JJ, Elaine, Frenchy and Christine - 5 Month... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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JJ, Elaine, Frenchy and Christine - 5 Months Move

nsd_user663_5920 profile image
22 Replies

Ooooops, nearly was so late with the following announcement, I'd need to swipe myself with the clipboard and notes that has been trustingly left with me.

So, apologies to JJ for my late announcement of her move into Month 5 :)

12th...JJ69...who may or may not be in the country...Much will depend on the girth of her ankles, the state of the FBI search for Brad Pitt and if hubby has had to drag her off somewhere hot and exotic!!! JJ was on all our best friend list until she refused to name us all in her will!!!!

And because I won't be here, tomorrow we see the following move into Month 5

13th...oh dear here we go.... the triplets :eek:

Elaine, not around very much these days but she will pop in to let us know she is doing fine and who gets on with it without fuss.

Frenchy...who has the best shoe and handbag collection, is the same shoe size as me (Lorna) and so who I obviously think is just the nicest girly on here...Frenchy is quitting all things bad!!

and last but by no means least... (hang on to your red wine with all your might)

Christine...who has had every high and low in the book and makes us all feel totally inadequate (and jealous but inspired) with her super fitness and steals any wine that is left lying around....BUT, does supply us with plently laughs along the way ...... That's with you Christine not at you honest...

I'd just like to add my toast of congrats to all the above..... *cheers ladies*

Yes, it's Friday and I have a glass..... which has been raised, and drunk, in your honour :)

A great bunch of folk to quit and maintain quits with... all the best to you

Have a great weekend wherever you all are

Pol xx

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nsd_user663_5920 profile image
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22 Replies
nsd_user663_7318 profile image

Did you bring cake? I like cake.

nsd_user663_5649 profile image

:) aaawwww Pol (and Lorna who is away), you are sweethearts!

I can't believe it's 4 full months done now and to be honest I've been so busy with other things, it's not been too bad, although I did have some major and very intense cravings, unusually...

and I'm so proud to be with you guys Octos, and as always particularly the 3 madwomen Chris, Pol and Lorna

big choco cakes and lots of champagne! :cool:

jackieinv profile image

Congratulations to you all, you are a great group.


nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Hello my lovelies

I've been away on business today and I'm hoping to get a flyer and drive home tonight, however this really cheered me up. Look at me, Miss I've given up smoking for 4 months! (besides from the drag of that fag, oh the shame), I must admit it does feel like a lifetime and not just 4 months!!

I could not have done it without the Octo bunch and I would like to give my quit partners Elaine and Corrine a large hug and a sniff of the wine (I just don't share).

Pol & Lorna you are such bloody stars and you have dragged the rest of us kicking and screaming all the way to month 5!! You two can have a sniff of the wine xx

Ps - I came home last night to a lovely bouquet of roses from DH the romanic devil and I believe I have a present for my 4 month quit waiting at home.

nsd_user663_6596 profile image

Absolutely fabulous well doneness to you daaaaahlinks!!!!

Your success is awe inspiring... sooo pleased!!!

whoop whoop

Boing boing boing!!!


nsd_user663_4367 profile image


I second what Jackie says, "What a great group" Congratulations to you all... Months are flying by now, and u have all done great... Keep going strong Kaz xx :p

nsd_user663_5972 profile image

Sorry I'm a little late


nsd_user663_5598 profile image

Hello my quitter mates!

Thanks for that Lorna...bless you, wish I was a dab hand with a clipboard!

Anyway, been nowhere exotic, just bloody freezing. Yes Oslo.

Back yesterday and at the doctor's today for blood test results.......

Ok...are you sitting comfortably???? Have I got to make a will out or not????

Unfortunately for you........NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

I'd wondered why I'd never got the 'chuffed feeling' about quitting. Why I wasn't dashing around with much more energy. No enthusiasm to do anything and miserable as sin. Looking in the mirror and thinking that quitting had aged me 10 years and made me look like my Mum more than ever! Nails and hair looking a state (well, more than normal!). And quite frankly, the list is bloody endless!

So, yes, I have an underactive thyroid. Soooooo much falls into place now. (I can now blame the weight gain on this...I didn't really stuff myself with mountains of chocolate haha!).

So have to pop one little pill daily and get checked to see if the dose is right in 3 months time. Apparently could take up to 6 months before I feel the benefit though.

So I can carry on being a miserable old cow and not feel guilty.

Good to see everyone is getting on well with their quits still.

nsd_user663_5598 profile image

See how confused I am??? Another bloody sympton!

Sorry I meant Pol...and Lorna has the clipboard, right?

Oh dear..I think it may be dementia myself :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

So I can carry on being a miserable old cow and not feel guilty.

Haha, I'm with you..............

You can thank both Lorna and I ;). Lorna did have the clipboard and left some great notes........ then she went and left us........... I took up the clipboard and copied and pasted her notes. Then I went away and she came back and I think has regained the clipboard. I came back ready to do some swiping but, I think, no longer have possession of the clipboard.

