Hi All!
I've been creeping around this forum for a couple of days now, so I thought I'd take the opportunity to introduce myself and share my experiences with you all. I couldn't find a 'Introduce Yourself' bit of the forum, so apologies if this is the wrong place.
Anyhow.... about me.
Well I'm 36 years old and am a relatively late starter. I started smoking about 8 years ago. Let's just say that it was a 'way to relax'... I'm sure you know exactly what I mean. Before I knew it, it had hold. A smoke with a beer led to a smoke when I got home from work which led to a smoke at lunch which led to a smoke for breakfast which led to, well, a smoke for the sake of it.
Ok, so I got myself up to about 10 cigs a day. Not a number I'm proud of. I'm not proud for two main reasons : 1. my Dad tells everyone that his children are all non smokers (yep, I was a secret 'toker) 2. my Dad is now in his 3rd month as a non smoker after about 55 years of '10-20 a day.
I decided to stop on the 31st August. No reasons, other than the guy sitting opposite me announced he had quit. So I thought 'Hmm, wonder whether I can beat him.' I fell off the wagon the next day at a party. In fact, in denial I decided 'just the one'. Oh yeah, right? Well it was one. One packet of 20. I was disgusted with myself the next day, but here I am, a non smoker since the 2nd of September.
I learned from this that there is no such thing as 'just one'. It doesn't work like that. 'Just one' leads to 'just one MORE'. The first day was horrible as I felt edgy and had to break the habit of lighting up. I soon realised by about day three that I didn't want to smoke, I was just a machine, doing what I had programmed myself to do. Once I became a little more 'self aware' it has become easier.
So here I am on day number.... Well, I'm not counting. I know it's over a week - but only JUST over a week, so I'm not getting complacent about it. I know that I'm at a particularly dangerous stage of quitting because my guard will be dropping. I'm already seeing the differences in my health : my breathing is easier, I can taste London smog now! (Nice eh?), my blood pressure has dropped, my sense of smell has improved. My 'coughing up a lung' routine of a morning is lessening.
I am determined not to relapse at any point, so this is the main reason for my posting here. I need to make a shameful admission to keep me off the weed: I'm an NLP practitioner! So what? Well, these skills have enabled me the reward of helping a number of people to quit smoking! I am ashamed that I have been secretly smoking whilst helping others to quit.
Anyway. I've rambled on enough. This has been a great help for me! Now that I have announced that I have quit, I *have* to remain quit!
Thanks to you all. In the last couple of days your stories have been inspirational - I'm honoured to be in such good company.