Thirsty: I am dying for a pint and the... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_2151 profile image
45 Replies

I am dying for a pint and the contractors want to carry on working. What is happening? There is a pub about 10 yards (I don't do metres) away but I am in the centre of London so I can't go in and then drive past New Scotland Yard (about 100 yards away) later.

West Ham fan....... News at 12........ Central London.

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nsd_user663_2151 profile image
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45 Replies
nsd_user663_2133 profile image

What time do you finish West Ham?

Have you got long to go??

Hope you're not too hot??


nsd_user663_2151 profile image

As soon as I can. What we don't do today we can finish off tomorrow.

So far 1 carpet layed, 20 desks and pedastals moved, 17 filing cupboards moved. 20 PC's taken off desks and then put back after the desk moves. 1 partition and glased wall removed and one partition and a small return wall built.

Not bad for a few hours. I am in work tomorrow at 7:30 again :o

Not too hot. A loverly day outside but the air cons is on at work. Silly really seing there is only a few contracters and me in. Mind you that is Central Government for you :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Cor sounds like you're a busy boy then....

The Pub becons soon I recon and then you can have your nice cool pint - and well deserved one too.

Are you out and about tonight or just chilling at home?


nsd_user663_2151 profile image

At home. I don't get out much as I have no friends (except the ones on this forum ;) I was just thinking how funny last nights quiz was :D :D

Take away night tonight. Kebab, Curry or Chinese.

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Saw this and had to send to you - hope you don't get like this before you get to the pub!!!

Hugs and Hugs


nsd_user663_2151 profile image

If that was me I would get a job in P**n films

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Ah yes but would you make the wonger - and you'd have to think of a really good name for yourself.........

I'm in to tonight - well I have been for the last 9 years (haven't had a night out in all that time not one) because the children need such a lot of care. So coming on line and seeing you guys is like my night out especially Friday it's my night out but in.

You are a funny funny guy West Ham - top boy - but very naughty!!

Glad you're doing so well - you'll make it I know.

Hugs (as long as you're not too sweaty!!)


(Matthew has just poured water over my head - lovely)

nsd_user663_2151 profile image

I am not sweaty. I don't do manual labour. Tut!

My name would be Erectus P Nus (unless you want to satrt a "what would my p**n name be?" thread)

Matthew is trying to cool you down. My wife has spent 15 years in junior school teaching special needs. She loves her job.

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Ha Ha Very good name West Ham. I thought you might have got a Po in there somewhere but very impressed.

And no Matthew is not trying to cool me down he just thinks it's great to give his Mummy a soaking. So far he has managed to flood the sink this morning as I made with him yesterday a submarine so we were test driving it. But he's the best boy and makes me smile so much. My Jessi just made a lovely card for me and she has tried to write in it which is so special as she can't read or write (she's 9) as she's got such severe dyslexia and dysgraphia.

It's lovely to hear your wife enjoys working with special children. They are indeed a blessing and totally shake your life up and make you realise what's important in life and what's not. They have to live with such a lot and yet carry it with the sunshine within them.

How long to the pub now. We're just about to have lunch - I'm having a stiff cup of tea!!! Ha Ha!! But I think I'll have a nice glass of wine tonight.

Chin Chin Po!!

Hugs because you're not sweaty


nsd_user663_2151 profile image

I have finished now. 25 miles out of London into the Essex countryside and then the pub. Slurp.

It was nice driving through the country lanes this morning. Misty and the sun just rising as I left home at 6:30.

I may get back on the forum later.

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Oh and by the way you should put a proper pic of you on the pic page so we can see who you are!! Or is that really you????


nsd_user663_2151 profile image

Tust me you would not want to see me....

I was so ugly as a child that my pram had shutters and my mum had to tie a bone around my neck so the dog would play with me.

I was walking down the road one day with my pet pig. This bloke come up and says "what is that ugly looking thing you are walking"

I said "Its a pig"

The bloke said "I was talking to the pig"

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Have a lovely afternoon West Ham - enjoy your pint and the fact you're smoke free!! WELL DONE!!

May well speak to you later...........

Remember West Ham beware of the Dark Side, crush it with your light saber and all will be well....



nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Do you know West Ham you talk B...........s sometimes!!!

Do you not know the saying that Beauty is in the eye of the beholder?

Anyways I'm sure you wasn't was bad as me as a baby - I had such a massive head - totally and utterly true - everyone thought I was humpty dumpty!!

Hee Hee



nsd_user663_2151 profile image

Do you know West Ham you talk B...........s sometimes!!!


Do you not know the saying that Beauty is in the eye of the beholder?


Only if you have your eyes shut.

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

You're impossible!!! You've got a lovely Mrs West Ham at home now there you go - that's special and fabtastic is it not - shows someone loves you to pieces.

