Feeling better already: Hi everyone, Well... - No Smoking Day

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Feeling better already

nsd_user663_4625 profile image
24 Replies

Hi everyone,

Well, here I am entering day 3. This is the furthest I have got for quite awhile so a very good sign!

Have not been too bad really. Had the odd moment when I went to do something on Sunday which I associated with smoking & felt a bit lost. Just a matter of breaking those associations now.

Day 2 yesterday at work was so so. Cannot smoke at work so used to smoke like a trooper before, have between 2 & 4 at lunch then obviuosly when I finished. I was ok lunch time but have to say I was really in need of one by home time. I would get in the car & light up immediately! Instead I took a few deep breaths before I drove off :)

Positive things noticed so far:

1) My cough is already nowhere as bad as it was. A long way to go with that of course but I have noticed the difference. My breathing also seems easier.

2) Without even thinking about it I seem to have more energy. Twice yesterday I ran up the stairs at work where normally I trudge slowly & painfully. Have to say I was breathless at the top because of my COPD but the fact that I did without thinking was good for me :D

3)I didn't get any cramps yesterday but that may just be a coincidence.

4) It was so nice to be driving without the window open a little & having a freezing cold hand lol.

I am using patches & lozenges agin this time as I know they have worked for me in the past.

Have a good day everyone, lets put another one under our belts ;):D

Gaynor xx

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nsd_user663_4625 profile image
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24 Replies
nsd_user663_4367 profile image

Keep Strong.......

Hi Gaynor,

You will do this now, u sound very determined.... Stay strong and the days and weeks will soon start mounting up... Kaz :p

nsd_user663_8219 profile image

Well done, you really seem to be in a great frame of mind, and feeling the benefits of your quit so soon must spur u on!

Keep up the good work


nsd_user663_4149 profile image

Bloody well done G, you seem to be noticing the benefits already so that will give you a little extra motivation and you will do it this time. Love. David xxx

nsd_user663_6596 profile image

Yay Gaynor!

Well done! You can do it!

I never thought i'd come this far... the support here is phenominal. :D

Read and Post, read and post, and dont smoke!

Your a winner this time, i can tell!!!! xx

nsd_user663_5034 profile image

Hey Gaynor:D...well done....keep up the good work;)

jackieinv profile image

Hi, well done you, what a lovely post full of goody feelings, wishing you many more smoke-free, happy times to come.


nsd_user663_4026 profile image

good to see you here gaynor! Keep up the pma!! x

nsd_user663_4964 profile image

Hey, I look out for your posts cos i was stuck doing the same as you for a long, long time, until something just clicked. I couldn't get past a few days either before lapsing again.

This is amazing to me but i'm just coming up to 3 months (If i hadn't done the lapsey thing i'd be one and ahalf years , but that aint important) This is the longest i have ever done.....I didn't actually think was possible!!But i have to say past a few months it became almost normal not to smoke. It's veryeasy now, and i know if i had one i'd be undoing all my hard work cos i'd want another. Also i realise how bl''dy addicted my head was now i'm here too. How i feel now, is so much better than i felt as a smoker ever. The inside of my brain has changed- but you have to get this far to notice this...

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Thank you everyone for your lovely, supportive replies :)

Today has been so so. Have just felt very quiet & rather low really, whether that is due to quitting or just me today who knows. Have managed to get through the day so all is well.

Gaynor xx

nsd_user663_4051 profile image

You can do it Gaynor :D

nsd_user663_4149 profile image

Good for you Gaynor. We all have off days (well I don't, but I don't want to appear better than you lot) and you've nearly got through another day of your recovery. Just grit your teeth (Dentures) if you have to and struggle through it love. David

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Thanks Yvette :)

David, you always make me laugh, am gritting everything with all my might :p

Gaynor xx

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Hey Gaynor, just want to say well done. It's hard but try to keep going and one day it will be great. I know I think I have reached that day resterday and the way I feel now was worth every bad day I have had throughout. :):)

You have my support.


nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Thank you Jack.

