Day 1 on Champix: Hi Im new to this site... - No Smoking Day

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Day 1 on Champix

nsd_user663_4870 profile image
48 Replies


Im new to this site. Today is my first day of taking Champix I have been smoking for about 30 years and on 25/30 cigs a day. Searching the net I came across this forum and decided to join to give myself and others a little bit of support/encouragement.

Well today is Day 1 of Champix and so far its been ok, was dreading feeling sick but apart from a little bit of feeling dizzy and light headed im feeling ok, just hope when the dosage goes up, im still feeling ok. As for the smoiking I havent noticed any reduction in my habit hoping this will kick in over the next few days.

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nsd_user663_4870 profile image
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48 Replies
nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Hi Wobbles,

Welcome & well done on your decision to quit.

Like Chrissie I used patches (now off them) & lozenges (which I am not). As she said, loads of people have used Champix here so I am sure they will be along at some point to help you on that :)

Love Gaynor xx

nsd_user663_4482 profile image

Hi Wobbles-what a name lol.

hey listen you making a very wise decision to quit this demoralizing discusting habit.

you have chosen life...

wise choice indeed.

get ready for the FUN of your life...

quitting in the early stages is similar to a roller coaster...

the later stages apparently is all down hill stimulation.




nsd_user663_4483 profile image

Hi Wobbles,

I stopped smoking using Champix, I was a smoker for 37 years ...... I stopped on day 9 and haven't had a smoke for almost 4 months now. :)

Just keep taking the pills and soon you wont feel like smoking. :)

nsd_user663_4610 profile image


Well today is Day 1 of Champix and so far its been ok, was dreading feeling sick but apart from a little bit of feeling dizzy and light headed im feeling ok, just hope when the dosage goes up, im still feeling ok. As for the smoiking I havent noticed any reduction in my habit hoping this will kick in over the next few days.

Hi Wobbles,

Welcome to this fab site and well done on your decision to quit.

I quit using Champix and am on day 49 of my quit, when I went on to the

high dose I felt really sick for couple hours after taking them but stuck with it, eventually I couldn't stand feeling oh so sick so I now only take half a tab a day and feel great now with no sick feeling.

BUT, everyone is different and you may not feel sick at all, if you do you can always alter the dose.

Sick or no sick it is oh so worth it - as I said I'm now 49 days smoke free with the help of champix and this forum, so keep going and keep posting to let us know how you're doing, we are all here for you. xxxxx

nsd_user663_4785 profile image

Hi Wobbles

Dont worry too much. Like you I was really worried about the side effects of champix and was quite scared to take them but everyone is different. I felt a bit queezy and dizzy the first few days but nothing that I couldn't cope with and decided to stick with it. I'm so glad I the time I went up to the 1mg I was scared I was going to feel even worse but I actually felt fine once I moved up.

I have smoked 40+ a day for the last 35 years so from day 5, I cut myself down to 20 a day then on day 8, I cut myself down to 10 a day by yesterday which was day 12 I could only manage 6 so today is my quit day. It's now nearly lunchtime and I haven't had a fag.

I suggest you read the advice given to you but do what is right for you. My sister and I have done this together and she hasn't cut down at all she has just stopped from smoking 40, whereas the cutting down was right for me.

Stick with does get better and think how good you'll feel when you've stopped. :)



nsd_user663_4610 profile image

I suggest you read the advice given to you but do what is right for you. My sister and I have done this together and she hasn't cut down at all she has just stopped from smoking 40, whereas the cutting down was right for me.

Stick with does get better and think how good you'll feel when you've stopped. :)



Hi Wobbles,

I forgot to say - like Carol, I too cut down on my smoking gradually so by the time my quit day came along I was down to just a few puffs of a fag, but as we say everyones different so just do what feels right for you. hugs xx

nsd_user663_4870 profile image

Hello everyone,

WOW, thank you all for your encouragement, I wasnt sure if I would actually receive any responses to my post, it was really nice to loggin today and find people had actually taken the time to respond.

