ok, team 10 or 11? need a boost!! - No Smoking Day

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ok, team 10 or 11? need a boost!!

nsd_user663_2743 profile image
48 Replies

ok you lot! report in

our Jan is feeling a little down :( we need a team boosting thread :D

we are doing great !!!

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nsd_user663_2743 profile image
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48 Replies
nsd_user663_2826 profile image

I am remembering the scene in airplane where they all queue up to calm down the hysterical passenger......:eek:

*Fetches baseball bat*

Come on Jan keep your pecker up - don't make me come over there......;)

nsd_user663_2695 profile image

I am remembering the scene in airplane where they all queue up to calm down the hysterical passenger......:eek:

*Fetches baseball bat*

Come on Jan keep your pecker up - don't make me come over there......;)

Stands patiently behind John with nun chucks.........I've always wanted to do her..................:eek:

nsd_user663_2826 profile image

Think this thread needs its name changed to "who's next in line to beat up jan and what are you going to use to do it!!!!"

I have a horrible feeling I know exactly what garystrying has got in his hand.....:eek::(

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

Think this thread needs its name changed to "who's next in line to beat up jan and what are you going to use to do it!!!!" :)

youre supposed to be cheering Jan up!!!

"bloody men" ! :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_2722 profile image

Hello team

I thought I'd come in and say hi.

Jan - things will look up soon! And come on - you are past the 100 days... and I am sure you now look 10 years younger (I myself discovered I have rosy cheeks ;)

Yes - we are fabulous xx.

nsd_user663_2826 profile image

I myself discovered I have rosy cheeks

Yes - we are fabulous xx.

Hi Cat - lovely to see you're still about;)

(The rosy cheeks may just be the drink......):p

nsd_user663_2722 profile image

Hey you -

Yes - I am now enjoying a few glasses again (the champix effects where I could not feel anything have gone - phew)

I miss the dreams terribly still. I have been unable to find an alternative source of enjoyment at night...well, not quite ;)

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

A good spanking usually makes them go like that! Did you need cheering up too then catmagpie?. :eek: ;) :D

omg :eek:

nsd_user663_2722 profile image

Naughty naughty John.

I am a good girl.

Right - have to go and have lunch meeting.

Behave all ;)

nsd_user663_2892 profile image

Hey Jan,

I am not in your team (supportive lot that they are :rolleyes::p;)) but I can still give you a ((((HUG))))

Cheer up, Honey!

*sings "The sun has got his hat on.......hip hip hip hurray!*

to cheer Jan up :D

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

Oh! did i cross the line then???? :o


you always do hun!!

we can take it, hard team us! ;)

nsd_user663_2783 profile image

Typical male attitude. Roight I'm up for a foight. Got my knuckle dusters, stilettoes, etc, at the ready. Whose first?:mad: Gary - what about you?

Ladies - Many thanks for your support it has cheered me up immensely. I'm not usually this aggressive but these men have to be put in their place some times (methinks I might be starting sumfink here - oops):p

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

ok Jan , im here too.

getting cavity wall insulation done so im stuck in!

got my heels at the ready

got my pointy bra on , to get them in the eye :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_2783 profile image

Go on Jan admit it. You are just dieing for another glimpse of the Mankini!!! :eek:

Admit it!! you are..

You are so !!!!!!;)

Oooh purleeze. Right way on though John.

nsd_user663_2783 profile image

ok Jan , im here too.

getting cavity wall insulation done so im stuck in!

got my heels at the ready

got my pointy bra on , to get them in the eye :rolleyes:

Right Jude let's get 'em.

nsd_user663_2695 profile image

Oh! did i cross the line then???? :o

If i offended catmagpie i apologise, it was only a bit of fun. :(

No suprise there then, add her to the ever growing list. Is there any depths you wont stoop too for a cheap laugh. :eek:

Such a W****r............

reported too :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

Right Jude let's get 'em.

ok points are pointing!! whos first?!

nsd_user663_2826 profile image

got my pointy bra on


nsd_user663_2743 profile image

Jude are you deaf????








i cant get the camera far enough away!! pointy bits are tooooo big ;)

(more than a mouthful :o)

nsd_user663_2743 profile image



nsd_user663_2826 profile image




nsd_user663_2743 profile image

Every time you come on Jude the forum turns to sleaze. :rolleyes: :cool:

tut tut :o

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

hows our Jan today??

nsd_user663_2783 profile image

hows our Jan today??

