Sleepy kidney : Hi all, Am hoping someone... - Kidney Transplant

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Sleepy kidney

Gwenkidney profile image
22 Replies

Hi all, Am hoping someone can reasure or give me some advice. I received a transplant on the 11th April 2023 and its been a rough ride so far. I spent a week in ITU and was hooked up to dopamine for 3 weeks to help my blood pressure.

My urine out has been slow, for a few days I got between 600-800ml but now am back down between 200- 300ml a day. GFR ranging between 10- 15.

And creatine rising to between 350 - 400 if I don't diaylize.

Had two biopsys and everything is perfect, scans are showing blood flow is good and my bloods are fairly good bar the urea and creatine.

My doctors are saying it's sleepy and it will hopefully it wake up, and that this can be totally normal for a lot of patients especially if its been a bit tough. but am losing hope. Has this happened to anyone else? How long did it take your sleepy bean to wake up ?

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Gwenkidney profile image
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22 Replies
Eyak1971 profile image

Also had a sleepy kidney. Had to go on dialysis awhile but eventually kicked in. Everyone is different so the timeline is also different. Take care.

Gwenkidney profile image
Gwenkidney in reply to Eyak1971

This is reassuring to hear - can I ask how long it was sleepy for ?

Eyak1971 profile image
Eyak1971 in reply to Gwenkidney

It's been 3 years but I think it slowly woke up. Did not fully wake up until I was several weeks out of the hospital but you were really notice it when it happens.

Gwenkidney profile image
Gwenkidney in reply to Eyak1971

Thank you for sharing lovely

forthelonghaul profile image

Hi Gwenkidney,

This didn’t happen to me, but try to find comfort in knowing that your team is watching everything. If you are not showing signs of rejection, then things are looking okay. Keep that in your mind and give it some time. Your transplant just happened, and your body has to adjust to everything that’s happened also.

Hang in there! 😊


Gwenkidney profile image
Gwenkidney in reply to forthelonghaul

Thank you everything you had makes total sense 💜

forthelonghaul profile image
forthelonghaul in reply to Gwenkidney

Hi Gwenkidney,

I was on the forum responding to replies from a post I made, and I saw that you had replied before to response I made to you.

I hope that you are doing okay both mentally and physically.

My surgeon told me during a follow-up appointment that my mental state can have an impact on my physical recovery too. I know one can say, "try to stay positive", but life doesn't work like that; I FEEL. Unwanted thoughts can find their way into our mind. That's where talking about it can help.

I'm a BIG believer in VENTING! I think it is something that we as humans need to do. Try to express your thoughts as often as you need to. There should be some type of professional support at the clinic. Definitely take them up on that. They were helpful to me. A nonjudgmental friend is a good source too!

Take care of yourself. There will be ups and downs. Just ride the waves of the journey. Just know that things will get better!

Talk to ya soon! 🙂👍


Gwenkidney profile image
Gwenkidney in reply to forthelonghaul

Thank you Scott 😊

Hi Gwenkidney, I know you must be feeling disappointed and perhaps a bit scared, too. I agree with forthelonghaul. Your team is watching you closely via bloodwork. A transplant is an emotional experience. I found that I needed time upon returning home post transplant to process the experience. Everything happens so fast once the call come in that a kidney is available for you. My advice, for what its worth, is to try to relax and let go of the angst. Emotional well-being is important in healing. At the risk of sounding like a complete nutter, I will tell you that I talk to my kidney and thank it, its donor and their family for this 2nd chance at life. I wish you all the best and will keep you in prayer. I hope you will keep us posted with an update sometime. Blessings. 😊

Gwenkidney profile image
Gwenkidney in reply to

Thank you lovely, and you don't sound crazy at all I keep chatting to mine to ! Encouraging her to spring to life !

Jayhawker profile image
Jayhawker in reply to

I not only talk to my new kidney, I’ve named it! Cindy and I have chats intermittently throughout the day 😂


Porter20 profile image

praying it awakens soon in Jesus name!

paceagle profile image

Hello Gwenkidney,

I received a sleepy kidney on December 18, 2017 and today my Nephrologist tells me that I’m doing well and things are stable. Initially things were rough and it was 3-4 months before my kidney began functioning properly. As has been said in other replies, every situation is different but your doctors will closely monitor you. Be encouraged and hopeful. Knowing that my family and friends were praying for me was a huge source of encouragement for me, and I will be praying for you.

JackN profile image

All I can say if your transplant team tells you not to worry, don't worry. Mine was average sleepy (2-3 days I think) but they told me it would work and it did. Try to relax and best of luck that it wakes up soon!!

trnsplnt2019 profile image

I'm 3 1/2 years into my transplant. I experienced a "Sleepy Kidney" at the beginning as well. Had to do a few rounds of dialysis before my kidney started working. By God's grace, no problems since. Just had my 6mo check up, all is stable. Hang in there, I'm praying for you and for your new kidney to feel right at home and start working soon.🙏

Gwenkidney profile image
Gwenkidney in reply to trnsplnt2019

Am so pleased its all stable for you lovely even after a sleepy start 💜

AndrewT profile image

Dear Gwenkidney,

Two Neighbours Both had Hip Replacements, at the same time- in the same Hospital.

Two Months later Doris is 'Up', and almost Completely Mobile. whilst Alice can Hardly Stand. Five Years later they Both Meet, to Reminisce about their Operations. BOTH are now Completely Mobile- Alice having just Taken A Few Months Longer Initially.

I think that you are 'Alice' Gwen- your Doctors/ Consultants have Not 'Indicated' any Problems and the Blood Flow 'Looks Good' too. I would just Sit Tight, for a while babe, and let Your Body- and The New Kidney- 'Get To Know Each Other'.

I know that we ALL send you our

Very Best Wishes


Gwenkidney profile image
Gwenkidney in reply to AndrewT

Thank you lovely this makes totally sense and is totally good perspective

mtwskk profile image

No worries give it a name and talk to it mine took about 3 1/2 weeks to wake up. It was and extended and end of life kidney - they just need to find out where they are and will wake at there own speed. I’ve received 12 years of that kidney they told me because of the condition I’d most likely get 1 -2 years off it. I said that’s better than nothing and went for it. Just don’t worry about it call it Bob or Bobby or something that can be both a guy and girl name then every morning say xxx are you going to wake up today. It will just be happy and give it a chance. Good luck and God bless you!

Gwenkidney profile image
Gwenkidney in reply to mtwskk

Thank you 💜

Parkerbarker profile image

Yes it was the first two weeks and still up to 10months post.Just to let you know the first year post will be complete hell(they never tell you that)between the mental thing of worrying oh no something's happening to my kidney to the meds to the one step forward three step back you go through a lot of turmoil and a lot of stuff in that first year till everything gets settled down so just be aware that this stuff happens and it's totally normal

Gwenkidney profile image
Gwenkidney in reply to Parkerbarker

Thank you for the wisdom lovely

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