Well done to all of you who have managed to kick the awful habit, hope im as sucessful.

Well its day 2 of the old Champix and unlike yesterday I have had no dizziness at all today, which is really good news, still no sick feeling either, as you know I was really really worried about the feeling sick side of these tablets, I dont do being sick or feeling sick .... but so far so good, if it stays like this I will be well happy.

Hubby mentioned earlier he thinks I have smoked a little less today but I cant say I have or that I have notice any difference, but it is early days, im still only on the small dosage. I have set my quit day for 10th July, which will be day 8, but I also know I have a few more days grace as my nurse has set my quit date at the full 14 days, I really hope I dont get to date tho.

Oh and I just wanna say well done to my Hubby, he also has packed up the cigs, he quit on the 29th April with Patches, Gum and Nasal Spray, well done.

Wobbles xxx

nsd_user663_4610 profile image

Hi wobbles and wobbles hubby,

well done wobbles hubby for quitting as well :)

of course you'll get encouragement on here we are one big happy family and wll help and encourage each other all the way through, so keep posting especially if your feeling low, we'll soon boost you back up or will try too :)

Don't worry about not cutting down on the fags yet, it's still early days. You'll find that when your on the double high dose and when your near your quit date you won't even notice that you haven't had a fag for hours which will turn into days and so you'll be on the road to being quit for ever...........god bless Champix :D

nsd_user663_2485 profile image

Keep it up

Wobbles & Others:

This is a great place. When I first quit I was here five times a day or more. When I would have an urge to smoke instead I would log on here and read a post or two or send one out on my own.

Everyone was a great help.

Now I just drop in every now and then to remind those of you still struggling that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and you CAN succeed! You may not think so but it is true: every day you have quit it gets easier. Just take things one day at a time and you will be fine!

Good luck on your Quit!


Quit: 17 October 2007

Method: Cold Turkey

Lapses: None

nsd_user663_4870 profile image

Hi Kate13

Your doing really well too Kate, 49 days smoke free, that at the moment seems like a huge dream to me.

Does that actually happen on these tablets ... you start going hours without having had a cig and then it turns into days and you still dont really notice? OMG I hope thats true.

I researched Champix before I asked the doctor and I read other peoples experiences (read one on here earlier - OMG side affects he had scared me a little cos he started off almost the same as me, all ok until dose increased in week 2 and then it read like everything possible hit him). He too has been told to half his dose.

RobW - Well done, think i will do that, when im at the no cigs stage, if I get an urge I will come on here and post. I know from hubby the urges only last a short time, so it will be a good way to take my mind off them and keep my fingers active, a bit of touch typing.

Will post again soon. xx

nsd_user663_4850 profile image

congrats on the wanting to quit.

I still have my 2 week champix starter pack. im slowly reducing my ciggs everyday from 20-25<---last week to 12 today :) I want to finish my 30 day paxil meds before i take the champix, im scared to combine the two lol. so im using this time to reduce my smoking before i start with the champix which should be in less than 3 weeks.

nsd_user663_4880 profile image

Hi Wobbles, I took my first Champix yesterday and reckon to stop on same day as tabs go up to 2 a day, just because I am so sick of wasting my money and my health! Anyway, well done you for doing this, and big applause for hubby for joining you. Am with you every step of the way.... nice to have someone else who is at the same stage. So far I'm not sure whether I'm feeling any effects. Let you know later today....posted as a newbie earlier. All the best to you for the day ahead.

nsd_user663_4870 profile image

Feeling Good!!

Hi Everyone,

Day 3 and still feeling ok, no dizziness again today, fingers crossed is stays that way tomorrow, as that will be my first day of taking two Champix.

Feeling very good about myself today, not only am I on the road to being a non smoker, I got up nice and early today and took part in our local Race for Life, in aid of Cancer Research, walked 5k this morning (dont do walking always get in he car), with my friends, over 4,000 women at the local park what an atmosphere, this is also my first time for doing Race for Life and im already looking forward to taking part again next year.

