My run up to day 12!: Hello everyone Well my... - No Smoking Day

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My run up to day 12!

nsd_user663_5401 profile image
24 Replies

Hello everyone

Well my road to becoming an ex smoker started today. I have been prescribed Champix and I thought I would start a thread to the run up to my quit day which is Saturday 17th October.

I know it's early in the day but I have made some positive steps today as I had planned to do. I set myself a goal of no more smoking in the car, my commute to work is only 15 minutes yet I always have to have a cigarette (bear in mind I have one before I leave home to get in the car) so I have taken my cigarettes and lighter out. It's not that I am cutting down, I am just trying to break that habit before quit day.

I should say at this stage I am a huge exercise fanatic, I swim a mile every morning and gym/classes or spin 5 evenings a week HOWEVER I do smoke 20-30 a day (silly really). In all fairness health due to cigarettes has not been a major factor but that is due to luck I think.

Anyway day 1 on Champix and I’ve not jumped from the roof and I have not murdered my husband so all is well.:D

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nsd_user663_5401 profile image
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24 Replies
nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Oh just to add, felt very sick and light headed after taking first tablet but feel ok now.

nsd_user663_5373 profile image

Hi Christine

Good luck with your quit, i felt the same when i first started on champix, i found it's best to take after you have eaten.

I'm on day nine of my quit and have been taking champix for 19 days, every thing is fine now, for the first 3 days after quitting i was in a trance but that soon goes.

Best of luck. ;)

Cyprien profile image

Hi Christine

Good luck and welcome to the quitters world!

I am on Champix - have been for a few weeks. Stay with it if you can, it does kick in and you'll soon start to feel healthier and happier off cigarettes. Your profile (time smoked, amount smoked) is very similar to me - and I've been off cigarettes now for a week with no desire to smoke.

Stay posting on here.

Here's a list of things I've discovered with Champix over the past few weeks.

1. Read as much as you can to understand why and how you are addicted to cigarettes.

2. For me, Champix didn't seem to kick in until about the 13th day, so don't be too hard on yourself if by your quit date you don't feel ready.

3. Champix did/does make it a lot easier. I haven't had any cravings at all, but remember you have still got to *stop* smoking, so it does require some will power.

4. Take Champix with food. Quite a lot of people (me included) suffer from nausea with it, but food does help.

5. Side effects can be unpleasant for some. Other have reported depression and a feeling of being spaced out. I haven't had anything like that. Strangest thing I suffered from was very weird dreams, they weren't nightmares, just strange and because of them I would have a very disturbed night's sleep, which in turn led to me being tired during the day.

6. While Champix does help with the cravings, there's nothing you can take to help break the habit. So be prepared to think about cigarettes, just don't have one.

7. Keep reading and keep posting here. I've found it very supportive and encouraging to see others who've been down the same road.

8. This works for me but maybe not for everyone. I don't feel as if I'm forcibly depriving myself of a cigarette. Every time I want one, I say to myself, 'OK, you can go and buy a packet if you want, and have a cigarette...but do you really want to?...You'll be miserable after you've smoked'll be'll want'll have let all those nice people (like Margaret) on the forum down when you've got to tell've done so well so if you want one go ahead, but don't come moaning back to me when you're back smoking' (It's debatable whether I should be locked up for talking to myself), but it seems to work and I *choose* not to go an buy a packet.

Good luck, stay in touch


nsd_user663_5438 profile image

2. For me, Champix didn't seem to kick in until about the 13th day, so don't be too hard on yourself if by your quit date you don't feel ready.

Absolute nail on the head Sue. I think people start to worry because we all tend to have this natural inclination to associate a pill with immediacy. It will kick in. For some 3 days, for some 17 days. I only got my lemon tongue (lol) yesterday and now even thinking about lighting up turns my stomach

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Absolute nail on the head Sue. I think people start to worry because we all tend to have this natural inclination to associate a pill with immediacy. It will kick in. For some 3 days, for some 17 days. I only got my lemon tongue (lol) yesterday and now even thinking about lighting up turns my stomach

Absolutely, I am very set on giving up on the 17th (arranged a pamper day that day to get me out etc) and my only fear is the drug not kicking in and having to go cold turkey. That is my only worry.

nsd_user663_5373 profile image

I always had my quit day down as day 11, so 10 days on champix before i quit, whilst i was still smoking i never got a bad taste or anything like that.