People like people who make them smile - and you've made everyone smile here! Think of all those models and top celeb women who go for guys who really aren't Brad Pitt looka likes - but it's because they're the best people and they have the best time. Also sometimes you meet amazingly beautiful people and then they turn out to be not very nice and they become not very pretty/handsome any more - ever found that????

Look if I looked like Humpty and I didn't turn out too bad I'm quite sure you're ok to.


nsd_user663_2151 profile image

Are you calling me ugly?


Mrs west ham and my eldest son are at the match. Cooooome on you Ironnnnns

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Do you know what I don't know why I bother!!!! Poor Mrs West Ham!!! I was

trying to Big You Up if you hadn't noticed!!!

Anyway, why are you trying to tell me I'm ugly then being a humpty?????


Are you watching the match then??? I've just had a water pistol fight in the garden with the kiddies which was fun and just finishing chapter 5 of the cursed crunchies - have you read any on general???

I have to say you've kept me company today. I've done massess of ironing, played with the kids, written letters for Matthew's education court case thing etc. Mr Poppy works very long hours so don't see him very much. And I was feeling quite desperate for a smoke earlier on as Matthew pulled some of my hair out but you made me laugh so felt better and didn't need one.

Thank you,,

Come on you Gooners!! Arsenal Arsenal Arsenal..........



nsd_user663_2151 profile image

Gooners...... More like Gone'ers. Are they still all French with that Vulcan guy (he looks like Spock off Star Trek) manager?

Even that Terry bloke er........ Terry Henry has left.

I started to read the crunchies. Excellent but cried myself to sleep as I was not mentioned :(

You asked for a sig link so the link to use is

Let me know if you want anything changed.

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

I never thought about that before but he does look like spock doesn't he? I don't follow the footy as much as I used to - used to be a season ticket holder for the Arsenal when I lived in London. Loved going to the games - loved all the mad people - I love people watching. It was just amazing that in one stand you'd get a solicitor, a butcher, a policeman and a criminal all cheering for the same thing. Shame they can't get together for more important things - though some would say that foooty is the most important thing in the world.

As for the crunchies you are in it - I think you're in chapter 2 but you are in chapter 5 - as I make reference to others joining the gathering see... couldn't leave Po out could I???

Are you winning???


thank you so much for the stats I forgot to pass my bits on to you - so thank you for doing them for me

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Like the comment about Charlie Red!!!


nsd_user663_2151 profile image

...... I don't follow the footy as much as I used to - used to be a season ticket holder for the Arsenal when I lived in London.

I was born in Holloway.


Are you winning???

What is winning? ..... I am a West Ham Fan


thank you so much for the stats I forgot to pass my bits on to you - so thank you for doing them for me

I am sure your bits are fine :D

Let me know if you want more or less. No problems.

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Where abouts in Holloway were you born? I lived between Holloway and Edmonton for about 3 years as in my spare time when not working I helped run a young homeless hostel in Holloway. And how comes you're not a Gooner then???

Is West Ham in the Premiership or are they a bit like Leeds at the moment and suffering Badly..........

I think you should put a nice comment about yourself under your stats......

and how do you know I look great - I may still look like Humpty???

Heee Hee


nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Just heard Arsenal is winning at the moment 1 nil

I would sing Vierra Sierra but he left two years ago!!


nsd_user663_2151 profile image

Where abouts in Holloway were you born? I lived between Holloway and Edmonton for about 3 years as in my spare time when not working I helped run a young homeless hostel in Holloway. And how comes you're not a Gooner then???

Down the road from the prison. My youngest brother has just moved out of Edmonton. My mum and nan still live near Turnpike lane tube. I have never lived in a homeless hostel but I have slept in many, many strange places.

Is West Ham in the Premiership or are they a bit like Leeds at the moment and suffering Badly..........

We are but Sheffield Utd do not think so. Our Manager had about £40 million to spend but brought sweeties instead.

I think you should put a nice comment about yourself under your stats......

I would do but could not think of one.

and how do you know I look great - I may still look like Humpty???

Heee Hee


Because your picture is on the "what do we look like" thread. I just look at that and imagine you without the hair that Matthew has borrowed. Mind you big head, sorry hair, is in nowadays :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Ay up West Ham (that's how they talk around here - I've still got a London accent but it has a Leicestershire twang now sounds most odd)

Small world about Edmonton. I lived in one of those council tower blocks for a bit - camelot house, then I lived up near the fire station and then a couple of other roads I cannot remember their names now. I understand Holloway and Islington are like the top places now - it was such a dive when I was there - I guess that sounds like it was a dive cos I was there - ooooo dear ha ha. It's supposed to be all cappucino shops and the like. Very good it needed regenerating.

I hope West Ham's manager bought some nice sweeties for 40 million pounds. I would have liked some bassets jelly babies and some m and s piggy wiggies (i wonder how many you would get for that money??)