Hi Justsayno - Oh how lovely we are only a couple of days apart, and your going for it on day 4 when your tabs go up to 2 a day, good luck, really hope you succeed. Its really nice to have someone at around the same point.

Its actually me who has joined hubby, he has really given me the push I needed .... im a women who loves going on holiday and this year was gonna be very difficult to afford one. Hubby packed up the cigs and has been waiving all his extra cash under my nose, he only had to mention it a couple of times and that got me really thinking, if I wasnt wasting my hard earned cash on cigs, with the money we would both be saving we would be able to go off on holiday ... So my goal and reward is to get off the cigs and take my husband, my daughter and my self off to Tenerife on the 13th December 09 for a week in the sun, which will be absolutely lovely, as no doubt Luton where we live will be cold, wet an very miserable come December. Im so focused on getting my backside to Tenerife in December im thinking more about that than having a cig.

Hi 2pacfan, well done to you, we are all on the way to be non smokers. I was hoping to cut down before I started the Champix but im a heavy smoker and that didnt work for me, so decided to go straight for the Champix.

Keep positng everyone. xx

nsd_user663_4870 profile image

Day 5 on Champix

Hi All

Its day 5 of taking Champix. Didnt log anything on here yesterday because I really didnt feel any different. Still no side affects and still smoking and wanting cigs just as much as I did before I went on Champix. Wondering when this not wanting and craving a cig is gonna kick in, was hoping to have stopped by Friday this week which will be my day 8 on them, but im not sure that is actually gonna happen, dont feel like its something that will happen.

Oh well will keep going and see what happens .... If anything.


nsd_user663_4785 profile image

Hi Wobbles

I didn't stop till day 13 of champix. Like you I still wanted to smoke and I actually didn't feel like they were working. Then all of a sudden on day 12 I only smoked 4 and on day 13 I just stopped. I'm now day 4 smoke free :D Just stick with it and don't worry about when you are going to give up, another few days wont make any difference and you are more likely to stop if you do it when it's right for you. Dont give yourself a hard time and remember everyone is different.

Good luck.

Carol x

nsd_user663_4610 profile image

Hi All

Its day 5 of taking Champix. Didnt log anything on here yesterday because I really didnt feel any different. Still no side affects and still smoking and wanting cigs just as much as I did before I went on Champix. Wondering when this not wanting and craving a cig is gonna kick in, was hoping to have stopped by Friday this week which will be my day 8 on them, but im not sure that is actually gonna happen, dont feel like its something that will happen.

Oh well will keep going and see what happens .... If anything.


Hi Wobbles,

You need will power and determiaton as well as the Champix, I was like you at the begining of my quit thinking the Champix would do everything for they help, but it's up to you to do the rest, sorry, good luck xxxx

nsd_user663_4880 profile image

Hi Wobbles, I'm still here but like you didnt log in or post as same old same old for me. Today is Day 7 on Champix and I honestly don't feel anything different except that sleepy feeling that comes over me as the Champix kicks in. Anyhoo, its good to read the positive words others have given to you and I will take them on board and keep on trying. I am hoping when the dosage goes up it will make a big difference. I know it will also take will power but I am hoping the champix will significantly boost my ability to do this. My practice nurse told me it blocks something in the brain that triggers the need for nicotene, lol then she said it sometimes doesn't work if the person doesn't have an addictive personality so I thought well I know I've got one of those so I should be OK :D

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Wobbles and JustsayNo :D

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathiseing with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off and Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

Sorry to be late answering this I was away for a few days and just found it

I also used champix and found it really good I had very few real craves with it

give it time and it kicks in and suddenly you won't want to smoke anymore but it varies from person to person as we're all different I stopped completely at about day 9/10

Post often to let us know how you're doing, to rant, rave have a moan whatever you like pretty much anything goes on here OK


Marg xxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4880 profile image

Thanks Marageth, going to check out those links and do something positive towards my quit!

