I m having blood traces in my urine after 1 year of kidney transplant.. Any thing to worry ?? Or it will go it's own ?? Any one face it plz suggest ...
Blood traces in urine after 1 year post ... - Kidney Transplant
Blood traces in urine after 1 year post kidney transplant

Dear Ish123,
Firstly, you say that there is blood, in your urine...Can you actually 'See' it yourself- with a naked eye....or is it occult, i.e. only 'shows up' in blood tests. Either way it's PROBABLY not that important but, if you can actually See it.....I'd get an appointment, with your Doctors/ Consultants, if it was me.
Ok, I've Scared the 'Living Cr*p' out of you, haven't I? The Chances are that it's NOT, in any way, a Major problem and, if it IS, you have 'Found' it Very Early On. Don't Worry, too much, my friend. A LOT, of us, have been 'there'....I know that I have, but four years, down the line. A camera, pushed up into my Bladder, revealed....well Nothing actually, everything was 'fine'. The Doctor, who performed the Test, told me that 'Most Of these Are 'False' Alarms, But It's Always Better To Check.'
Sorry to 'Scare' you Ish, Please DO make an Appointment, get Checked then Tell Me what an 'Idiot' I am....I would be Delighted, to be Entirely Wrong here.
My Best Wishes and Prayers, are with you Ish
Hi, it might be a UTI which your Doctor would our you on antibiotics.
If you have PKD it might be from a ruptured cyst.
I agree with you that I would get this checked out and look at the whole picture!

I am 20 years post transplant and will occasionally have blood, microscopic, show up in my urine. My nephrologist will repeat the urine test 2 weeks later to see if still present. 9 times out of 10 it is better. I have found that if I don't drink enough water the day before the test, or if I have been very active the day before, RBC's will be present.
I think you only have to worry if it persists or if there is more RBC's in a repeat urine test.
Talk with your nephrologist about this and see what he says
I am almost 8 yrs. post transplant. I was told if you are diabetic it is fairly normal to have blood/protein in urine microscopic.