5 months: wow, just realised that it's five... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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5 months

nsd_user663_2136 profile image
37 Replies

wow, just realised that it's five months today! And here I am all alone - 1 member (me) and 40 guests! I'll have to drink myself into a celebratory stupor by myself! yelims1.free.fr/Alcooliques... cheers:D

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nsd_user663_2136 profile image
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37 Replies
nsd_user663_2659 profile image

wow, just realised that it's five months today! And here I am all alone - 1 member (me) and 40 guests! I'll have to drink myself into a celebratory stupor by myself! yelims1.free.fr/Alcooliques... cheers:D

Hey Steveh, CONGRATS! keep up the good work I think I will have a drink with you. CHEERS to you.

mrs terry

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Steveh You star 5 months I remember you first coming on you are doing fab 4 more weeks and your done half a year. linda xxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_2142 profile image


How could I not sign in on your 5 MONTH celebration day!!!!!!!

I am very sorry mate - YAYAYAYAYAYA for you - you are A SUPERSTAR and you are coming along so nicely. I am very proud of you and look at the date on this lil' note - Whew Poskit and I are right here with ya :D It's 12:35am here on the 13th and OMG - how time flies and how quickly we become non-smokers for months - AMAZING US!!!!!!!!!! See you in another month at 6 whole MONTHS!!!!!! Keep going ~ :D

nsd_user663_1988 profile image

Well done Steve!

5 months down! Doesn't it feel great!:)

You are on the home straight to joining us in the 6 months + penthouse and being given the title 'honoured elder'.

A title passed down from generations of quitters who have made it this far!

I think there's a robe and a ceremony.... or was that a dressing gown and an initiation in the form of a paddling.:rolleyes::p

Keep up the good work mate!:D

nsd_user663_2595 profile image

Really Well done Steve .... we'll make sure we go out for a real drink celebrate your 5 months and my 1 month :)

Would have inserted one of those flashy signs here that you and Boudee use but not sure where you are both getting them from ;)

nsd_user663_2136 profile image

Wow.. thanks everyone - I am truly touched by your kind comments. Bit lost for words actually.

Rob, what you say is true, if I can do this so can you. I was the classic, unmoveable, inveterate smoker who made all the excuses about being fine but when x happens, I'd stop.. If anyone else recognises themselves in that description, take heed and act now!:mad:

Barney, look forward to joining you up there in my dressing gown - I suppose you all sit around discussing 'weighty matters'..

Mrs T, cheers and see you here soon.

Linda, thanks, you have always been a model for me - someone to follow.

John, thanks mate, keep it going and yes, let's do it. Pmd you with a smiley site..

Boudee - your words in particular touched me - you give so much to this forum. I am humbled if you think I might also have contributed something in a very small way.

NS4M - yes, you're right, you really are a terrible person!:D And today, it's 5 months for you and poskit so, your turn to accept many congractulations! Well done you two!


And that's the end of my Gwyneth Paltrow (sp?) speech.:D

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Well done ns4m & poskit 5 months two little stars Love Linda xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_2497 profile image

Many congrats steveh, 5 months is such a great place to be at! And dont worry, i will soon be finishing off my unused xmas batch of jim beam. Will have a swig for you! :hic: :)

Well done and keep up the good work.

nsd_user663_2136 profile image

thanks superv, I enjoy the odd JB myself but finished my xmas supply before xmas!:D

nsd_user663_2443 profile image

Well done SteveH and all those other month 7's. I'm hoping to join you later this year.


PS - When do the craves stop??

nsd_user663_2136 profile image

Hi Linlin, thanks - 5 months actually not 7 but I'll carry your good wishes on for the next 2 months!

The cravings? Honestly?


They get better!:D

nsd_user663_2162 profile image

Dear steveh congratulations, I'm so very happy to see you winning the nic demon day by day, you're someone to look up to and let me tell you you're also someone whose behaviour here on the forum has always been truly awesome! always such a kind, nice and supportive person img.photobucket.com/albums/...

img.photobucket.com/albums/... cheers! xxxx

Edited to add congrats to NS4M!!!!!!!!! Never forget you're my guiding star hun, what would I do without knowing you are ahead of me opening the road img.photobucket.com/albums/...

nsd_user663_2421 profile image

Well well well 5 months ste thats a lifetime, im soooooo impresed, realy hope i get there. it seems a long way off tonight. I would love a drink with you, but you prob wont let me in He He! you know im just an old sozzle so i will have one to you anyhow. Heres to our Stephen (or is it Steven) scoll...:cool:

nsd_user663_2119 profile image

5 months already!!!!!!???





we're all doing soooo well!! we should be sooo proud of ourselves!!(i am....prooud of meeee:D!!!)

THANX EVERYONE FOR YOUR CONGRATS and for the continued support!!

i hope to be back online more often so i can hopefully help to support anyone who needs some encouragement, still got hubby at home with his pot on sooo i'm not having the time to come on the pc as often.:rolleyes:

good luck to all the newbies,hope this will be your year for the start of a whole smokefree life!!

be strong & determined!!

best wishes...poskit.x

nsd_user663_2162 profile image

omg Pos so sorry for forgetting about you hun!!! :eek: My bad, you're doing so well you deserve every bit of celebration! xxxxxxx *sends extra dose of hugs*

nsd_user663_2142 profile image

ewwwwwww lala!! look at all of us! We are moving right along here and doing it so well too :D Thank you all for your support and I too hope to back online more often to help others, I have been busy with other things and getting online has been a bit of a challenge lately - MY BOU - of course I miss you too :( I will be back on like usual very shortly i hope!

Congrats to all new comers and old stars here on the site!! We can all do this!