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Justsayno :D

You'll be fine and the champix kicks in fairly quickly even if you don't notice it to begin with I didn't notice any difference for about a week and then suddenly it started to work noticeably and the last couple of days I had to force myself to smoke arghhhhhhhh

Your practice nurse was right about the brain thing and lets face it we're all addicts anyway aren't we ????

The more reading you do the better it really helps to get your head in the right place when you understand the addiction

There are lots of links in our signatures to help you as well as all of us on the forum


Marg xxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4870 profile image

Hi Wobbles, I'm still here but like you didnt log in or post as same old same old for me. Today is Day 7 on Champix and I honestly don't feel anything different except that sleepy feeling that comes over me as the Champix kicks in. Anyhoo, its good to read the positive words others have given to you and I will take them on board and keep on trying. I am hoping when the dosage goes up it will make a big difference. I know it will also take will power but I am hoping the champix will significantly boost my ability to do this. My practice nurse told me it blocks something in the brain that triggers the need for nicotene, lol then she said it sometimes doesn't work if the person doesn't have an addictive personality so I thought well I know I've got one of those so I should be OK :D

Hi Justsayno, im still here too. Not logged on over the past couple of days, had a few health issues with my mum, and like yourself I really havent felt any different, still smoking same and wanting them same, although the issues with my mums health might just give me that little extra bit of willpower im gonna need to quit. Im still taking the champix, its day 8 for me so my doseage has gone up today to 1mg twice a day, only difference I have noticed so far is that im feeling very dizzy since i took my tablet, but id rather that than feeling sick. Think I should be ok on the addictive personality to.

Will post again after I have taken the second tablet let you know how im getting on.

nsd_user663_4870 profile image

Hi Margareth

Thanks for your words of encouragement. Today is day 8 for me and is my first day for taking the higher dose of 1mg twice daily, feeling extremely dizzy since I took the tablet, but as I said in a previous thread, dizzy i can handle, feeling sick not gonna be so good with. Hopefully the amount I smoke and the wanting to smoke will now start to decrease, over the next few days, and then its hello Tenerife.

Will post back soon. x

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Wobbles :D

You're doing just fine and the dizziness and feeling sick won't last for long I had the sick feeling with the morning one and just moved it back a bit and that solved the problem for me

Yes the amount you want to smoke will decrease quickly now I had to force myself to smoke the last couple of days until my stop date

You'll still need willpower but at least for me I had very few real craves and put this down to the champix


Marg xxxxxx

nsd_user663_4880 profile image

Hi Wobbles, my Day 8, your Day 9, so hope you are feeling OK and coping with the dizzyness. Sorry to hear your Mother is poorly, hoping and praying for a good outcome for her. Warmest regards to you and have a peaceful day.

nsd_user663_4870 profile image

Hi justsayno.

Thank you for your regards, my mum out of hospital now and recovering well.

How are you feeling on day 8 of Champix? I was extremely dizzy all day yesterday, but that really is the only side affect im feeling. Took my day 9 this morning and again feeling dizzy but nothing I cant cope with and thank god im not feeling sick. I would even go as far as to say I think I have actually smoked less today, so hopefully the tablets are starting to kick in.

Hope you have a good day. xx

nsd_user663_4880 profile image

Hi Wobbles, good news about your mum, hope she gets better real quick.

Today is my Day 9 and yes its kicking in. I am getting the tired and dizzy feeling, have had to give in to a nap in the afternoon but no nausea. I'm very happy today because every ciggy I've lit up I've put out after a couple of puffs because I just haven't felt I liked it or wanted it. Relieved that things are moving forward. You will be Day 10 today so really rooting for you to get the same effects. Hope you are having a good day.

Warmest Regards

Justsayno :)

nsd_user663_4891 profile image

Hi Wobbles and c°....