I stopped on day 11 and so far so good (now 9 days into quit)

But as others have said, it works different for each of us.

Best of luck.

nsd_user663_5438 profile image

Absolutely, I am very set on giving up on the 17th (arranged a pamper day that day to get me out etc) and my only fear is the drug not kicking in and having to go cold turkey. That is my only worry.

Nah don't be worrying about that now. I might be shot for saying this, but if you want to smoke on the 17th go do it ! Champix works under the covers. Unconsciously your brain is getting zero satisfaction from cigarettes. Consciously you're seeing no difference, but it's the unconscious that matters. This is why when I went to the Supermarket to pick up cigarettes on Friday September 25th I bought my goods, walked out of the Supermarket, hopped on the bus only to realise 30 minutes into the journey that I had completely forgotten to buy smokes. What's more, I had never even thought about the fact that I was without them.

Over time the Champix builds up in your brain and you naturally react. A number of people I know who have been off the smokes years because of Champix advised me not to hold my quit date to the letter of the law. Use it as a guide, but ultimately you're going to know when you no longer want to smoke and that's when you nail it !!

nsd_user663_5189 profile image

Hi Christine,

Firstly welcome and loads of luck with your quit. Second I gotta agree with Irish lad (must be the laid back nature of us Irish!) don't stress about your quit date. You will know when you're ready! When I quit on day 11 I didn't need or want a smoke but when I lit one out of habit I was nearly sick, I knew it was time! Five weeks on I no longer need cigs or Champix to get through the day. I have to choose not to smoke but that decision is getting easier every day. Stick with it and let us know how you're getting on

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Oh dear lord!! Day two on Champix and the craving to smoke has lessened but I am so bad tempered and I have not given up yet!! Surely it must be the drug????

Deep breaths and I think I must avoid human contact at all costs.:mad:

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Day 4 and all is well with my world. From 30 cigarettes I only had 7 yesterday and as it stands today I've only had two. The Champix is doing its job. I am going to change my quit day to either Wednesday or Thursday instead of Saturday as I want to see what happens when I hit the blue tablets and I’m ready.

Today hubby and I are having wine and a Chinese so I will be interested to see how the wine and smoking goes and I am out tomorrow with the girls for a girlie lunch which will involve wine. Thankfully I am the only smoker (soon to be ex smoker). I want to know whilst I can still smoke if I will be able to cope with the drink.

My biggest problem will be that we have a good social life and out most week-ends (and maybe once through the week) so I think I will become the driver for the next couple of weeks to keep me off the wine and off the cigarettes!!

Anyhow have a great week-end one and all and keep on the straight and narrow.:)

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

being the driver is a great idea, definitely an incentive to majorly cut how much you have to drink.. or even totally.. either way, you are giving you and your quit a fighting chance to get going properly.

Well done, keep on going and good luck with the full part of your quit when you cut out the smoking entirely. Big step, but definitely the best one yet.


Cyprien profile image

Hi Christine

I can tell you are definitely getting ready to quit. Good on you.

From my experience, the Champix will kill/severely reduce the 'cravings'. What it can't control (wish they'd invent a drug which would) is the urges which appear from habit. You don't really crave/need a cigarette, you just think you should be smoking one at this point. They are easier to ride out. Just have a stern word with yourself - but believe me it's nothing like the craving you get when going CT.

Mood swings and tempers seem to go with Champix for some people - but they also appear as a resut of nicotine withdrawal. Count to ten; go for a walk; post on here; do anything which will distract you and bear in mind it's all part of giving up and it will get better.

Good luck - and keep us informed.


nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Thank you both, I am getting there.

Sue -I have a question I am on double dose of the 0.5mg today, when do you take your 2nd tablet (just before bed, after dinner, early evening?) and does it really matter.


Cyprien profile image

Hi Christine

I take my evening tablet as the same time as I have my evening meal. In my case about 6pm. I think this is then in my system long enough to combat the evening-cravings, but not immediately before bed as my dreams are wierd enough without going to sleep on a full-dose!

Morning one: I force myself to eat something for breakfast - something I've not done since I left school! And I take the Champix immediately after I've eaten - usually about 8.30am. First time I went on the 'double-dose', I took the first one with just a cup of coffee and brought the whole lot (and more) up again within five minutes - not pleasant.

