shall I, shan't I?: Been pondering whether to... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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shall I, shan't I?

nsd_user663_2136 profile image
19 Replies

Been pondering whether to put up anything in this section.. Firstly, i don't have much to say and secondly, in a way, there must come a time when I stop counting the days (8th today:D ) and just accept the fact that I'm a non smoker. So why have I written this, I hear you ask...

Good question.:o

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nsd_user663_2136 profile image
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19 Replies
nsd_user663_1789 profile image

Hi Steve, i'm like you, i'm finding this quit ok going and wonder why i should keep reminding myself of the days. (17 today!!)

Well i'll tell you why....because its a fantastic achievement and we must remind ourselves of this otherwise we may get complacent and fall back in the trap!!!

You've beat the first week, and how many times have we all failed on the 1st day!!!

Big well done to you!!:) :)

nsd_user663_2136 profile image

Hey chocobunny, you're right! But to you the congratulations! 17 days!!

Or maybe to all of us on here:D :D

nsd_user663_2133 profile image


It is so important to count the days - otherwise you'd forget how far you've come.;)

Have you treated yourself yet???? (well other than the poodle parlour) If not it's about time. MMMMM now suggestions............


nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Ahh yeah Steve!! well done!!

Pray do tell us what your 1 week reward was/is?!!!

Dead proud of you, hold your head high, you star!!

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_2136 profile image

Well.. I hadn't really thought in terms of rewards. I think, for myself that breathing more easily and knowing that I can sit down with smokers and resist is probably enough reward. I mean 1964 is a long time ago and to break a habit that ingrained must permit me to feel a bit proud at last. I really do think that if I can do this, anyone can, I was so very committed.

Funny.. I'm listening to Classic FM and while I was writing this they were playing some very grand orchestral piece, Elgar-like, and I found myself doing a sort of Churchillian speech thing.

Ok. Back to earth. Off home now. C U Later.:D

nsd_user663_1704 profile image


ttfn Steve Churchill!!

You should still reward yourself, all that money saved will buy a wonderful chateau du pappe! :D

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Dear Steveh

Yes a bit of uplifting 'last night of the proms' music is good for the soul - stirs the strings in ones heart to play along. One of my favourite pieces of classical music is Correlli's Christmas Concerto - it's so brilliantly wonderful - especially the strings (adagio). I can hear it in my head now.

Now though of course the fact that you are breathing is to be cheered - HOORAH - and we are all really delighted at this fact - you do need to TREAT you. I hope you're putting your cig money in a jar and that you and Mrs Steveh can go into Aylesbury for a fine dining experience.

Ah yes i know Aylesbury. I lived in Cheddington, a village in Bucks, from when i was 5 to 14. I went to Henry Floyd - yes I passed my 12 plus don't know how but I did. Loved Floyd was really upset to leave. I went to Friars all the time to see loads of bands (a mixture of PUNK cos I was one and 80's - I even saw Gary Glitter there!!)

So Steveh back to the point - whether it's a meal, saving up for hols, getting a new cd of Il Divo, a book etc. you do have to spoil yourself as you do deserve it a huge amount.

Listen - we're giving you the permission to spend some dosh!!!! You would have spent it on smokes so it would have been burnt up - spend it on something for you to enjoy!!!

And let us know what you do!


nsd_user663_2136 profile image

Mmm can we have a new one of these then?:D :D


or is it too early? Maybe that's the 365 day

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

AFTERNOON ADMIRAL STEVEH (You're on tonight - ooooarrrrr)

DAY 9 - Still kicking back and rebelling against the cigs - fandabydozy!!!

Ooooo yes - nothing like some leathers, and a steaming engine between your legs!!! (the bike, the bike!!)) I think it would be great to have a motorbike - and if that's what you want Steveh it's most certainly not unachievable.

How much have you saved so far????

Have you got a jar yet/or an ice cream tub/or if you feel really Blue Petery here is a recipe for making your very own.....


1) Get old cereal box/tea box/ any box that is empty (if adventurous could even go for mega size Persil Automatic Box).

2) Decorate Box - how you wish. I would recommend two things:-

a) either cutting out things you want to buy with said dosh from the papers and mags and sticking on the box to remind you of what you want to buy.

b) Stick pictures on the box of the things you have bought as you get them so you can see all the lovely treats you've had.

3) Back to recipe - once decorated, if it is a standard box you will need to secure the top and bottom to ensure that no thieving little mits get in there before the due date for opening - as directed by yourself!! Therefore (short of tying a three foot chain and padlock around it) I would use the old faithful in such a situation ........ cellotape!! A quick celebration for the cellotape where would we be without it HOORAH!!!

4) Once top and bottom is secure then, if your box needs a posting hole, you will need to make one. You can make your posting hole any shape you like (other than ciggy shaped - strictly forbidden). ie you could do a heart, square, circle. Or you could do a motorbike, german tank, my little pony, mini convertable, Ewan Mcgregor..........oh and back in the room - any shape really.

5) Now your SMOKEY JOE SAVING BOX is ready and raring for action - it just needs feeding so fill it up regularlay - daily is good if you can manage to get to the bank.

Now I will make one later on and take a photo so you can see how easy it is.

Let's all make Smokey Joe Saving Boxes and have an award ceremony for them? What do you recon????

Hope you are having a great afternoon. Thanks for all your posts Steveh - keep me going.

Big Hugs


nsd_user663_2136 profile image

If he wasn't breathing Poppy he would be dead love :D

So you like my 'baby' Boudee? trips 'round the block later then:D

nsd_user663_2136 profile image

I'm not very good with my hands Poppy..

On a more technical note.. if the bike engine is steaming, there's a serious problem and it would be advisable to dismount immediately!

It might throb, purr, growl or pulsate but steam, no.

Just thought you should know that:D

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Ah well Steveh you see this is when the fact that I can't drive - ANYTHING - comes into play so steaming throbbing and pulsating are all kind of the same thing - aren't they????

Hiya Boudeexx Hope you're having a good day too.


nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Ooooh the engine throbs definitely throbs :D

Like a classic harley *sigh*, not a biker myself.

But a harley turns my head!!

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Oh Boudee - what's up?? Is it kids driving you bonkers? House continually looking like a bomb has hit it - as kiddies never clear up the way they should? Just pxxxxxx off?

I have to say today has been the worst so far - at certain points I was so so close to getting a smoke - and I know If I didn't have you guys to chat to I would have had one - and justified to myself why I should do that.

You have done amazingly well and I know sometimes that doesn't help to hear as you're in that moment where you have a crunchy - but you should be so proud of yourself - as we all are.

Maybe, we could plan a get together of some sort. Where my hub works they have all the motor racing cars, quad bikes etc. Maybe a bit of danger would give us all a bit of VaVAVooom!! Ooo he's nice too Boudee - Henri (ex Arsenal)

Loads of big hugs to chase away the blues


nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Dear Boudee

The deep rumble you feel and hear, is that like sitting on the washing machine on spin cycle?


nsd_user663_1704 profile image

oh yeah :D

Before someone cuts you up on a left turn and you hit the ground :eek:

Wheres that pic ........

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Dear Steveh, Boudee and Buffy

Just to say I'll catch you later as I'm taking Matthew to see his Speech and Language Therapist now and it's ages away.

Have a good afternoon.

Poppyfairyxx(twinkles and smiles)

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

hehehehe thanks to cindy for that one :p it does kinda look ouchy!! wonder how long before he could hang up the old rubber ring?!

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

TTFN Poppy x x x x

~Buffy xx

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