Have been reading alot today about how everyone is getting on and methods that your using ect...

I still have not quit smoking but really feeling the desire to do so and even more so as i have a little girl that i don't want growing up with this image or her mother.

So reading all this, i think my best bet is also to try champix. I take it i have to go to my Doctors to get this?

Bye bye and speak soon:o


nsd_user663_4880 profile image

Hi Mimi I just went to see my practice nurse to discuss quit smoking support and we agreed on Champix and then she got a Doctor to sign the script for me, it was that easy. I'm on Day 11 Champix and feeling tomorrow will be my quit day, I'm barely wanting to smoke and not enjoying the little I try, though am having some dizzyness, sleepiness and today forgot and took the a.m. tab before eating so also feeling sick and keep coming over sweaty and feeling like I am getting a fever, but sure that will pass.

Anyway its good you are thinking of quitting and even better you are thinking about the health of your daughter as well as your own health. Look forward to seeing you on the forum 'mimi day 1 champix'!!!!!!

Warmest wishes to you

nsd_user663_4880 profile image

Wobbles Where Are You???

Hi Wobbles, worrying about you, are you doing OK, been a few days since you posted....well couldn't find hope all is well. How is it with the Champix? Anyway am thinking of you and hoping for the best for you.

Warmest Wishes


nsd_user663_4870 profile image

Im Still here!!!

Hi Justsayno

Im still here, and im ok ... well I say ok, my back has given out on me, spent most of my time since Sunday not able to get about much, and sitting at the PC has been a definate no no.

Im still doing ok on the Champix, have noticed not so much that I dont want to lite up but more each time I smoke now its leaving a horrid taste in my mouth and im constantly cleaning my teeth to get rid of the taste, which can only be good news.

First time I have done it but took this mornings Champix without eating first, really just wanted to see what would happen .... and im happy to report I have had no nasty side affects, like feeling sick. Thursday will be my first meeting with my nurse since I started Champix to see how im getting on and im taking my son along with me as he has decided he wants to quit to, so hopefully we will soon be a non smoking household.

Tomorrow is gonna be my day to quit. Will post back soon. xx

nsd_user663_4901 profile image

Hi Wobbles

Good to hear you are doing good - I'm on Day 4 and it is so motivating to hear your experiences that bit further on. I can't wait!

Good luck for tomorrow.

nsd_user663_4880 profile image

Hi Wobbles

Glad you are still around, sorry about your back, know how it feels as I have a chronic back condition from arthritis....sickening! Glad you are still with the programme and feeling the benefits from the Champix. Today is my quit day and so far so good though I have to say I'm feeling moments of 'I want a ciggy' but maybe its more about the habit rather than the nicotene addiction as that should be somewhat under Champix control by now. Well, light headed, dizzy, sleepy but persevering. I think you were quitting today too so hope your day is going OK, painful back notwithstanding!!! Hope you've got a heating pad or something to ease your back.

Best wishes


nsd_user663_4870 profile image

Its Quit Day!!!!

Hi Justsayno

Yep bin docs, back is in a spasam, got some painkillers, anti inflams and when im able to move a bit better some very gentle exercises. Oh yeah definately have a heat pad and that is at the ready.

Well I had my last smoke at 11pm last night and I have to say so far so good. Im not climbing the walls, I dont feel moody or irritable im not snapping anyones head off, I feel ok. Still have no side affects from the Champix either, wondering why I didnt do this sooner. I have been to see the nurse today and had a chat with her, because although im not craving nicotine and I dont think I really want or need a cig I am constantly thinking about them, which is really annoying me. My nurse said its normal and its now more breaking the habit and association side of things as i havent actually been getting anything from the cigs since day 8.

