giving up 020807 - my last 10 tabs.. - No Smoking Day

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giving up 020807 - my last 10 tabs..

nsd_user663_2095 profile image
33 Replies

best part of 12 yrs smoking and quit oooh, 6-7 times with longest being 3 months, read the books visited the sites, know the score etc.

part of me likes to give 2 fingers up to the anti-smoking brigade.

but got 2 weeks off work and 10 tabs to take me through wednesday then off them at midnight.

being off work will help but i've quit before and been moody moody moody :p so at least i won't risk getting sacked!

i've read a few posts and although people are very helpful and post encouraging comments i know they won't mean a jot when i stop!

i'm no water drinker unless you put a tea bag in it and not a great lover of bubble gum. so any suggestions? i've got dogs so thats the exercise bit taken care of. i'm slimmer than slim mcslim so couldn't give a fig if i put on weight munching through mountains of sweets. i don't particularly wanna put strain on the nhs (although i do pay towards it), and i ain't bothered about nrt as i think the cold turkey approach is best (just replacing one addiction with another..)

you might say i'm in denial but i deny that.

thanks for reading..:)

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nsd_user663_2095 profile image
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33 Replies
nsd_user663_2054 profile image

Well you could try telling 20 people you know that you have given up and if you fail you will pay each of the £10. Makes it an expensive 1st ciggie.

Good luck!!

nsd_user663_2077 profile image

Hi Northern Devil,

I know exactly how you feel.

Maybe sleeping helps. Everytime I felt like a fag I go to sleep and hope that when I wake up the cravings have gone.

Good luck.

nsd_user663_2095 profile image

Well you could try telling 20 people you know that you have given up and if you fail you will pay each of the £10. Makes it an expensive 1st ciggie.

Good luck!!

thanks but i guess its painful enough paying £5.60 for a packet that i can 'enjoy' rather than dishing money away!

nsd_user663_2095 profile image

erm am i right in me thinking you are saying that no matter what we say when you quit it won't help you?:rolleyes:

Not too sure weather your post is meaning you want help and support or weather you are being a bit antagonistic,

To be fair it is the morning and when you read something it can be hard to get understanding of the meaning behind the words

forgive me if i am wrong

good luck either way and if you find you want support you know where we are

ps, by the way NRT is not another addiction


yep i agree it did sound antagonistic - but it wasn't meant to be. i guess it's the addiction talking rather than me. thanks for the support. i'll let you know how i'm getting on!

nsd_user663_2095 profile image

Hi Northern Devil,

I know exactly how you feel.

Maybe sleeping helps. Everytime I felt like a fag I go to sleep and hope that when I wake up the cravings have gone.

Good luck.

haha i sleep more than most anyway - working shifts means my body clock is all over the shop anyway. i love me sleep! i only wake up coz i'm due a tab! i know the cravings only last 2-3 minutes so it's power naps for me!

nsd_user663_2026 profile image

Northern Devil, hope you do manage to give up. Remember we can give you support, written anyway. Good luck, come back often and let us know how you are getting on. My hubby works shifts he has managed for nearly 4 weeks now, he has been smoking for 42 years, me 38 years. Anyway, enough from me, good luck.

xxxx Pupalup xxxxx:)

nsd_user663_2096 profile image

giving up tomorow

hi ya, i have just joined and have never been on a forum so i appologise if i am butting in on something i shouldnt! don't understand pcs much.

I just wondered if anyone has had the nausea that i am getting while taking champix? I am on day 9 and feel sick most of the time. does anyone know if it gets better or is there anything i could take to stop feeling sick? x

nsd_user663_2026 profile image

Welcome Befly, good luck, not on Champix myself, others are and should be able to give you good advice, great lot here. Keep posting. Stay strong.

xxxx Pupalup xxxxx:)

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Welcome befly x x x x Good luck!!

you can search for 'chantix' aswell as 'champix' to find other posters on the subject.

However, i have heard that eating a little before the pill and drinking water with the pill helps. Also splitting the pill, so you take half pills twice as often, ie 1 pill every 12 hours will become half a pill every 6 hours. Can help too.

Keep posting ~Buffy xx

nsd_user663_2041 profile image

hi northerndevil :p

you really are a little devil!!!