Had about as good a weekend as you Jude. I have never wanted a fag soooo much. I don't know why, I wasn't feeling down or had an argument with o/h (at least not until last night). Certainly gave that inhalator a bashing yesterday though. Feeling a bit washed out now but still haven't had a fag. Thanks for asking though, it really is nice to know someone's out there thinking about you other than family that is.

Nothing a stiff drink wouldn't put right though. I think you had the right idea with your wine Jude.

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

i heard or read somewhere that when we hit the 4 month mark , things get a lot easier, dunno if thats true, maybe someone who has been quit that long can answer.

we know lifes a bitch sometimes, but no ciggies! just wine ;)

nsd_user663_2783 profile image

I'm 4 months tomorrow and it is a hell of a lot easier. Still think about smoking but definitely as something thats in the past, not as something thats threatening me now, if you get what I mean. Smoking is still something thats part of my life but more like a twat of an ex boyfriend that I often see and can't wait to get my revenge on than as something that is actually part of my life now... and what better revenge than being successful! :D

Hi CW & Jude - What I can't understand then is why I'm feeling like I do at weekends. I'm alright when I'm out with mum or at bingo, even in a pub, but as soon as I walk through the door I get these pangs. Don't exactly want to light up just get these pangs. Is this usual after coming off patches or am I just an odd bod.:confused:

PS - It isn't for lack of something to do as I am in the middle of decorating every room but as soon as I stop for a break and in the evenings the pangs start. Not continuously but it seems funny to me that I need the inhalator all of a sudden.

nsd_user663_2783 profile image

Thanks both - I have taken all you have both said in. I haven't wanted that fix today but I think its because Im at work. I will have to be extra strong willed at weekends but I will do it and I will have a read of that site John tomorrow in my lunch hour. Should have read it before. Doh!!! Fick or wot.

nsd_user663_2783 profile image

I keep banging on about these, but read 'tales from the quit' at woofmang.com, helped me tremendously and sure you'll get something out of them too, the links part also has some brilliant onward reading :D

Bang away CW - I will read tomorrow.

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

try some airways gum aswell, they help! (not as informative as CW but they do it for me!) lol

nsd_user663_2863 profile image

Hi Jan,

I've had quite a few quits that have gone when I stopped NRT of various sorts...none as long as you've gone, though.

This time, although I've used the inhalator, I seem to have been able to stay with the original determination to quit that I had from day 1. No wavering at all: I think, in large measure, because of being able to connect with others on this forum...

When I stopped the puffer I had a day or two of real misery (I mean feeling sad and hopeless sort of misery) and restarted. Then I started with a Bach flower remedy and stopped again about two weeks ago and I've been fine.

I think managing your quit at your stage is a bit like managing a long journey. You know the vehicle and the likely problems and difficulties by now and you can try different ways to safeguard and help yourself...lots of suggestions on here as you know! If something is not working, just go back to where your quiit is safe and rethink your strategy...There's nothing now that can threaten your quit..Really...nothing!!

All the best with :)it!

Bill X

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

That stuff makes my nose run and I'm not fit enough yet to run after it :rolleyes:

your not supposed to stick it up your nose, aww bless you ;)

nsd_user663_2826 profile image

your not supposed to stick it up your nose, aww bless you ;)

It's not just one piece either!

She rams the full pack up there and uses her shnoz like a Pez dispenser. :eek:

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

It's not just one piece either!

She rams the full pack up there and uses her shnoz like a Pez dispenser. :eek:

urgh man "got yukky vision in my head now"

nsd_user663_2783 profile image

Hi Jan,

I've had quite a few quits that have gone when I stopped NRT of various sorts...none as long as you've gone, though.

This time, although I've used the inhalator, I seem to have been able to stay with the original determination to quit that I had from day 1. No wavering at all: I think, in large measure, because of being able to connect with others on this forum...

When I stopped the puffer I had a day or two of real misery (I mean feeling sad and hopeless sort of misery) and restarted. Then I started with a Bach flower remedy and stopped again about two weeks ago and I've been fine.

I think managing your quit at your stage is a bit like managing a long journey. You know the vehicle and the likely problems and difficulties by now and you can try different ways to safeguard and help yourself...lots of suggestions on here as you know! If something is not working, just go back to where your quiit is safe and rethink your strategy...There's nothing now that can threaten your quit..Really...nothing!!

All the best with :)it!

Bill X

Thanks Bill - I feel a bit better today. Got in from bingo last night and never gave the inhalator or cigs a thought at all. I intend to beat this feeling and will. I am positive about that. I get loads of support from here and family which helps a lot.

Thanks again.

