new and fretting already: Hi All, Wasnt sure... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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new and fretting already

nsd_user663_9220 profile image
33 Replies

Hi All,

Wasnt sure where to post.....

This isnt day one but tomorrow should be.

Have been out and got some patches today and will be sticking one on in the morning...

But i am fretting already so much i feel like blooming crying:(

Have been a smoker for 17 yrs now and to me that is 17 years too long!!

I have tried giving up so many times before using, patches, inhalator and even zyban and only lasted a few weeks.

I am determined to do it but get it into my head that i cant after the 3rd day :confused::confused::confused:

When there is no pressure on me i am fine, but this time there is pressure to stop. Very sadly my brother died on boxing day suddenly from an anuerysm and it turns out its hereditary. After seeing a Professor last week he has said my chances are very high in having the same as my brother as not only he was the third person to die in my family at a young age from it, but because i smoke too. Which i cant understand as my brother never smoked in his life.

Of course now i am stressing that i have one but stressing that i wont succeed in giving up!!

Sorry for the long winded explanation but just really need advice and encouragement please .. i know i need to do this.

Many thanks for reading


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nsd_user663_9220 profile image
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33 Replies
nsd_user663_9209 profile image

hi snow, dont fret about it just take every day as it comes, i suffer from panic attacks and the thought of getting through my day without a ciggie really freaked me out but i have been smoke free for 5 weeks now and i know i can do it, yeh ii have my bad days but i also have my good ones too, admittedly i fell off the wagon last weekend but i got straight back on and im trying again.

you know you can always come on here and read other peoples posts and maybe that might help you get through your day,

chin up and think possitively............ you can do this.


nsd_user663_2040 profile image

HI Snow and welcome....

Relax....take it a day at a time and as every day goes by you will never have to do that day again.

There will be ups and downs but there are loads on here always ready to help on the downs and play on the ups.

Take it easy and stay will get there


nsd_user663_4786 profile image

Hi Snow and welcome to the forum.

Post wherever you want its fine.

Ok, well firstly if you want to cry then do, trust me we have seen it all here, you will be fully supported and sent many virtual hugs (not as good as the real thing but hey).

I would recommend that you read the link in my signiture it will help you get your head in the right place for quitting.

At the start of my quit I chose not to smoke for an hour at a time, if you are thinking that you are never go to have another fag ever it will add pressure, choose not to have a fag for a day, then the next day wake up and choose not to smoke that day.

There is loads of great advice around the forum read as much as you can.

Posting often will also help. Everybody here is in the same boat we are all aiming to be happy non smokers.

Rant or rave, cry or shout whatever you need to do you can do it here with all our support.

Ya see you thought your post was long, now I know how to do long....:D

Stay strong, it is worth it, you have fantastic reasons to do it, you can do it.

nsd_user663_9220 profile image


HI Drslack..

I actually feel a lot better already having written all that down lol

I know i need to do this and am determined this time. I have prep'd myself tonight.

Hubby on night shift and has only left me a small bit of baccy that i will use up so there is none around in the morning. Have told him when he gets home in the morning to hide his baccy under the matress as i cant get to it with him sleeping on it :D:D:D

So fingers crossed i will be posting on here tomorrow and saying " im on day one"

Well done to you hunny, you have done fantastically!!!! Keep it up dont back down now after so long.


nsd_user663_9220 profile image

thanks Lorna and Bev

I think you will see me having the odd tantrum and hissy fit to start with ( but i am a nice girlie at heart really lol)

Yes i do have very good reasons to give up.

Have just in the forum where to post my reasons so will go and write them down now.

How would have thought writing like this would make me feel at ease.


P.s will read your link too

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Hi Snow sorry for your loss and there is no shame in crying and to be honest I cried more since stopping than for years, no prob male female doesn’t matter does it.

You are doing the right thing by stopping smoking definitely but in your situation you need to go back to the spe******t and ask him to send you for scans tests etc, you need as much info as you can get and in this day and age because they have told you its hereditary they need to do the investigations and put things right so they can allay your worries now a days there is no need for deaths from aneurisms.

