I am a transplant patient for 3 years. I now have protein and blood with my urine. My doctor increased my blood pressure medications and says it's not a concern. I have done blood work again and still protein and blood in urine and my doctor does not seem to show any concern. Any suggestions how to reduce protein and blood in the urine. Please share. Thank you in advance.
Protein and blood in urine: I am a... - Kidney Transplant
Protein and blood in urine
protein in urine may be from your Old kidneys
antibiotics, antivirals, Infections, dehydration, fever, stress, Rejections, etc. can also cause protein in urine
how much protein leak in 24 hours urine? upto 150mg/day is normal
upto 300mg is ok for Tx patients
urine PCR done?
biopsy done?
I would cut out or at least back on meat to decrease protein.
Some protein in your urine is common. I know my lab has as normal - protein <12 mg/dl. I looked up my labs and last time I had <5 mg/dl protein in my urine.How many mg of protein did you have?
Balap was right. There are a lot of things that can cause an increase in urine protein or blood. Do you exercise daily? Have you had an infection? Are you on any new medication? Depending on what it is, it can cause stress to your transplant.
I am 22+ years post transplant.
Let us know how many mg of protein you had? If it is less than 12 mg/dl you probably don't have anything to worry about. I would probably graph the amount each time you have your labs done to see if it stays the same, shows an increase or a decrease.
Protein in the urine can also be a side effect of immunosuppressive medication.