Listen West Ham you with the funniest lines can think of something good to put on your stat - and don't put yourself down. Otherwise I'll have to tell you what to put and I bet it wont be as funny or as good.

Ahhhhh didn't think you'd seen me on the picture thread - caught out see. But told you I have a big head though it has shrunk since I was a baby. But really you see the pics - so like Humpty.

Are you winning yet??


nsd_user663_2151 profile image

I know Camelot house. I think they knocked the blocks down now.

Islington is supposed to be posh. Holloway is possibly now called Upper Islington. Nice cafe's sitting out on the pavement with stationary traffic pumping out fumes.... Class. People try and follow money. :confused:

Should I add. "I have never been to jail" as my best line on the sig? Are you going to add the link to your sig. It is good to look at them and feel proud.

The pic. Yep I saw but I thought that is was because your head was close to the camera............................................. Blimey just looked again.

Buffy looks nice also. Soft focus on the lens.

I was going to take a pic of my best side but I can't photograph my Arse.

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

You're being naughty again!!!

stop putting yourself down.

1) Put something good and funny about you - look you could write I'm a daimond geezer that's really funny - but you see I bet you could say it better

You could put you've not been to prison but I think you could do better....Mr West Ham. The fact you've given in the smokey joes is like amazingly brilliant!!! and you're helping other people too.

2) Put a pic on the thread of your face/head etc. Look you've admitted mine is pretty bad so if I can brave it you can...... Think about it. Do you think I need to put a health warning on mine haha

Can't beleive those flats were pulled down - that's a shock. I remember when they were being offered up for sale to the tenents for £10,000 for a three bed flat.

Are you winning yet?



nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Haha Thanks West Ham but that was a photo shoot studio thingy Could make anyone or thing look good :D hehehe

Theres a real pic later on in the thread a little more sobering!! rofl

I am with Poppy :) put up a pic!!

This isn't bloody hot dates singles chat :rolleyes:

we are all married and couldn't care what each other looks like!

We are mature adults who like to have an image of the people we are speaking to!! Get a grip! :p

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Dear West Ham

Buffy says it better than I do - she's to the point and I fluffy about!!!

Thanks Buffy - you said in one post what I have been saying in at least 10!!!

You see if we see you like I know what Buffy looks like so when I'm writing to her/talking to her it's so much easier as I know what she looks like etc. Same with Funky and many of the others.

Think about it???? Just do it!!!! PHAT as tracy would say.


nsd_user663_2151 profile image


Can't beleive those flats were pulled down - that's a shock. I remember when they were being offered up for sale to the tenents for £10,000 for a three bed flat.

You would have made a mint.


Put a pic on the thread of your face/head etc. Look you've admitted mine is pretty bad so if I can brave it you can...... Think about it. Do you think I need to put a health warning on mine haha

I will do soon.


Are you winning yet?



Drew... Is that better than a win??

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Well it's better than loosing - still get a point it's alllll goood.

So what now Mr West Ham - going to get your take away?

I don't eat until 9pm cos of sorting the kids and tonight I will be having.........

Jacket Potatoe and salad - as it's so easy and I can't be bothered to cook at that time.

and I don't know what's on the tv yet - not looked in the mag -----I wonder if Gok Wang is on???????

It's not that we like him as yummy man - but we love him because he makes women feel good naked (and he's gay) and that's a good thing.



nsd_user663_2151 profile image

Well it's better than loosing - still get a point it's alllll goood.

So what now Mr West Ham - going to get your take away?

Mrs Ham isn't in yet from the match

I don't eat until 9pm cos of sorting the kids and tonight I will be having.........

Jacket Potato and salad - as it's so easy and I can't be bothered to cook at that time.

What time should we be round? Real butter and salt?

and I don't know what's on the tv yet - not looked in the mag -----I wonder if Gok Wang is on???????

I do not understand this. Seriously what is Gok Wang? We have a thai place around the corner and it sound like it should be on the menu.

It's not that we like him as yummy man - but we love him because he makes women feel good naked (and he's gay) and that's a good thing.



I have made loads of women feel good naked......

Well a few.

Errr a couple.

One or two.


nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Do you know I got to the bit about I have made loads of women feel good naked - and I laughed and thought good for you matey - I'm sure you have. And then you go and do it again!!!! But to be honest it's Mrs West Ham that's lucky enough to have you so as long as you keep her happy that's all that counts.

And yes round at 9.00 for Jacket Potatoes and you can have what you want on them as I have various choices and when I was 15 I worked at Spud u Like on the Weekends in Finchley and know all there is know about fillings.

Big Hug


nsd_user663_2151 profile image

.....But to be honest it's Mrs West Ham that's lucky enough to have you so as long as you keep her happy that's all that counts.

I can give any woman the best 30 seconds of her life.....