Your quit will be good because you know you need to do this and you will have the support of all the members of this forum so keep us up to date and let us know what’s happening, cheers and have a great quit snow speak soon xx

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

I think you will see me having the odd tantrum and hissy fit to start with ( but i am a nice girlie at heart really lol)

Yes i do have very good reasons to give up.

Have just in the forum where to post my reasons so will go and write them down now.

How would have thought writing like this would make me feel at ease.


P.s will read your link too

Hissy fits we can deal with...we have had more than our fair share

Anytime my love...

This place rocks..

nsd_user663_9220 profile image



I am going for tests, i have an MRI scan booked in for the 27th March for a scan of the brain and circle of willis.. (only two weeks away now finally) The professor i see explained it all to me ( very nice man) and i know that they can do wonders with them now.

My brother was very much an "anti smoker" and so i am telling myself i am doing this for him to, to make him proud that his little sis finally managed to do what he nagged me to when he was still here ( grrrr why didnt i do it when he was alive!!!!!!!!! tears again now!!)

Nowt wrong in crying at all... i have always said better out than in

speak soon


nsd_user663_9065 profile image

morning Snow .

Good luck and try to stay strong today .

Be thinking of you .Today is my 4th day quit at 12 md . Its the longest week of my life lol. I try and come on hear and read and read and it really works for me . I also keep myself occcupied as much as i can .

jan xx

nsd_user663_8972 profile image

Good luck today Snow,

Hold onto your motivation and use the support here all you can. In no time you will be as proud as punch that you made the right choice and stuck to it.

Kind regards


nsd_user663_9220 profile image

Good Morning all:D

Well its officially day one for me woohooooo!!

and i feel great:D

Smoked my last ciggie around 10:30 last night and changed my routine by not having a hot choccy at 11pm as this i enjoy this with a ciggie.

Set my alarm for 6:30am so i could stick on a patch.. i done this because i felt that if i got up at normal time i would fall into my normal routine of getting up and lighting up almost straight away:eek:

So i stuck on the patch and went back to sleep for an hour and........

cant believe when i got up there was NO craving!!! But just in case it came, instead of making a coffee i sucked on a rhubarb n custard and only when that had gone i made my first drink.

Its now nearly 10:30am and by now i would have normally had had at least 5 cigs by now... but i have not had any.. nor do i feel like one ..

Actually feels a bit sureal at the moment.. i am sure that a craving will prolly hit me soon... but have my rhubarbs at the ready lol

i did actually leave myself a bit of baccy ready for if i failed this morning.. BUT i have thrown it away... not just thrown the packet in the bin but actually emptied the packet into the bin ( even i wouldnt scrape the bits of baccy out now)

Still a long way to go until the end of the day.. so will keep you posted..

But i feel FANDABBIEDOZY at the moment :p


nsd_user663_4786 profile image

Well done, sounds like you have everything under control this morning.

Take it slowly, one day at a time. Glad you to are having a good day.

nsd_user663_8676 profile image

Well done

Great to hear you are doing OK :) Read as many posts as possible and ask for advice if you need it. I certainly did and it helped loads.

Keep strong and I am sure you will make it.

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

Thanks Bev and Steph :)

Started feeling a bit stressy not long after i posted, so went and cleaned the bathroom then re-read my reasons on here and it seemed to pass over me.

I will keep reading the posts, i am now looking forward to posting in day two


nsd_user663_9130 profile image

Hi All,

Wasnt sure where to post.....

This isnt day one but tomorrow should be.

Have been out and got some patches today and will be sticking one on in the morning...

But i am fretting already so much i feel like blooming crying:(

Have been a smoker for 17 yrs now and to me that is 17 years too long!!

I have tried giving up so many times before using, patches, inhalator and even zyban and only lasted a few weeks.

I am determined to do it but get it into my head that i cant after the 3rd day :confused::confused::confused:

When there is no pressure on me i am fine, but this time there is pressure to stop. Very sadly my brother died on boxing day suddenly from an anuerysm and it turns out its hereditary. After seeing a Professor last week he has said my chances are very high in having the same as my brother as not only he was the third person to die in my family at a young age from it, but because i smoke too. Which i cant understand as my brother never smoked in his life.