I am on champix and i would say it is as good a way as any without nicotine. Although i am not having a good day (see month 2 pmt and gus is not a good combination) but generally champix is good. And although you say that this forum wont do any good, it does, and u must know that or u would not be a member.

anyway hope u stick it out, and keep us informed how ur doing,

take care x


nsd_user663_2041 profile image

Hey Befly,

welcome to the mad house x :D

Good luck for tomorrow and keep posting xx

ps, im on champix, as said previously, its best to eat with them to stop the nausea.

nsd_user663_1989 profile image

Good luck tomorow belfly hope it goes pretty painlessly for you.

stay strong, charlene. :)

nsd_user663_2009 profile image

welcome northan

hiya, you sound like i did (very defensive) last year on my first quit. i didnt want to use any nrt methods and i had a negative answer to any advice anyone wanted to give me. needless to say i only lasted out 3 weeks and here i am again a year on. theres a huge difference though this time. i am using the help of nrt (it isnt another addiction) and im am totally positive and happy about what i am doing! im now almost 5 weeks down the line and feeling better for it! i really do wish you all the best of luck and i do hope you stick with the quit and stick with us. i bet boudee and buffys posts can put a smile on your face even when your feeling at yur worst! we are good people here we do want to help you if you let us! :)

nsd_user663_1966 profile image

Hello Northern,

You're too cool for school for man but like everyone else on this site you want to be rid of the addiction of nicotine and take back control of your life.

Sort out for yourself what your reasons are for wanting to stop smoking and list them down if it helps, but then visit this site regularly because what it will do is reinforce every day what you're doing and help you to keep your focus and you wiil receive really positive encouragement from people who know exactly what you are going through. I too am going cold turkey (this time round) but I can assure you that whatever your chosen method is this resource is probably the actually more valuable than the champix, nrt etc etc.

I wish you all the best and hope that you are still here posting in two months telling us much easier things are now than when you first stopped and giving support to those starting out in the process.

Good luck


nsd_user663_2054 profile image

Have you had a beer tonight Dick?

nsd_user663_1966 profile image

Sorry is it that obvious from my poor typing ability?:(

nsd_user663_2095 profile image

Hello Northern,

You're too cool for school for man but like everyone else on this site you want to be rid of the addiction of nicotine and take back control of your life.

Sort out for yourself what your reasons are for wanting to stop smoking and list them down if it helps, but then visit this site regularly because what it will do is reinforce every day what you're doing and help you to keep your focus and you wiil receive really positive encouragement from people who know exactly what you are going through. I too am going cold turkey (this time round) but I can assure you that whatever your chosen method is this resource is probably the actually more valuable than the champix, nrt etc etc.

I wish you all the best and hope that you are still here posting in two months telling us much easier things are now than when you first stopped and giving support to those starting out in the process.

Good luck


thanks dicky. i was stopping on thursday at midnight but somehow the tabs kept coming. i am however looking at 4 of those lovely cancer sticks left. and i'm pretty certain i'm not going to buy more. that's the easy part i know..

actually i'm pretty much looking forward to cold turkey. what's a little bit of self-purgatory with all the crap that's going on in the country!

my main focus is not having dog breath in the morning, wasting £1.5k each year on them there tabs, standing out in the freezing rain (oh.. hang on, summer's started..poo!), and being able to stick 2 huge fingers up to whoever is the chancellor this week. but i guess the tax i stop paying on tabs will be eroded away somewhere else.

anyway i hadn't forgotten to post, just had one or two connection problems. i'll fully expect you'll be pretty bored of me (tomorrow) when these 4 tabs have been burnt. :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_2095 profile image

hi bef

I have read a lot of posts about the sicky bit and the champix

It is very important to eat before each tablet and remember a good glass of water helps to rinse your tummy through

anyway Bef

Hello Northern

you may come and be antagonistic with me as much as you like

love a good banter :D

good luck buddy

well if it's banter that you want, i've plenty of that!

thanks for the wishing luck part. this part of england will see a small 'banter-friendly' man light his last tab tomorrow. gahhhhhhhhhhhh!

nsd_user663_2095 profile image

hi northerndevil :p

you really are a little devil!!!

I am on champix and i would say it is as good a way as any without nicotine. Although i am not having a good day (see month 2 pmt and gus is not a good combination) but generally champix is good. And although you say that this forum wont do any good, it does, and u must know that or u would not be a member.

anyway hope u stick it out, and keep us informed how ur doing,

take care x


well of course i realise that forums like these do serve a purpose and like i said i appreciate, to some extent, that we've all been in the same boat. a big boat, granted, but the same boat.

here's to the shed i'll be locking myself in for the next few days because i'll be better off in there. maybe i'll put a sign on the door a la zoo - danger - northerner coming off tabs - proceed at own risk.


nsd_user663_2095 profile image

i may have been slightly hasty when i said (firstly) thursday, then (secondly) saturday. where do these mysterious packets keep turning up from?! oh yes, my drugs are being funded by the (suffering) missus. though i'm sure that won't last. maybe tomorrow.. (wasn't that in the littlest hobo theme tune?)