You always sound so positive in your posts, it's good to read. Gives us newbies soemthing to look forward to lol.

Gaynor xx

nsd_user663_7957 profile image

Definitely heading in the right direction!

Well done, Gaynor. You are doing great.

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Positive things noticed so far:

1) My cough is already nowhere as bad as it was. A long way to go with that of course but I have noticed the difference. My breathing also seems easier.

2) Without even thinking about it I seem to have more energy. Twice yesterday I ran up the stairs at work where normally I trudge slowly & painfully. Have to say I was breathless at the top because of my COPD but the fact that I did without thinking was good for me :D

3)I didn't get any cramps yesterday but that may just be a coincidence.

4) It was so nice to be driving without the window open a little & having a freezing cold hand lol.

Gaynor xx

Hi Gaynor :D

You must be on day 4 now and over 1/2 way through the first week well done Big Hug on it's way

You sound different this time as if your mindset is bettter and that will make it so much easier for you

I'm also pleased to hear that you're feeling the benefits already especially with your breathing and the cough

Keep going there are so mant n=more benefits to come for you Promise

Love and a Hug

Marg xx

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Hi Marge,

Thanks for your message. Am doing ok thanks. Plenty of deep breathing going on whenever I get a crave which is working at the moment :) Still feel a bit sad but not as bad as yesterday. Heading towards day 4 so hoping that will lessen each day. Can't believe I am half a week quit, it has gone so quickly. I see the smoking cessation lady on Friday so will be ineteresting to see what my CO2 level is.

Gaynor xx

nsd_user663_4149 profile image

I see the smoking cessation lady on Friday so will be ineteresting to see what my CO2 level is.

Bet you a kiss it's two.

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Bet you a kiss it's two.

LOL, we shall see :)

Here I go for day 4. Still finding getting up & not having a ciggie hard but will just have to live with it hey!! I make a coffee & head straight to the lounge to come on here & read & post, that helps.

Have a good day David & everyone else :D

Gaynor xx

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Marge,

Thanks for your message. Am doing ok thanks. Plenty of deep breathing going on whenever I get a crave which is working at the moment :) Still feel a bit sad but not as bad as yesterday. Heading towards day 4 so hoping that will lessen each day. Can't believe I am half a week quit, it has gone so quickly. I see the smoking cessation lady on Friday so will be ineteresting to see what my CO2 level is.

Gaynor xx

Hi Gaynor :D

Well done you sound so much better and more positive this time round keep going keep that deep breathing going, drinking water also helps with the craves

Yes the sadness will lessen and pass fairly quickly promise

I hope everything is fine on Friday and that Co level will be way down maybe even a big fat Zero

My Oh's was 54 when he had his done before he started quitting and a week later it was 21 so a huge improvement and he is now on day 10

Keep going Gaynor I am so proud of you and the way you are living up to your user name

Feel free to PM me if you need to or even just to chat OK

Love and Hugs

Marg xx

jackieinv profile image

Good going Gaynor, those days will soon mount up. Your health is very important and what you have done will mean you can go on and enjoy the rest of your life, worth patting yourself on the back I would say.


nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Ahhhh, thanks Jackie. Hope you are well & happy.

Gaynor xx

nsd_user663_8312 profile image

Day 3 for me also!

Yippee skippy!

I have been quit for 2 Days, 3 hours, 13 minutes and 35 seconds (2 days). I have saved $16.00 by not smoking 53 cigarettes. I have saved 4 hours and 25 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 2/10/2010 6:35 AM

here's what really helps me-I bought some drinking straws-cut them in half and use them to hold like a ciggie. I'm never without it.

It feels great, doesn't it-to say "I'm a non smoker".

nsd_user663_1658 profile image

day 4 done gaynor x

hi gaynor, im guessing ure into day 4 now almost done.. wel done u, thinking of you.. & very proud of you --------moving into day 5:)

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