Of course now i am stressing that i have one but stressing that i wont succeed in giving up!!

Sorry for the long winded explanation but just really need advice and encouragement please .. i know i need to do this.

Many thanks for reading


I am not going to lie. As you have found out before quitting smoking isnt an easy task. I have treid countless of times and failed. But the fact that you are trying again means you do have the will to quit. Keep yourself busy when you feel the urge. Go fo a walk even to clear your head and get some fresh air. You can do it. Keep a list of your reasons on your fridge to remind you, even start putting money into a jar that you would have spent on smoking.

Kepp up the good work. You have already started to quit by trying.

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

thanks Don,

I literally just came back on here to say i am having a bad moment and what should i do :eek::eek:

Just going to pop out for 1/2 hour or so... actually popping to Asda's to see if they have the patches on a deal still as want to stock up on them ( only got two weeks supply)

Am hoping the fresh air will sort me out again.. i so want to succeed


nsd_user663_3317 profile image

Hang on in there Snow. I promise you that you can do this - I used to imagine that the craving was this monster type thing that would try to trick me into having a cigarette - dont let it win. I gave up during a tour of Afghanistan so if I can do it so can you.

If you ever feel like having one just come on here and tell someone - the craving will last about 2 minutes then it will die. Every time you refuse to give in to the craving the monster dies a little bit more.

Our thoughts are with you. Youre doing great. XX

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

HI Liam..

Thankyou :)

Am struggling a wee bit but will not give in...

Dont help i had the drive from hell... although i managed to let off some steam in the car... why does no one seem to say thankyou when you let them pass?? and also drive up your backside :eek:

Just glad my windows were closed else i could have caused a right old barney... whoops!!

Well done to you too, to give up during your tour must have been a very hard task.. very inspirational for me :)


p.s am liking the monster part

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

ARGGGHHHHHHH Fretting about my next hurdle now...... well two of them..

Hubby will be up and awake soon ( working nights) i know he will want a ciggie... he will go outside but i need to stop my temptation of asking for a puff too :eek:

The after dinner ciggie!!! got a good idea just not to bother to eat today... but i am absolutely straving.......... :eek::eek:

