Team 10 hellooooooooooo: Hi everyone where... - No Smoking Day

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Team 10 hellooooooooooo

nsd_user663_2730 profile image
35 Replies

Hi everyone where are u all :confused: hope you are all good .

Lorraine x

I have been quit for 1 Month, 3 Weeks, 13 hours, 12 minutes and 23 seconds (50 days). I have saved £290.65 by not smoking 1,263 cigarettes. I have saved 4 Days, 9 hours and 15 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 18/01/2008 22:30

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nsd_user663_2730 profile image
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35 Replies
nsd_user663_2743 profile image


ive been away for a couple of days , (wedding anniversary)

wheres the rest of our team?

nsd_user663_2730 profile image

Hi Jude

Welcome back did you have fun ? congrats on your wedding anniversary, anyway im not sure where any of team 10 have gone :( do hope they are all well .

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

hiya hun, yep i had a nice time , its just nice to get away sometimes.

ill shout for our team tomorrow, i know Jan is on hol, not sure if cword is back yet.


nsd_user663_2743 profile image

ok, wheres team 10 !???

let us know everyones still around !!

I have been quit for 1 Month, 2 Weeks, 6 Days, 10 hours, 50 minutes and 54 seconds (49 days). I have saved £296.70 by not smoking 1,236 cigarettes. I have saved 4 Days and 7 hours of my life. My Quit Date: 21/01/2008 00:01

nsd_user663_2826 profile image

Here I am - still going strong!:)

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

hi hun, did you have a nice hol ?

and why does it say drama free for 10 days on your post thingy?

nsd_user663_2826 profile image

Hi Jude, the holiday was fantastic - totally mad over the top fun with a group of great friends.

The first day was a bit scary though as when I unpacked I realized my Champix had been left behind!!!:eek::(

However, apart from one drag (when lighting a fag for someone else) I have come back still smoke free...and now Champix free too!!!

I'm really chuffed with myself.

(My "drama free" sig was an attempt at humour after 10 days of relative quiet forum use - I see things have hotted up again since then! :()

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

oooooo well done :D

keep your champix tho, just incase.

doubt any gp would give it out twice, mine wouldnt!!

im only taking one a day now, im not finding it any different. but im keeping a hold of the rest!

as for drama free, your joking, on here!!! :rolleyes:

i just hope people dont leave or it puts new people off joining.

nsd_user663_2826 profile image

keep your champix tho, just incase.

Im only taking one a day now, im not finding it any different.

I have LOADS left and you are right - I'm keeping hold of them.

I cut down to one a day too and (like you) didn't notice any difference. So I started taking one every other day - again with no ill effects.

I still freaked out big time when I realised I'd left them at home last week!!!- I was convinced I would fail - but here I am!!!

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

i bet you were ! maybe it proves it is all habit, as some experts have said.

i might try alternate days next week, doc does say i should wean off them in the last couple of weeks, ill just do it earlier :)

nsd_user663_1732 profile image

Hi team,

Im here, hope the rest are all doing okay.

Jude, hope you had a nice break for your anniversary.

Lorraine and cword glad your both doing well, lets hope the rest of the team check in soon.


nsd_user663_2743 profile image

thanks Liz

how are you hun, read that last week was a bit rough for you, hope your feeling better

nsd_user663_2730 profile image

Hi Lizzy , Cword great to see you both :D ok thats 4 of us wonder where every 1 else is :confused:


nsd_user663_1732 profile image

Hi Jude,

Has been harder these last couple of weeks, but Im not giving in I don`t want to go back to square one, this is my longest quit and I want to keep it.

Lorraine glad to see your still going strong, lets hope the others check in soon. Jans on holiday isn`t she?, lucky thing.

what a great team we have, Jude, Lorraine I love the way you keep track of team 10 its very reassuring to know you have quit buddies out there who keep an eye on how everyone is doing you`re both an inspiration to me thanks.

Liz x

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

hey, i need this team aswell :D it keeps me going !!

now i darent give in , ill get in big trouble off you lot :eek:

keep going Liz, you can beat this!!!

nsd_user663_2722 profile image

Hey team!

I am here.