Hope your quit day is still going well and your getting over the light headed and dizziness.


nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Wobbles :D

Glad to hear you're doing OK but not about the bad back I know just how that feels not being able to move around much arghhhhhhh

thinking about it is normal this early in a quit just as your nurse said bit it will pass fairly quickly

Glad you're not having problems with champix just hang in there


Marg xxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4870 profile image

Day 14 Champix Day 2 Smoke Free

Hi all

Day 2 of being smoke free, I have nothing really to report, still no side affects from the Champix and im still thinking about cigs a fair bit, but the thoughts only last a few seconds and then they go.

I did have big plans for these first few weeks without cigs, was going to clean every cupboard in my house ... oh hum ..... not actually able to do that at the moment due to my darn back giving out on me, which is probably why im thinking about cigs so much, normally id be at work during the day with plenty to occupy me, and then by the time im home, its still all rush, rush rush, do dinner, go swimming twice a week and line dancing once a week, the weeks almost gone, then start all over again .... still not to worry I suppose there is plenty of time to do all my cleaning once im up and about properly.

Will check back tomorrow. xx

nsd_user663_4918 profile image

hi all,

Congrats on your decision to quit, I am using the champix and managed to quit on day 8 of the course .. i am now on day 10 of non smoking.

My stop smoking bloke has said that champix is not a "magic bullet" that will do all of the work for you, you still need a bit of willpower.

if it helps this is how he explained it to me...

when you smoke everyday for years as i have done, then you have one very small part of your brain that thinks (subconciously) that smoking is the same as eating and drinking, and if you think about it nine times out of ten you just automatically reach for a cig ???

when you quit, that little part of your brain thinks "im gonna die.... gimme nicotine" ..

champix help to "silence" that part of your mind and makes it easier to say "not im not dying so i dont need a ciggy".

hope this helps .. it certainly did it for me

Good luck



nsd_user663_4870 profile image

Day 6 Smoke Free!!

Hi All

Day 18 of the Champix (god that went quick) .... Day 6 smoke free (not going so quick), mind you Tenerife December is now 6 days closer than it was Yippeeeee.....

Still no side affects, all good on that front. Im still thinking about cigs a fair bit, still feels like im missing something and cos im home all day at the moment with a bad back ive been sooooooooooooo soooooooooooo bored. I guess before i stopped smoking if id been bored id have lit a cig. Im a bit more mobile today so have defrosted the freezer and given the utility room a bit of a clean which has taken up 2 hours with a few coffee breaks in between. Next on the list is clean out the kitchen cupboards, that should take my mind off being bored.

Check back once im done.

nsd_user663_4870 profile image

Day 13 Smoke Free

Does anyone know if Justsayno is still about? We were at the same stage and I cant see that they have logged in for ages, was just wondering if anyone knows if they are still doing ok on the Champix.

I myself havent logged in for a while, but thats mainly because there was nothing to report. Im back at work this week and getting back into my normal routine, still poppin the Champix every day and now im at day 13 of being smoke free, which means Tenerife in December is 13 days closer than it was, to go and spend £5 now on a packet would really break my heart, would feel like such a waste of money.

Will check back again soon, good luck to everyone and Justsayno, I hope your ok.

Wobbles x

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

I'm new on the forum today m8y, i'm going down the patch route as opposed to the champix one, i'm on my 3rd week (16th day now), so not that far between us in the timeline for quitting.

Congrats on your 13th day, check back in here tomorrow and stamp your 14th day well n truly yeah!?

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Wobbles :D

Well done you almost a fortnight smoke free now that's great

Hope the back is better now and also your Mum


Marg xxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4870 profile image

Hi Jase180709 & Marg

Well done to you too Jase180709 on your 16th day, didnt think id ever be able to say id gone a day let alone 13 without the dreaded cigs, im well chuffed with my little self, I will definately come on tomorrow and stamp my 14th Day.

Thank you for your kind thoughts Marg, both my back and my mum are on the mend. Hoping to get back to my dancing and swimming later on this week.

Wobbles x

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Wobbles :D

Glad both your back and you Mum are getting better

Good luck getting back to dancing and swimming

Dancing I can do but swimming well more splashing than anything else for me


Marg xxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4870 profile image

Yay done it ....