grrrrrrooooaarrrrr arrgghhhhhhhhhhhh *********** lol sorry

nsd_user663_8972 profile image

Just remeber this:

~~~~ By 10:30pm i will have gone 24hrs without a puff!!.... Thats a saving of £5.30 already ~~~~

Only a few hours and your in day two!

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

Yep and only 2 hours to go now whoop whoop..

Ok had to get over a few hurdles over the past few hours...

Wasnt sure how i would cope with hubby getting up, so as soon as he came down i pounced on him ( Nooooo not like that :eek: )

Told him dont even think to roll one near me or smoke it and so he went out for a walk instead bless him.. Had to laugh though when i told him i threw away my last bit of baccy this morning and he said " oh thanks i have just ran out" my reply.. "tough poo" :D

Then of course my boys started with their daily rowing and fighting ( they are 12,9,5 and 2 yrs old)... i could quite have easily at that point rolled one but fortunately not having about saved the day *phew*

The after dinner smoke didnt bother me at all..???????

But then came bath time... yes yes i am one of the naughty ones that likes to read and smoke in the bath ( bout the only time i get peace in my house, well sometimes if i lock the door) So instead of my lovely long laze... i had a quick dip... also because i was scared i would rub my patch off and it HAS to stay on until 10:30 thats my 16 hours worth lol

So i think quite a good day all in all... feel a bit edgy now but determined to beat it... especially after reading earlier that post about a demon thing inside me?? blooming brilliant read that was.

sorry long winded again... but feel better writing this all down as have no one else to share it with.. havent told my mum or friends because i get the same response * yeah yeah how long for this time sasha!!* << my friends say that, not my mum.

Cant believe tomorrow i can post in the TWO DAY!!!

thanks for listening xxx

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Hello :)

Sounds like your day 2 has gone pretty well. It's good to look back and make a note of success and the highs and lows. It helps with the understanding of the quit and what it bring I think.

Also, you need your family's support and whilst murder is sometimes a temptation whilst going through withdrawal, it's a step to far ;) You need them on your side, so explain and get their understanding, even the older ones (children).

My OH still smokes roll-ups (as I used to do) and walking past the baccy and papers just reminds me that I can say no and walk past. Sometimes my walking would slow and my eyes look and linger and my brain wonder........... but i chose to quit and my plan now is to stay quit.

Sorry your bath and read has been shortened down a lot but in time you'll get those back and not miss the smokes.

nsd_user663_8847 profile image

HI Snow and well done for getting day one under way! I think the fretting about doing it is worse than just getting on with it! I also gave up for health reasons, mega high blood pressure and was told to stop. If I'm tempted I just think of what I'm gaining and that helps.

Also, can you get to a GP? You'll get 2 weeks worth of patches for the price of a prescription and I also have minitabs for extra tough times. Would save you even more money! Boots also had the NRT stuff on offer and they do a no smoking service too and will give patches etc for the price of a prescription.

Keep at it!

Catherine xx

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

I think the fretting about it has stopped now... woke up in a complete different frame of mind and just got on with it.. I think it helped writing it all down last night.

I went through the gp last year hun.. went on Zyban in May... asked them about it back in January and they said i had to wait until May as its a yearly thing or something??

Boots i tried two year ago... used the inhalator back then.. didnt really find boots helpfull back then ( hopefully it has changed now)

Asda are doing the new invisi 25mg patches for a fiver so have got 4 weeks supply will hope to move down a level after that, but we will see.

Pol.. the kids nag me all the time about it, even the 5 yr old tells me im naughty.. So if i am honest i used a bribe on them earlier..


"yes mum"

"you know you hate me smoking"

"yes mum"

"well i have been good today and not had one"

eldest kid "gud gud" others " oh"

"well boys keep this frigging arguing up and im going to go to the shops and get some again"

It went quiet..... well for about half hour... me thinks i need to use another tactic on them :D

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Hi Snow,

Hope you are still going ok. As I have been told many a time baby steps all the way. Promise you won't smoke for a day, half a day, an hour, whatever will work for you. I am using patches as well & find they help so much. Keep going, keep chipping away at your quit. Every time you get over a crave or a moment when you would normally have a fag you are winning & learning that you don't have to have one in that particular situation. Every lesson learnt gets you through the next one :D

You will & can do this, there are many of us here taking you by the hand & leading you to a smoke free, healthy life.

gaynor xx

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

PS I joined the smoking cessation at my local chemist this time. Patches etc on prescription, get a quartely prepayment card & you save so much money. Also can pop in chemist anytime without making appointment :D

G xx

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

Thankyou Gaynor

am loving your alias name btw :D

getting a bit on edge right now, but i think my patch is wearing out :eek:

Nothing i can do about it... no chance of lighting up as no baccy in the house what so ever and i am not trekking to the shops either as kids all in bed and i have no car... so need to get over it !!


nsd_user663_4625 profile image

oooooo, bath, bed, book.... rabbit....anything to get you off to sleep & forget about you know what. It will all be worth it honestly. Perhaps some lozenges as well would help you if things seem real bad. I know those who quit CT would not agree & I understand why but i am using patches & lozenges & it's working for me :D

Gaynor xx

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

PMSL @ Rabbit

Poor old thing is prolly all dusty by now :p


nsd_user663_8577 profile image

24 hours in your doing great well done :D x

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

24 hours in your doing great well done :D x

Thank you :)

~~~does a cartwheel followed by 3 back flips across the room~~~

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Thank you :)

~~~does a cartwheel followed by 3 back flips across the room~~~

Dam I never got those kind of benefits so soon after quitting :cool:

See, you could never have done that 24 hours ago ;)

nsd_user663_9220 profile image

Dam I never got those kind of benefits so soon after quitting :cool:

See, you could never have done that 24 hours ago ;)

Pmsl!!! too funny :D

Right just taken off the patch, off to bed now so i guess its goodbye to this thread...

Thankyou thread for being a great day one, but i really dont want to meet you again ok??? :p

Nite nite all xxxx

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