No smoke since July '08: Hi folks, I'm new... - No Smoking Day

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No smoke since July '08

nsd_user663_8669 profile image
27 Replies

Hi folks, I'm new here :)

I didn't quit nicotine, I like it and believe there are sufficient benefits and so little risk that it's worth keeping up. What I did do was to swap to ecigs, a delivery method that works for me.

Now the UK government has announced that the nicotine market is to be closed, only tobacco and medicinal nicotine is to be allowed. We'll be able to get the most deadly and the most ineffective supplies but low harm methods are to be wiped out. This is part of the plan to medicalise nicotine which the World Health Organisation is promoting.

The plan is to remove all competition from pharm and tobacco companies and then to gradually reduce nicotine in tobacco until the market is monopolised.

Unfortunately this wipes out any useful progress at reduced harm delivery methods and there is not much chance of innovation or anything being developed again that works and satisfies.

It'll be back to the fags in June for quite a few vapers I suppose. :(

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nsd_user663_8669 profile image
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27 Replies
nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Am i reading this right, or are you promoting taking nicotine?

We get spammed ALOT by e-cig sites here.. and vapers as you call yourself.

Now this site is really for folk who wish to quit smoking.. in all its forms i would say.. not to replace real cigarettes with.. e-cigs and keep on taking in nicotine ... indefinitely.. which is what your post seems to suggest 'between the lines'.

I've love to be wrong, but thats just how your post seems.

nsd_user663_8669 profile image

What's wrong with nicotine?

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

What's wrong with being nicotine free?

nsd_user663_8669 profile image

Absolutely nothing if that's a choice.

nsd_user663_5028 profile image

Absolutely nothing if that's a choice.

Kate Hi,

Most people who join this forum are normally sincere geniune people who want to give up this evil evil addiction, their first post normally is a brief introduction to everyone something along the lines of hi my name is xxxx and i am trying to quit smoking i have smoked for x amount of years and i am quitting for xx reasons.

The fact you chose your first post as an advertising campaign for electronic cigarettes tells me a couple of things you are not a person looking for geniune support from other genuine sincere people fighting an addiction everyday, nor are you a person who will give any support to any only except through an advertisement to your company ..... nice homepage by the way ........ but if you wish to continue fine and if people purchase your product then fine. but hopefully the mods on here will agree and remove your homepage.

nsd_user663_8669 profile image

What product do I sell?

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Absolutely nothing if that's a choice.

I would suggest that all members of this forum are 100% making the choice of focussing on becoming nicotine free. There are a small number of spammers etc...sadly that's the nature of fora.

And then there's you...a bit unique :)

Nothing intrinsically wrong with that...but I would suggest you have the wrong forum ;)

nsd_user663_5028 profile image

What product do I sell?

your homepage says it all Kate,

Selling , advertising call it what you will.

nsd_user663_8669 profile image

I would suggest that all members of this forum are 100% making the choice of focussing on becoming nicotine free. There are a small number of spammers etc...sadly that's the nature of fora.

And then there's you...a bit unique :)

Nothing intrinsically wrong with that...but I would suggest you have the wrong forum ;)

I think you're right, I am in the wrong place. I didn't realise that stopping smoking was about being a nicotine prohibitionist.

I don't sell anything, just wanted to talk about the nicotine problems and how it's going to destroy a good thing for thousands of smokers.


nsd_user663_3282 profile image

I think you're right, I am in the wrong place. I didn't realise that stopping smoking was about being a nicotine prohibitionist.

I don't sell anything, just wanted to talk about the nicotine problems and how it's going to destroy a good thing for thousands of smokers.


Well don't be a total stranger for gawd's sake, Woman :(

Talking is fine and as you see there are plenty here to engage with you. Forgive us if we don't exactly have smokers best interests at heart :rolleyes:


nsd_user663_6596 profile image


is all i have to say..... and a jolly big one at that!

people trying to make a buck out of others misfortune albeit consensual and nicotine addictions.

When you've finished scraping the bottom of the barrel, go and find some decency.

Tsk it seemed wasn't quite all i had to say.....

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

I didn't quit nicotine, I like it

What's wrong with nicotine?

I didn't realise that stopping smoking was about being a nicotine prohibitionist.

What silly things to say on a non smoking forum :eek::confused::rolleyes:

You don't actually 'like' nicotine... you're addicted to it and you 'need' it. What you're promoting is in fact addiction. Nothing wrong with that I guess :confused: but like you said.... wrong forum!

nsd_user663_3784 profile image

Thank you to all those that have drawn this thread to our attention.

While I agree that the majority view is that the OP is misguided no forum rules have been broken, they have not posted any links to commercial websites.

In the absence of spam or name calling I would ask all members to treat the poster with due respect.

I don't see this member as any different from someone coming on here and stating that they had stayed on patches for over a year and like it that way.

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

eeeeeeeeeeeee by gum lol

Yes I will be devils advocate and say let them post as we are all strong quitters and if that’s the biggest temptation they can throw at us then let them on all day and every day hee hee

Oh to be a smoker again and fill my lungs with shit

To breathe in all those chemicals and get a great big hit

You can’t smoke in the house the car the train or the bus

And if you were to try it you’d surely create a fuss

Oh why oh why I want this drug and why the need to smoke

I don’t just miss the habit of pulling on my choke

I miss my old friend nicotine I miss my dear old fag

I want to stand out in the rain and get a good deep drag

But as soon as I get near a fag the smell just puts me off

It makes me sneeze and worst of all it makes me bloody cough

So I suppose that I want smoke again the habit I have quit

And no longer will my life be ruled by all that nasty shit

But still I’ll get the craving but hopefully it will pass

Cause the dreaded nicodemon has been kicked right up his ass

so you see we want smoke again so come and tempt us and make us smile xx

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

In the absence of spam or name calling I would ask all members to treat the poster with due respect.