anyway the screaming and self-loathing has been delayed (by a day). so technically day 1 (should) start on monday. la la la..

nsd_user663_1873 profile image

Pick a date, stick to it and stop smoking. You have attempted this before and know what to expect. We are here for the encouragement and support but it's being thrown away at this point. I don't mean to come across as a hard ass but why the hell are you here if you don't want the support or advice?


nsd_user663_2084 profile image

Yer i agree to, we are all here helping each other, we are here for you to, so set a DATE and stick to it


nsd_user663_2096 profile image

northern devil

:) I also have to agree with everyone, it sounds like you are only cheating yourself! I should know coz I gave up and then cheated on my first day. If you want to give up you cant do it half hartedly you have got to be serious. I really struggled on my first day and felt really useless when I gave in to the monster and it really is a monster but I posted my failure on here and so many people replied with positive things and encouragement that it really meant so much to me. I am now on my 3rd day which doesnt sound very much but as everyone says, one day at a time! So do listen to what they say and set a date and think about it seriously and do it! Good luck.

Befly x x :) :)

nsd_user663_2096 profile image


Thanks for your encouragement it really helps coming on here, it gives me something to do when i am at home. I am now starting to get bored as I am off work with a bad back and would have been sitting watching tv and smoking like a trouper! You can only do so much housework! Thats when i picked up the laptop and started looking on here, it does really take your mind off wanting a fag even though we are talking constantly about them!

I am feeling much better with the champix now, I took everyones advice and made sure I had something to eat first and it is much better thanks.

I do find it is the habit more than the cravings that get to me, so i might dig out one of my old hypnosis tapes as I did find they were quite good and very relaxing.

thanks again to everyone for their support and encouragement.

Now on day 4:) :) Day 5 tomorow :D :D

nsd_user663_2096 profile image


Welcome brucie and thanks for the advice, I have changed where I sit in the mornings but i dont think i could give up my 4 sugars in my tea like boudee!

good luck and keep posting everyone on here will help you.

Befly x x :D :D

nsd_user663_1873 profile image

I didn't give up my morning coffee.....I would kill someone first......actually it started to not taste anywhere near as good as it use to and it just made me want a cigarette. Now I am doing instant and no cigarette assoation plus I have went from a pot a day to 1-2 cups a day. I am almost over the caffine addiction as I don't drink soda.


nsd_user663_2117 profile image

hi ya, i have just joined and have never been on a forum so i appologise if i am butting in on something i shouldnt! don't understand pcs much.

I just wondered if anyone has had the nausea that i am getting while taking champix? I am on day 9 and feel sick most of the time. does anyone know if it gets better or is there anything i could take to stop feeling sick? x

Hi Befly,

I've just started Champix (yesterday!) and have found that if I eat first and take Champix with loads of water, it's not so bad. If you want to see posts from people that have been on it for longer, you should check out the 'Off-topic General' Forum (just look at the 'Jump to Forum' option at the bottom of the page).

Good luck and stay with it!

:D :) :D :)

nsd_user663_2095 profile image

i suppose no guessing i managed to wrangle some tabs from the newsagents. :(

i have gone for the date approach - and with the footie starting on saturday i suppose i'll be far too distracted to smoke. maybe i'll start then. maybe i won't. will power is something i thought sang kissing with confidence..

nsd_user663_1988 profile image

I'm sorry mate, but either quit the cigs or don't. It's been a week since you first posted on here and all you've been doing is putting it off till tomorrow. How can we encourage and support you when to be quite honest you don't seem very committed.

We're all in the same boat here, we come on here to support each other especially when that craving is strong. In essence this forum is a treatment to help us keep off the cigs as well as NRT, Zyban, Champix or willpower.

Quit the cigs first then come back here, you might then realise the point to this forum.

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Merchant! there are better words I can think off!! :mad: :p

nsd_user663_1873 profile image


I think he's lonely and comes here for the companionship. He's also pretty angry about something. Feel sorry for his wife!


nsd_user663_2026 profile image

Must agree, his comments are not positive at all, lets hope he realises what we have all been saying, quit the fags or don't bother coming back to post here with us all.

xxxx Pupalup xxxxx:mad:

nsd_user663_1989 profile image

hi I know this thread hasnt been posted on for a few days but I just read northern devils profile, and Im sorry but Im think that this person had no intention of giving up and came on here for a laugh or because they were bored.

Also after reading the guys posts I have to say he is an idiot!

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