So, hummmm, not sure whose got it....... she hasn't actually said "thank you and now I've got it back" so, I'd love to do some swiping but everyone been really good and well behaved and so no swiping is deserved :confused: Such a shame.

Great to hear your not having to declare you last bequeathing but under active thyroid is still annoying but good to know finally what the problem is.

Good luck with finding the right amnt of meds for it and getting yourself back to chirpy, slim, bubbly, groomed fun loving JJ :cool:

Pol xx

Atomicguy profile image

Congratulations to you all.

I always enjoyed the OctoQuitters and their messages - and its great to see this positive post. Well done.

(Now who's got this clipboard - I've worried about that since I posted "I felt good" at the end of my 5 months :))

nsd_user663_5598 profile image

Thanks Pol...you now have me so thoroughly confused I may have to go and have a lie down! I bet with all the toing and froing of the clipboard, Christine has ended up with it. You know she's naturally bossy and likes to be in charge :D

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

Thanks Pol...you now have me so thoroughly confused I may have to go and have a lie down! I bet with all the toing and froing of the clipboard, Christine has ended up with it. You know she's naturally bossy and likes to be in charge

(Now who's got this clipboard - I've worried about that since I posted "I felt good" at the end of my 5 months :))

Atomic, thanks very much for your post :)and yes, you were right to be worried..... the thought of the clipboard being in unsafe hands was not a reassuring thought.

But I've since got it back safe and sound and away from harms hands.

You carry on feeling good and positive and worry free clip boards going astray -)

JJ, Chrissie with the clipboard ??? Can you imagine? Cod help us!!

All that exercise and spinning and walking and then there would be the eating of her homemade quorn curry ................... *sick bucket* A great payoff though with all the wine which knowing Christine, would be on her. :cool: I don't really believe she left people sniff only. Then again, did you hear from whom and where Christine gets her curry mix mixed? ............ oh the shame ...... so un pc :D

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Thanks Pol...you now have me so thoroughly confused I may have to go and have a lie down! I bet with all the toing and froing of the clipboard, Christine has ended up with it. You know she's naturally bossy and likes to be in charge :D

Hey, hey I can read you know!

JJ... fat ankles, dementia, organ failure AND now thyroid problems, seriously have you checked for a pulse recently??:D

Pol - Lorna let me hold the clipboard for a couple of minutes, oh the power.:eek:

nsd_user663_2040 profile image


OK LADIES....I'm back so please hand over the clipboard.

JJ my lovely I am so sorry about thyroid, smoking masks it, but it is not the end of the world and as least now they know what it is...you can get the correct treatment.

Christine and Pol, obviously neither of you can be trusted to look after the clipboard and I now know that I cannot leave you in charge of anything....hmmm...I also cannot find my wine anywhere..

Still it is good to be back, revitalised and with only good intents for the next few months so ensure an even weight loss and modd.

I shall post the proper congrats to you all on your 4 months...but between us just now....CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!:D

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

OK LADIES....I'm back so please hand over the clipboard.

Christine and Pol, obviously neither of you can be trusted to look after the clipboard and I now know that I cannot leave you in charge of anything....hmmm...I also cannot find my wine anywhere..

I can be trusted :p I put it down briefly whilst clearing up the dozens of wine glasses with tiny amounts of red wine staining in the bottom (no idea whose they could be :rolleyes:). Missing wine? Again, no idea who could have taken/hid your wine :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

I can be trusted :p I put it down briefly whilst clearing up the dozens of wine glasses with tiny amounts of red wine staining in the bottom (no idea whose they could be :rolleyes:). Missing wine? Again, no idea who could have taken/hid your wine :rolleyes:

In the correct behavour of the Dux....excuses are not sufficent...if you run with the crowd you are tarred with the crowd!!!!!!!!!!

tut tut ;)

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

In the correct behavour of the Dux....excuses are not sufficent...if you run with the crowd you are tarred with the crowd!!!!!!!!!!

tut tut ;)

Yeah, you tell her Lorna (and whack her with the clipboard!!).:D

I am back on my low carb diet and I have to be of the wine (drum roll) for 2 weeks!! Oh bugger!

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Yeah, you tell her Lorna (and whack her with the clipboard!!).:D

I am back on my low carb diet and I have to be of the wine (drum roll) for 2 weeks!! Oh bugger!

Christine my sweet...you are "the crowd"....:eek:

I am off the wine and chocolate till Easter weekend, but off the checkout if a small gin and slimline tonic is less calorific...:D:D

nsd_user663_6165 profile image

Awww sorry girls, I missed this post. HUGE congratulations to you all on completing another month. Fantastic, inspirational stuff.:)


nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Christine my sweet...you are "the crowd"....:eek:

Moi? No, surely not:p

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Ooohps. Missed this one too! Tres sorry. Well done to you all! x

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