Made it - day 14 and im still smoke free.

Strange but I thought going back to work and getting back in a routine would make this whole process easier, but for some reason it hasnt. Yesterday and today its been when I got up in the morning and when I first walk through the door from work thats when it seems to be hitting me most.

I thought seeing as id been off work sick for two weeks and had quit during that time, well if I could do it whilst id been at home all day with only daytime tv then once I returned to work it would be a breeze ... OMG .... how wrong I was, returning to work seems harder, but i have got through yesterday and today so its one day at a time and see how I go.

nsd_user663_4901 profile image


Well done Wobbles - Day 14! Fabulous!

I find each and every new experience without a ciggie is a challenge - well done for getting through Day 1 at work - day 2 will now be that much easier!

nsd_user663_4870 profile image

Getting Stressed

:mad: Day 18 and im getting very stressed with not smoking, and as of yesterday hubby was laid off work and im gaining weight at an alarming rate :eek: have been doing the one thing I said I wouldnt eating sweets I have gained weight and nothing in my wardrobe fits anymore. I dont even like bloody hard boiled sweets but it aint stopping me putting them in my gob.

Gaining weight has been one of the reasons I never really bothered to try and quit before, didnt want the weight gain, knew I wouldnt cope with it, and now im off the cigs and gaining weight and its upsetting me to the point that I told hubby not be to be surprised if by the time I got home I was smoking again. I didnt smoke though, even though I was out drinking, but i really dont know how much longer I will cope with all the stress of hubby finding another job and how much more weight I am prepared to gain before I crack. Not that smoking again is gonna help, as smoking will cost me money which if hubby is unemployed is money we cant really afford to be wasting.

I have finished ranting now, but if anyone has any suggestions for combating the weight gain id be happy to hear from you and if anyone knows anyone looking for a hard working glazier then my hubby is your man.

Wobbles x

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Wobbles :D

First well done on your 18 days quit that's great big hug for you

Sorry to hear you're stressed but as you know smoking won't help you one little bit

Also sorry to hear you're hubby has lost his job I'm sorry that I can't help your hubby to find employment

But hope that I may be able to help you re the wieght gain

What I did when I started to put on to much was instead of sweets and chocolate and biscuits I got a load of fruit and veggies like celery and carrots anything that can be eaten raw

Every morning I chopped a lot into bite size pieces and covered them to keep fresh and when I needed to eat I'd have some of that instead of the other things

Not only did it stabilize my weight so no more went on but I felt better without all the sweet things I'd been eating

I hope this will help you also my weight has been comeing off again slowly and now I'm almost back to prequit weight again


Marg xxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4901 profile image

Hi Wobbles

I know the feeling about putting on weight - I am eating chocolate caramels and spearmint chews like there is no tomorrow. But - you know what - I'm not smoking! Chocolate caramels never killed anyone.

I have a plan that says for a while - may be the first month - I am allowed to eat what ever I want, whenever I want. After month 1 (or when I am ready)the diet starts! I have recently lost 2.5 stones and I am very confident that I can do it again (not that I want to put on 2.5 stones though!).

Marg's advice about fruit and veg is spot on - I have bought grapes today - but don't deny yourself a little pleasure every now and then!

Sorry about your OH - but you said it yourself, it is stressful, but smoking will not help that at all and just cost you money you problem could do with spending on other things.

Take care Wobbles, think things through - you are in control and you can do this!

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Day 20 Smoke Free

Hey Marg

Thanks for the hug really needed at the moment.

Been a good girl today, not one boiled sweet has passed my lips, only sugar free mints (mind you I could soon go off them). Its a shame I dont like fruit and veg or id do as you suggested and have them instead of the sweets. Oh well will keep pluging on still smoke free.

Moving into my third week tomorrow without a ciggie, and even though im a bit down about my weight im still not giving in to smoking, I can do this, I dont need cigs to keep my weight down.

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