And yes round at 9.00 for Jacket Potatoes and you can have what you want on them as I have various choices and when I was 15 I worked at Spud u Like on the Weekends in Finchley and know all there is know about fillings.

You name dropper you. (Cheese, onion and beans, please).

I am getting the jet warmed up now.

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Not many people remember spud u like.... I worked there when I was a punk so I had to stand in this green uniform with a big black mohican on my head and various piercings in my ears (which have all gone now). And I was so polite and people, especially the over 65's were really shocked coz I was so nice to them.

I liked cheese and coleslaw - and I made it fresh

Or egg mayonnaise and chees and that was all made fresh too

He he


nsd_user663_1704 profile image

I loved Spud u like used to go to one in Kilburn.

Butter tuna, cheese and mayo :p

Why did they go :confused:

nsd_user663_2151 profile image

Not many people remember spud u like.... I worked there when I was a punk so I had to stand in this green uniform with a big black mohican on my head and various piercings in my ears

Fancy making you wear that. Did they pay for the piercings?

I don't want a holiday in the sun....................

nsd_user663_2151 profile image

I loved Spud u like used to go to one in Kilburn.

Butter tuna, cheese and mayo :p

Why did they go :confused:

Errrrrr. Ask Poppy and just look at the uniforms. Green, mohican and piercings..... I ask you, darling

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Ooo a bit of the sex pistols there.. My favourite band of all time is the Stranglers I love all the old stuff - saw them live several times - just excellent and Hugh Cornwall - lead singer - just amazing. Do you look like Hugh?? I used to go to loads of gigs back then and had the priviledge of seeing so many amazing bands.

My boss at spud was excellent I said at the interview 'Oh I can put my hair down' and he said 'No no keep it up it might bring in the punters' Lawrence his name was. And another punky girl came to work there also and she had white spiky hair so between us it was mad - took off the oldie radio 2 and bumped on stiff little fingers to the smiths - love morrisey.

What do you like Mr lubba lubba luvva man?


nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Oh and Buffy I think they made quite a loss really. Compared to prices now it was soooo cheap - 39p for a jacket with butter. Did you not have the sweetcorn in your tuna?? Somepeople would have a scoop of 4 things like chicken curry, beans, cottage chees and coleslaw. Mad and gross.


nsd_user663_2151 profile image

...Stranglers I love all the old stuff - saw them live several times - just excellent and Hugh Cornwall - lead singer - just amazing.

OLD STUFF!!! I was fighting World War One and you were listening to this?


Do you look like Hugh

Hugh Grant? Yep. Do you look like Divine Brown?


What do you like Mr lubba lubba luvva man?


Everything from Opera to thrash metal. I like music not a follower of a person or genre. (I HATE THAT WORD)

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Dear West Ham

I meant by old stuff - pre Golden Brown - but I do love all the Stranglers later stuff also.

I must admit though my passion for music has lain with the Punk era I do listen to loads of stuff and at the moment there is quite some good stuff about - from the scissor sisters and Mika to the troopers that is the red hot chilli peppers.

Not Hugh Grant - he's too smooth - Hugh Cornwall lead singer of the stranglers - now he's another naughty boy - went to prison etc. and he looks naughty coz he's got that twinkle in his eye.

And though you've not put your age on the forum my reconing is that you're probably around my age so you didn't fight In world war one funny man!! (though there may have been a war I don't know about ie teletubbies versus tweenies or something going on).

Anway my friend, I am going to take my little ones up for a bath and bed which takes a good one and half hours - with loads of stories and songs and stuff.

So I'm going to love you and leave you and say thank you so very much for helping me today. Thanks for your company - it was a laugh. I got loads done inbetween chatting to you which was cool also. Have a lovely evening with Mrs West Ham. Dig a photo out (not world war one) and stick it on the forum. I might log on later and say hi but have to see how kiddies are - very hyper at the moment. Don't forget to look for Gok Wang - he's not a take away though I bet he wishes he was with the boys!! Oh and it's the final of Dance X tonight but I have to tape it as with kiddies.

If you want a Jacket potatoe land the jet on the driveway there's enough room!! I'ii expect you at 9!!!

Take Care Po and Big Hugs


nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Saw scissor sisters live :) pretty cool!!

We are big on music here :D we still have our two decks and mixer set up as main source of music and have in excess of 2,000 vinyls :eek: (and continue to buy vinyls!!! Long live vinyl!!)

Many CD's too but don't have a CD player :D just use the laptop to play 'em

My Bf was a Dj he started with punk, then was into house.

Both have an eclectic collection of music!!

nsd_user663_2151 profile image

Dear West Ham

And though you've not put your age on the forum

I have. I am 49 but act a lot older.

If you want a Jacket potatoe land the jet on the driveway there's enough room!! I'ii expect you at 9!!!


Not what you're looking for?

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