STEVEH - You butt - you are suppose to say that I am not terrible :eek: Oh but I guess we all know I am (teehee) ;)

POS - WHEW 5 MONTHS and going strong! Cheers hun!

nsd_user663_2136 profile image

Heres to our Stephen (or is it Steven) scoll...:cool:

Neither in fact Dossy.. legal name is Steve:)

Hi Pos, hope to see you back here soon.. good luck.

Fran, kind words, much appreciated - Torino eh? Bella citta';)

NS, off we go to the next waypoint; boy, will we have a celebration when we get there!

We're all doing so well - keep strong :)

nsd_user663_2176 profile image


congratulations! Hope you've rewarded yourself for all your hard work, you must be getting excited about that room in the penthouse now... although the dressing gown bit is slightly worrying!

nsd_user663_2136 profile image

Hi Hbav, whew, what a relief, I have been worried that you poisoned yourself with un-roast chicken. How did it go? OK, just seen your post! Oh, well next time!

Yes, the dressing gown is a worry, I agree but it's Barney's idea not mine:o. he says that's what you have to wear up there. Me? I don't care as long as there's a good view:D


nsd_user663_2176 profile image

Sadly no chicken adventures - will try again this evening maybe.

I'll wear anything just as long as I get into that damn penthouse - I've got my room booked so I have to keep going now or Boudee will run off with my deposit :p.

Only a month for you now - that must be great.

There's so many of you doing great that they'll need to add more rooms soon.

nsd_user663_2 profile image


Hey SteveH,

Congratulations for getting this far and keep up the good work.

nsd_user663_2117 profile image

Will be Joining you tomorrow!


It will be exactly five months for me tomorrow, so make a nice warm space for me!!!

Hugs to all!

Anne Marie

P.S. Vinnie (my cat) has now completed 9th chemo session and is doing well

nsd_user663_2136 profile image

Hi sweetanimo, I'm sitting quite still so that the red leather bench here is warm and ready for you, there's even a slight indentation for you to fit into.:p There.

Well done for getting here - ain't it great?!:D:)

nsd_user663_2136 profile image

Hey SteveH,

Congratulations for getting this far and keep up the good work.


I've been spoken to from Above..

Now I know how Moses felt... :D

nsd_user663_2117 profile image

Hi sweetanimo, I'm sitting quite still so that the red leather bench here is warm and ready for you, there's even a slight indentation for you to fit into.:p There.

Well done for getting here - ain't it great?!:D:)

Thanks Steve,

'hope that the indentation is big enough for me! Slightly larger now than I was five months ago! Perhaps you could squirm around a wee bit!!!


Thank you!!


nsd_user663_2136 profile image

Nice of you to assume I somehow need to squirm to make room for you!

I hear they're bringing in the contract cleaners tonight because of the mess left by previous incumbents! Not to put too fine a point on it - there's empty bottles and all sorts in every available crevice, some with names on but my lips are sealed:D

nsd_user663_2595 profile image

Steve you were contacted by 'THEM' ... God I'm sooo dead jealous!!!!!

nsd_user663_2117 profile image

Nice of you to assume I somehow need to squirm to make room for you!

I hear they're bringing in the contract cleaners tonight because of the mess left by previous incumbents! Not to put too fine a point on it - there's empty bottles and all sorts in every available crevice, some with names on but my lips are sealed:D

Glad to hear it - don't fancy sitting in 'all sorts' - not sure about the crevices with your name on them though...!!! :D

nsd_user663_2136 profile image

Glad to hear it - don't fancy sitting in 'all sorts' - not sure about the crevices with your name on them though...!!! :D

Not my name sweetanimo, other people's names - couldn't comment further I'm afraid.. I'm too much of a gentleman and in any case I'm not sure what some of those things with names on are actually for..:D

*Note to self: how many prepositions can I get in the wrong place?*

nsd_user663_2136 profile image

Steve you were contacted by 'THEM' ... God I'm sooo dead jealous!!!!!

Yes mate.. *sitting with legs crossed and one languid hand tapping the arm of the chair, looking calm yet engaged* I was..

'fraid I can't tell you what they said - suffice to say, we've all got to move to the other side of that river and make a new home.. In the famous land of Milk, Honey and no Tobacco.. :D

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

My LAptops come on so The first thing I need to do is come here and say!



Well done hun dead proud of you *hugs*

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_2421 profile image

Yes mate.. *sitting with legs crossed and one languid hand tapping the arm of the chair, looking calm yet engaged* I was..

'fraid I can't tell you what they said - suffice to say, we've all got to move to the other side of that river and make a new home.. In the famous land of Milk, Honey and no Tobacco.. :D

STE........ STEVE wake up your dreaming again.......your legs will get stuck like that you know ? mind you, there was a funny little chap just leaving as i came in. he was singing "lets all gather by the river" looked somat like this....

nsd_user663_2136 profile image

STE........ STEVE wake up your dreaming again.......your legs will get stuck like that you know ? mind you, there was a funny little chap just leaving as i came in. he was singing "lets all gather by the river" looked somat like this....

LOL.. that's my twin brother..:D

Thanks a lot Buffy, glad to hear you're back in the virtual world!:) All going ok? quit and lappy?

nsd_user663_2142 profile image

Poskit see what happens when we come into Steveh's Month 5 thread.....we get shafted :eek: I think we should have made our own and then the Gods might have spoken to US too! Chop suey in this thread :D

nsd_user663_2136 profile image

hehehehe... yeah but they spoke to me....


want me to have a word with Them for you? *snigger*:D

nsd_user663_2318 profile image

Well done Steve!

5 months is a huge accomplishment! Keep going strong~:p

nsd_user663_2136 profile image

Thanks OTE, not too bad yourself! Keep it going you too!:D

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