Good luck - you can do it. I've been out for lunch today with a couple I know. He smokes and likes going out with me as 'us' smokers are a bit few and far between. I felt so bad that I wasn't smoking with him that I pretended that I was just off cigarettes for a couple of days. Now how weird is that!!! Now I'm not smoking, I'm pretending that I still am. I even agreed with him when he wanted to sit outside at the restaurant so that 'we' could have a cigarette. I still remember what it feels like as a smoker, when you want to have a meal and a cigarette - but are over-ruled to go inside....and the weather is still great here so it's no hardship for the non-smokers...and/or me.


nsd_user663_5356 profile image

Well done christine and good luck!I tried the champix for a couple of days but i didnt like the spaced out feeling when i was driving.I went ahead to quit anyway using the nicotine lozengers.


nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Thanks Marie, you are doing fantastic!!

Hi Sue, I thought that was very nice of you. I too still believe in smokers rights, but I am now very pleased in the no smoking ban. However I have told everyone so they all know where I stand.

I'm now at home having a glass of wine, I've had a ciggie but in fairness that was due to habit and not craving.

Just telling my non smoking husband how wonderful you have all been.:D

nsd_user663_5401 profile image


Well I've decided my quit day will be tomorrow (how exciting and scary). I only smoked 3 cigarettes yesterday and I think they were out of habit rather than necessity!

I was thinking about quitting today which would be day 7 but I want to do the whole 'I've just smoked my last cigarette' thing. I have one left in a packet at home and that one will be my last EVER!!

Happy Monday one and all.

nsd_user663_5407 profile image

Good luck Christine, looks like the champix have done their job as you have had enough of smoking now. I think the strangest thing is when you know you can carry on smoking on the tablets and you just decide you want to stop. I personally thought it would be a miracle if they worked for me and Im now on to day six of quitting and to be honest I do think about smoking every now and again but dont have the physical desire to actually smoke one. I keep asking myself why I ever smoked in the first place and think of all the money I wasted. Really strange because it never ever bothered me when I was actually smoking. Anyway good luck for tomorrow and let us know how you get on.

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Thats one of the problems of smoking, you'd literally buy a packet of cigs over something much more needed.. and justify it as 'i had to have them!'

nsd_user663_5310 profile image

Good luck for tomorrow Christine, you can do it and we are all here for you

nsd_user663_2040 profile image

Hi Christine

The very best of luck for tomorrow.

I just picked up my second prescription from the doc and it was lovely to get such a huge pat on the back from him....I was so proud of myself.

Stay strong, this forum is great when the cravings get bad or the mood swings or the nausea....

Lj x

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Well my fellow ex smokers, I have just smoked my last cigarette for tomorrow I QUIT!!!!! Did I enjoy it, well not sure really but I said a tearful good-bye and washed the ash tray.

The fact I have 600 duty free Marlboro lights in the house is not great, but hubby is taking them to work to see if anyone wants them but I have kept a packet of 20 unopened which I hope will stay like that.

I have stock piled mints, lollies and boiled sweets in the office, in the car and in the house. I've taken up knitting (I can only do squares), my staff have bought tin hats, my friends have all gone on holiday and my husband has bought a reinforced jock strap.:eek:

I'm ready, bring it on. My only aim is to get to the week-end without killing someone.

Oh do you think red wine on cornflakes for breakfast would be a bad idea!!:D

Thanks for all your help:)

Cyprien profile image

Go for it!

Good luck - you can do it.


nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Well my fellow ex smokers, I have just smoked my last cigarette for tomorrow I QUIT!!!!! Did I enjoy it, well not sure really but I said a tearful good-bye and washed the ash tray.

The fact I have 600 duty free Marlboro lights in the house is not great, but hubby is taking them to work to see if anyone wants them but I have kept a packet of 20 unopened which I hope will stay like that.

I have stock piled mints, lollies and boiled sweets in the office, in the car and in the house. I've taken up knitting (I can only do squares), my staff have bought tin hats, my friends have all gone on holiday and my husband has bought a reinforced jock strap.:eek:

I'm ready, bring it on. My only aim is to get to the week-end without killing someone.

Oh do you think red wine on cornflakes for breakfast would be a bad idea!!:D

Thanks for all your help:)


With the personality you can do anything :cool:

Best wishes,


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