That's correct, there was no spam or name calling whatsoever. Just a free and frank exchange of views in the main...but all very amicable at the end of the day and poster treated with respect ;)

nsd_user663_5028 profile image

Thank you to all those that have drawn this thread to our attention.

While I agree that the majority view is that the OP is misguided no forum rules have been broken, they have not posted any links to commercial websites.

In the absence of spam or name calling I would ask all members to treat the poster with due respect.

I don't see this member as any different from someone coming on here and stating that they had stayed on patches for over a year and like it that way.

Hi Mod 3

The users homepage is linked to a commercial website or doesn't that count ..... I'll take your points on board but i for one am not convinced one little bit but thanks for looking in to it.

nsd_user663_7469 profile image


Hi bradders are you going to smoke again or e cigs LOL

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

While I agree that the majority view is that the OP is misguided

Good to know you agree with us. And very respectfully said, too! Cheers M3!

nsd_user663_3784 profile image

Hi Mod 3

The users homepage is linked to a commercial website or doesn't that count ..... I'll take your points on board but i for one am not convinced one little bit but thanks for looking in to it.

I did check out the site and it doesn't appear to be selling E-Cigs. It does promote their use but its generic rather than for a specific producer.

I'm not saying its a good idea, just that it doesn't warrant a ban for spamming.

nsd_user663_5028 profile image

I did check out the site and it doesn't appear to be selling E-Cigs. It does promote their use but its generic rather than for a specific producer.

I'm not saying its a good idea, just that it doesn't warrant a ban for spamming.

Ok thanks for clearing up Mod 3 and taking the time out to look into it. ....i however will watch this space ...cheers

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Fed up with filling title line all the while

So long as you dont smoke while watching ha ha

nsd_user663_5028 profile image

So long as you dont smoke while watching ha ha

Nah Angie ....... after what has happened over the last couple of months, nothing or nobody will ever light up again .......:)

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Moderators

Just a question from me

Is it now allowed that an obvious spammer and promoter of nicotine which we all struggle against is allowed to keep posting on this forum just necause there isn't a link posted

You say that she is being treated with respect I think well I for one have no respect at all for this person only disgust that you've allowed it to stay on here

It seems to me to be a banning reason where so many are fighting against this addiction both I and everyone here have struggled to be nicotine free and now NSD appear to be saying it's fine it is not fine IMO

Shame on you NSD for allowing this to remain on the forum it should have been banned after the first post

No If, buts or maybes but an outright ban

I have spent many hours over the last 15 months on here trying to help people kick this addiction .Have I really been wasting my time it would from this thread and your reaction to it appear that I have been doing just that so why have I bothered ????????

nsd_user663_3784 profile image

Instead of saying that this member should be banned for holding and expressing a different opinion from the majority, perhaps it would be better to put the argument of why you feel they are wrong, this may benefit the poster and many other E-cigarette users that come to the forum, either as members or guests.

By allowing discussion it does not suggest that either the moderators or NSD are in agreement with those involved.

Rest assured though that if marketing links are posted they will be removed and the spammers banned.

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

May I make a suggestion? If this non 'spamming spammer' is indeed not spamming enough to be banned from spamming then lets just let the thread drop. That way, all the new one yearers coming through will gradually squash the non spamming thread. Then it will be out of site. Out of mind. Gone in a puff of non spamming ecigarette non harmful smoke. :)

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

I would encourage the mods to check out the links contained on this 'homepage' and note that there is several links which are geared to advertising e-cigs. Any advertising either direct or indirect should not be encouraged or you will find that you will see many many devious ways for products to be advertised.

No smoking day forum at the very top says... "Helping Smokers who want to quit"... this OP doesn't want to, and wishes to remain addicted so therefore this post doesn't belong.

While i respect that someone may have used e-cigs for a few years and not smoked a real cigarette as such, i also see a post like this that appears to be condoning an addiction.

It is the addiction that pretty much most if not all of us are fighting on here.. not the 4000 chemicals/poisons .. its the binding addiction we are trying to quit, and in my opinion (which i am fully entitled to express), our wishes for what we as a whole would prefer to see moderated should be acknowledged and in the main.. honoured if we provide sufficient justification?

The op's post is as welcome as a post form us on a pro-smoking forum about quitting smoking don't you think?

It'll be back to the fags in June for quite a few vapers I suppose.

The above quote really demonstrates that vapers as such will just return to real smoking that using other NRT to get 'nicotine'. If you just wanted nicotine, you'd use an inhilator as a fallback.. not real cigarettes. Justify that !!!

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

I'm sorry everyone but I really cannot see the point of this thread to me it is spam even it the OP didn't put the link in

I think this goes totally against what this forum is here for

As I have said before I have spent many hours here trying to help others kick this addiction as I was helped to do

This thread offends me both as a member and a supporter and it would seem from the responses that I'm not the only one it offends yet it is still here WHY

I can only suppose that we don't count with NSD anymore

I'm sorry folks but while this thread is on the forum I shall not be posting on here I shall come and read and reply to any PM's but that is all I will do until this thread has passed off the pages we can all see when we log in and try to help others or indeed ask for help

It hurts me to let people down but I cannot condone this thread being here

To the year one members who are just arriving at the penthouse I apologise sincerely but I will catch up and congratulate you all even though it will be a little late it will still be sincere


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