Jan x

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

Thanks Bill - I feel a bit better today. Got in from bingo last night and never gave the inhalator or cigs a thought at all. I intend to beat this feeling and will. I am positive about that. I get loads of support from here and family which helps a lot.

Thanks again.

Jan x

im keeping my beady eye on you ! ;)

nsd_user663_2783 profile image

im keeping my beady eye on you ! ;)

Which one and why?

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

the big brown one!

and so you dont ever ever go back to nic!! :p

nsd_user663_2783 profile image

the big brown one!

and so you dont ever ever go back to nic!! :p

Oh (humbly bows head) - thanks buddie:D

nsd_user663_2722 profile image

Hi buddies

Still here :)

Glad to see you are still there too. x

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

hi Cat, nice to see you popping in xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_2722 profile image

Hey you - yes - still around albeit not much . I have been really busy at work - travelling a lot - but I am now enjoying the trips more, as I am no longer craving cigarettes in the lounge on the flights etc - absolutely liberating! I never realised how the stress I was feeling when i smoked was actually due several hours' withdrawal.

Today is Friday so I am having a leisurely day at the office (let's hope it stays that way!)

I still think about smoking sometimes but I am not longer able to define the thoughts as craves as such. Very odd. I started to get rid of the weight gain (half way there!) and can really feel myself getting fitter by the week. Also was told that my hair was in great condition by hairdresser last week (take note girls - the smoke DOES affect your hair too...eek)

Have a great weekend Team


nsd_user663_2783 profile image

Morning Cat - Glad to see you. Couldn't agree more about hair. Just have this niggly cough at the moment which is due to coming off patches, although have been off them for a month. Bin using inhalator a lot last week so that could have something to do with it. Not using it now though. Hopefully this cough should have gone by the end of next week. If not its back to the docs for me I think. Just wish I had gone cold turkey now and then I would have got rid long ago. Oh well, onwards and upwards.:D


nsd_user663_2722 profile image

Jan - so sorry to hear about the cough. Are you sure it is not a throat infection? There have been a few going around this mont around me, it may be worth checking with the doctor if it doesn't get better as I do not think the inhalator would affect your throat?

Don't wish anything - you are quit and this is what counts whatever the method. xxxx

nsd_user663_2783 profile image

Jan - so sorry to hear about the cough. Are you sure it is not a throat infection? There have been a few going around this mont around me, it may be worth checking with the doctor if it doesn't get better as I do not think the inhalator would affect your throat?

Don't wish anything - you are quit and this is what counts whatever the method. xxxx

Thanks Cat - I did have a bad throat with loss of voice two weeks ago so maybe its come back. You are quite right of course I am quit and it does count. I went to bingo last night and everything was fine until a bloke sat at the next table. OMG did he stink of cigs to the point where I was starting to feel queazy. Was I glad when he went or what.

nsd_user663_2722 profile image

Yes - It may have come back and you should go back and check with your GP.

Yes - I know about the smells - horrid. Especially from people who have been smoking in the rain. I am still ashamed that I smelt like that for so long without realising...One of the downside of being a non smoker can be that you smell things better. Actually - that gived me an idea ;) Will post on the question thread!

nsd_user663_2826 profile image

Yes - It may have come back and you should go back and check with your GP.

Yes - I know about the smells - horrid. Especially from people who have been smoking in the rain. I am still ashamed that I smelt like that for so long without realising...One of the downside of being a non smoker can be that you smell things better. Actually - that gived me an idea ;) Will post on the question thread!

Hi Cat - just popping in to say Hi to you- and let you know me and Jude fought your corner last night when the insanity started. You always stood up for me when I was being hounded on here and I will always do the same for you.

Really pleased you're still with us.

You too Jan - are we the most successful team ever or what??

probably not but we done BLOODY good!;)



nsd_user663_2722 profile image

Thanks Cword

yes I know and cannot thank you and Jude enough for standing by me. I still cannot believe the flaming is still going on after all this time and that they are still ganging up on people.

And YES - we are a great team. Another month gone next week - can you believe it???? it was like yesterday we were reaching 4 weeks!


nsd_user663_2783 profile image

Hi Cat - just popping in to say Hi to you- and let you know me and Jude fought your corner last night when the insanity started. You always stood up for me when I was being hounded on here and I will always do the same for you.

Really pleased you're still with us.

You too Jan - are we the most successful team ever or what??

probably not but we done BLOODY good!;)



You bet your boots we are. Where does the time go. It seems to fly past now we're not waiting for that cig break.:(

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