5 weeks today: Hi guys, 5 weeks today (Befly... - No Smoking Day

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5 weeks today

nsd_user663_1789 profile image
8 Replies

Hi guys, 5 weeks today

(Befly!!! 5 weeks yesterday!!!)

Things aren't great, not getting on with the boyf, hating my job, and having constant chest pains. No point going to docs cos been twice and they just tell me its muscular or anxiety related, all very well but it f**king hurts all day long!!! :( :(

Been thinking about cigs when argueing with boyf but NOT gonna go there.

5 weeks, something to be positive about!!!!:D

Hope everyone is well and strong and smokefree :)

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nsd_user663_1789 profile image
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8 Replies
nsd_user663_2096 profile image

Hi choco honey,

Well I am getting on with b/f but I hate my job and I have bad back so I am nearly as grotty as you!

Cheer up babe, if you were smoking you wouldn't feel any better and probaly worse.

Look how well we are doing, we are heroes really, we are bloody fantastic!

So now go and have a lovely day and think how wonderful you are!

Catch ya later,

Befly xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 205

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Oooooooo Chocco you needs a big cuddle hun!!


I am sending you one now...........................

There's a lot of bf probs about - I know a number of people going through the same thing. You have done brilliantly not to have a smoke as that is the first crutch to turn to when stressed - how it used to be.

But it shows just what a very strong young lady you are if you can come through all of this with your quit intact and your head held high


Now for the chest pains/anxiety.......

Right I have some natural remedies - used to work for Holland and Barrett see and have explored lots of different things in the past.

It sounds like you are on a burn out and the best thing first is to be kind to yourself. Stop pushing yourself so hard.

1) Don't eat loads of food inbetween meals

2) Avoid drinking too much alochol

3) Homeopathic Remedy - Biochemic tissue salts

4) Bach Flower remedies - I love these - Elm is the one you need or a

touch of rescue rememdy - that is from the gods in calming down stakes!!

5) Arnica

6) You may want to try resting with your head lower than your body with some soft music on and relax - have time for you.

7) Try and keep energy levels up also = a good bracing walk will help take the cobwebs away.

Hopes you're ok Chocco - we'll look after yous.

Much Love and Huggs


nsd_user663_1789 profile image

Thanks Befly & Poppy.

Poppy, some of those make sense, but have Bach's, doesn't seem to help.

Although yesterday i was trying putting my head between my legs and sometimes the pain went (not everytime), and i did look like a right t*t at work, LOL.

Didn't go to the gym either last night, cos it hurt too much, but may have helped!!

The anxiety thing annoys me, as last time i had the chest pains was before my exams so that made sense. But now, i can't make sense of it!!

I'm not normally an anxious person.

Also, think it could be partly muscular and could be aggravated by my posture at work.

It just annoys me that the doctors says thats what it 'could' be, tells you to relax, then sends you away to get on with life, with no real advice or help!!!

Bloody useless!!

Ok, rant over. Thanks again.

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Chocco hun

Have you considered any of the following:-

Seeing a counsellor - you can do this privately - some only charge £5 but it is just somewhere to go and see someone and you can blurt it all out and walk away from it.

Having some form of relaxation therapy....anything from a massage, to Reiki, I tell you what I have found excellent for stress and that is reflexology - if you get a good reflexologist cos they get the knots out of your feet which are the tension points and releases the energy to flow smoothly. A good reflexologist I pay for mine £18 per hour.

You HAVE to do something for yourself. It may well be that the pain is muscular as well - you can also go and see a private physio - again about £20 - £30 per hour which is not too bad considering how much smokes cost. They can help a lot.

But your anxiety must be lifted I think before you know what is going on. So if you need to talk talk. If you need to cry cry. If you need you time - grab it with both hands and run like the wind. You need to heal from the inside out. When I am stressed I grind my teeth at night and my teeth and jaw become so painful and I have had to start training myself to relax before bed cos otherwise I will have no teeth left to grind on!!!! Having that time with a therapist of some sort is important as you are there to get yourself better and it is usually a wonderfully relaxing experience so you come away feeling rested and good.

Now you must put it into action. Don't sit there thinking yeah yeah - go and look on line or call your local health shop (cos they have all the numbers for therapists) and book yourself in - you may even get an appointment for tomorrow.

let me knows how you get on lovely.

Big Hugs


nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Hi Chocco

Just got back from docs cos we've all got tonsilitus at the moment. Been thinking a lot about you and how you're feeling.

Just been looking up stuff from my many many books on this subject.

Just to say in terms of food and drinks ones to help aliviate anxiety are:-

Eat plenty of





Green and Leafy Veg (sources of vit b)

Citrus fruits (vit c)

Sweet milky drinks


Tea, coffee, coke, cocoa, chocolate (sorry chocco) , alcohol

I have this really good book which I would be happy to post to you if you let me know via pm -called the weekend healer which has loads of excellent things you can do at the weekend to help you feel better. Very happy to post to you.

Bigg Poppy Hugs


nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Arghhh I hate bf troubles :(

Very stressful *Hugs* x x x x

I know we said about it before, I can empathise totally x x

I hope he shapes up x x

You are showing him your strength, thats all good.

You're a strong and wonderful girl.

Sorry the jobs peeing yo off too these things all seem to happen at once.

You'll come through it all, stronger and in control ;)

~Buffy x x x x

nsd_user663_1789 profile image

Thanks girls!!!

If i didn't have you i probably would sat n cried today, or not cried, kept it all in and had more chest pains!!

I've actually asked boyf to leave today, had a big talk last week, (well, i talked, he is not capable of communication), and dragged stuff out of him but its too much hard work. Not good enough. Time to move on!!!

But hey, when i meet the next mr not-perfect, at least i won't stink of fags!!!!

Sexy!!! :p

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Thanks girls!!!

If i didn't have you i probably would sat n cried today, or not cried, kept it all in and had more chest pains!!

I've actually asked boyf to leave today, had a big talk last week, (well, i talked, he is not capable of communication), and dragged stuff out of him but its too much hard work. Not good enough. Time to move on!!!

But hey, when i meet the next mr not-perfect, at least i won't stink of fags!!!!

Sexy!!! :p

Proud of you x x

*hugs* Buffy x x x x

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