Day 1 - Attempt 2: Hi Eveyone I am starting... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Day 1 - Attempt 2

nsd_user663_5126 profile image
8 Replies

Hi Eveyone

I am starting Day 1 again tomorrow. I started smoking again last Thursday after 8 weeks of giving up CT. I was feeling elated at first that I managed to stop smoking which kept my mood on a high (well most of the time) but after about 6 weeks I started to feel down. I had put on weight, didnt feel any healthier and was losing interest in life and everyone around me. I couldnt stop thinking about fags and I got so tired mentally of having the little argument with myself - just have a fag and you will feel great - no dont have a fag you wont feel any better, well you know the story.

Anyway eventually I gave in to the little devil and I should have listened to the angel instead.

Well was that a big mistake or what!

Since smoking again, I feel terrible. I was having problems with the circulation in my legs before the last quit and after one day they started back again. I feel sick in my stomach, have a constant headache, my gums have started bleeding, my throat is sore and I have started coughing again, my back is constantly hurting etc etc

I now realise that it is not a choice to give up - I HAVE TO!

I am really dreading tomorrow, going through that first three days again - oh why did I start again. I didnt post the last time because I felt invincible at first but I read all of your posts which really helped me. I have decided that maybe posting on here will be a bit of therapy for me and keep me going.

Good luck to everyone else who are fighting the big fight and here goes. I will post tomorrow and let you know how day 1 is going.

Oh and forgot to say I have smoked for 20 years or so and smoked 20 a day. Had quite a few attempts and tried the inhalator and patches before but found that cold turkey worked quite well until last Thursday.

Anyway there will be no room for anyone else to post if I keep on droning on so I will be back tomorrow - wish me luck!

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nsd_user663_5126 profile image
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8 Replies
nsd_user663_5034 profile image

Hey most things in life we seem to learn from our mistakes:D....dont beat yourself up over this.....just start again....your a lot wiser this time;)Take care and the very best of luck to you:D

nsd_user663_5325 profile image

Do your best, keep in mind why you are quitting. As long as you keep trying there's hope.

nsd_user663_5225 profile image

The hardest step is admitting that you are an addict. I'm not saying that the next steps won't be hard but you're certainly on the right track.

Best of luck to you

PP xx

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Welcome back to your quit, Maloona! It takes a lot to get back to a quit so quickly, so good on you!

I was feeling elated at first that I managed to stop smoking which kept my mood on a high (well most of the time) but after about 6 weeks I started to feel down. I had put on weight, didnt feel any healthier and was losing interest in life and everyone around me. I couldnt stop thinking about fags and I got so tired mentally of having the little argument with myself - just have a fag and you will feel great - no dont have a fag you wont feel any better, well you know the story.

It's normal to get those down times and it's important you remind yourself over and over (until you believe it) that you've gained back control over your life, and nothing is more important than that, elated or not.

I do hear you though..... same happened to me and I also became a bit sluggish and felt low. Started to do some serious yoga and got back in shape.... feeling better than ever. Stopping smoking sometimes requires some other changes, such as finding new passions and activities to replace smoking with. It takes time, so be patient with yourself during this quit and post if you find yourself struggling :)

I now realise that it is not a choice to give up - I HAVE TO!

I am really dreading tomorrow, going through that first three days again - oh why did I start again. I didnt post the last time because I felt invincible at first but I read all of your posts which really helped me. I have decided that maybe posting on here will be a bit of therapy for me and keep me going.

You always have a choice in life and you actually do not 'have to'. Choose not to and be excited about it..... you are about to escape this hell of having to feed your nicotine addiction. You'll do great! Post often the next few days :)

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Hi Eveyone

I am starting Day 1 again tomorrow. I started smoking again last Thursday after 8 weeks of giving up CT. I was feeling elated at first that I managed to stop smoking which kept my mood on a high (well most of the time) but after about 6 weeks I started to feel down. I had put on weight, didnt feel any healthier and was losing interest in life and everyone around me. I couldnt stop thinking about fags and I got so tired mentally of having the little argument with myself - just have a fag and you will feel great - no dont have a fag you wont feel any better, well you know the story.

Anyway eventually I gave in to the little devil and I should have listened to the angel instead.

Well was that a big mistake or what!

Since smoking again, I feel terrible. I was having problems with the circulation in my legs before the last quit and after one day they started back again. I feel sick in my stomach, have a constant headache, my gums have started bleeding, my throat is sore and I have started coughing again, my back is constantly hurting etc etc

I now realise that it is not a choice to give up - I HAVE TO!

I am really dreading tomorrow, going through that first three days again - oh why did I start again. I didnt post the last time because I felt invincible at first but I read all of your posts which really helped me. I have decided that maybe posting on here will be a bit of therapy for me and keep me going.

Good luck to everyone else who are fighting the big fight and here goes. I will post tomorrow and let you know how day 1 is going.

Oh and forgot to say I have smoked for 20 years or so and smoked 20 a day. Had quite a few attempts and tried the inhalator and patches before but found that cold turkey worked quite well until last Thursday.

Anyway there will be no room for anyone else to post if I keep on droning on so I will be back tomorrow - wish me luck!

Hey Maloona,

Welcome to the site...I think you'll do just fine here. Don't worry about the next 3 days cos I'm sure it wont be as difficult as the original 3 were. It's still very recent since your 8 weeks and that should help to carry you through.

The health issues...well that's between you and your medical adviser. He/she will be pleased though that you are continuing to fight the good fight. Be strong and to help that read the info available around this forum and look at members links in our sigs. This may be the missing piece of the puzzle that will make it all drop into a sensible pattern.

Don't get me wrong...the little voice is a b'stard and tbh you shouldn't have listened. But you'll now for the next time...sadly there will be next times. But once met and realised the lies it speaks you'll be more able to ignore it's stupidity.

Keep on keepin' on,


Cyprien profile image


Well done on getting back on to the 'quit' so quickly. Maybe this time it won't be so bad as you've already proved to yourself you can do it .

Good luck, hang on in there and post here often.


nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Maloona :)

Well done deciding to restart your quit, I'm sorry you've had a rough time of it though

Remember the pitfalls and avoid them this time

Below is my standard welcome and advice post which I try and give all new members

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathiseing with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off and Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

This link is good for the psychological part of quitting

Post often to let us know how you're doing, to rant, rave have a moan whatever you like pretty much anything goes on here OK



nsd_user663_5126 profile image

Day 1 and Back on Track

Thank you to everyone for the kind messages, you have all been very supportive and I hope that when I am a few months down the line I can be as helpful to others as you all have been to me.

Well here I am on Day 1. I didn't want to go to bed last night because I was scared that today would be really hard but guess what? It has been okay so far.

I got up, got ready for work and my son ready for school and off we went. I found it hard to concentrate at work today but it wasnt too bad and believe it or not by lunchtime I started to feel better healthwise already. The constant headache started to subside and the stomach ache I had been experiencing. I still have an ache in my leg but it will probably take time for that to sort itself out again (well I hope it will).

After work and picking up my son I went home and had a nice long chat with a friend who put me in a good mood.

The OH came in from work and I made our tea, lovely pork chop dinner. Didnt mention but OH gave up smoking as well 8 weeks ago. He has found it quite easy but has had a constant runny nose and really bad asthma since giving up (he hadn't used his inhaler for 2 years and is using it loads now :( but he is keeping going).

Now after catching up with a few emails and after my son has gone to bed I am going to get into my snuggly pjs and watch Corrie.

Keep your fingers crossed, just hope the rest of the evening goes as well.

Hope everyone else is doing well on Day 1, I will be back later to catch up on everyone elses Day 1.

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