All is well - I started to forget to take my evening dose of Champix...No ill-effects so quite happy. I may start reducing the dose from next week moving on the the 5 mg at night - we will see.

Otherwise I am very busy with work so cannot log on as much. Hopefully it will quieten down next month.


nsd_user663_2743 profile image

hiya cat

i saw doc last week, for my last two weeks im getting a starter pack, i will have to take them in reverse so cut down gradually but im doing it myself already.

but theres no rush, we should do what we are happy with.

have a easy working day :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_2730 profile image

Hi Liz like Jude i need the team aswell just feels so much easier and the support has helped me so much , and im sure with all this support that team 10 are going to come out stars :D

Lorraine x

nsd_user663_2730 profile image

Hi Cat

Great to see you :D sounds like your busy glad that all is going well for you .


nsd_user663_2722 profile image


What do you do with all your old cigarette break times? I find I am working through them...arghh

Using this one to post though :)


nsd_user663_2743 profile image

nothing really :confused: another coffee or another chewing gum

read a paper, mmmmmmmmm.....cant think :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_2861 profile image

Alriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight!! Team 10 are rockin this quit thing!! :D

Huge congratulations to all of you! Waytago! :D

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

awwww ta Lady Sa

yours aint doing to bad either!!!

all of us will be in the penthouse!

nsd_user663_1732 profile image

Hi cat,

lovely to see another team member checking in, glad to see your doing well,

its like a life changing experience giving up smoking. we have to change so many ways that we do things so as not associate them with when we smoked, I just keep going with it, and hope that smoking fades into the past a quick as possible.:)

Lady sa,

nice to see you doing so well keep it up hun, and thanks for your good wishes.:)

Liz x

nsd_user663_2722 profile image

I calculated that I spent over 9 hours just smoking per week (and that is based on each just taking 4 minutes so a bit rushed) - how horrible!!!!


nsd_user663_2743 profile image

9 hours :eek:

they owe you some days off then now you have quit, you have been working too much!!! lol

nsd_user663_2722 profile image

hmmm - that was based on 7 days - but I still I spent quite a few hours puffing whilst at work...

I am now much more productive (I am not counting the time I spend posting here ;)) , so converted into work hours I should be entitlted to at least a couple of Mondays off


I am not sure my big anti-smoking US big boss will agree though!

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

all these threads getting put up for new teams, have made me wonder where are all team 10?

4 or 5 of us have posted recently but wheres the rest?

come on guys...........give us a quickie to let us know how your getting on !!

nsd_user663_2839 profile image

hay all just reporting in, just got back from hols had a fab time. feelin like a real non smoker now as ive achieved all the things where i thought i might slip up yay cracked it, well done to all of us . take care all x


nsd_user663_2730 profile image

Hi Hadders :D

welcome back glad you had a good holiday and thats great you didnt let nicco man get you well done !!!!!

I have been quit for 1 Month, 3 Weeks, 3 Days, 20 hours, 19 minutes and 31 seconds (53 days). I have saved £309.61 by not smoking 1,346 cigarettes. I have saved 4 Days, 16 hours and 10 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 18/01/2008 22:30

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

hey, well done Hadders :D

glad you had a good hol :)

keep posting, we were worried our team was getting small !

nsd_user663_2722 profile image

Hey team - where are you?

Day 53 for me and all is good. I started to see a shift in my "urges" - they are now more like a thought that I should be smoking in certain situations but do not really feel like it. Also - I am having a lot of dreams where I am still smoking (am I compensating???) hmmmm.

I have stopped eating softfruits and tic-tacs and my paperclip massacre is getting under control (a bit)

I am now waiting for Easter Sunday to make it to the end of 2 months so that I can congratulate myselft with a (very) large chocolate egg (filled not hollow, preferably with tic tacs !)

Have a great weekend team! xxx

nsd_user663_2839 profile image

turning the big 50 today guys, what an achievment 50 days and nights nicotine and smoke free, what an awesome feeling, hope all is well with rest of our team. claps loudly for all well done us .


nsd_user663_2826 profile image


Well done hadders!

Treat yourself - you deserve it!;)

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

way to go Hadders !! :D

we are so beating this!! :D

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