

Thought I would update you.

Mum is day 24 tomorrow and it is her birthday :D :D :D

Her first birthday in 60 years smoke free - how amazing is that!!!!

Thanks to everyone who asks how she is doing and has offers her words of encouragement.

nsd_user663_10013 profile image

Excellent !!

Hi Steph

Thanks for the update. Your mum's doing brilliantly, she's a day ahead of me and I know I've had a couple of really wobbly days so it's great she's staying strong. I think she'll be an inspiration to any lurkers.

Hope she has a happy 1st smoke free birthday :)



nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Happy birthday to stephs Mum xx

Good Morning Steph sorry I missed your Mother’s Birthday Post yesterday; I smoked 41 years and find it amazing to think anyone can sustain doing the same thing day after day for that long let alone 60 years WOW.

Isn’t it incredible that she can even consider quitting and better still actually do it?

I haven’t posted on this thread for a while and notice you have had lots of posts and I know I should go back and read them all but brain want let me:D

I was just wondering how your Mum is actually feeling both physically and mentally, does she feel more energetic, can she walk further, have there been any major health improvements? If you have already answered these questions then I apologise and will not expect you to answer again: D

Would you send my good wishes for the quit and also Happy Birthday from me?


nsd_user663_8676 profile image

Thanks Andrea and I am glad you are doing OK as well.

Jamangie - thanks and mum says thanks also. Yes she is doing great and so far no real health issues I am pleased to say. Her mum is 100 in July so the genes must be good :D She misses the habit of smoking from time to time but I think she'll do it this time. It is a real incentive for me to remain on my quit because I know that is I fail, she may also.

I have to say you have done fantastic as well :) In fact I don't think some of you realise what an inspiration you are to those who are starting out on their quit, especially the younger ones. Let's hope that my mum can prove you are NEVER TOO OLD TO QUIT :D

nsd_user663_8676 profile image

Thanks Chrissie

I am going to print out this post and send it too her - she will be so chuffed :)

nsd_user663_2484 profile image

All respect to your mum Steph. What an absolutely fantastic achievement.:)

Hope your mum had a lovely birthday.

nsd_user663_8676 profile image

Thanks Wendyann

I am really proud of her and although I can't be with her in body, I am in spirit (and of course on the phone :D) I bet i'm one of BT's best customers this month :eek:

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Happy Birthday to your mum Steph & to a brilliant quit. You must both be very chuffed :D

Gaynor x

nsd_user663_8676 profile image

Quick update

Thanks Gaynor and Chrissie. As always your words of encouragement are always appreciated.

Mum is on week 5 - 37 days since she last smoked. We went down to see her at the weekend and she is looking fantastic. She is still feeling a little bit sick with the Champix, but she will be able to reduce this soon.

If after 60 years of smoking my mum can do it - we all can :D

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