Hi - my dad received a kidney transplant about 4 months ago and at first everything looked great. But recently it showed he had the BK virus. First they lowered his CellCept dose and two weeks later the virus had increased. So they removed CellCept completely and his virus levels were coming down. However, his creatinine increased from 1.2 to 1.6 so they decided to start him on IVIG which he currently is at the hospital doing.
The other worrisome part is I noticed his WBC has been lowering every week since his transplant. He started at 6.0 before transplant and now he’s at 1.15.
I’m just so worried for him on all fronts and anxious what this means. Sometimes we feel like dialysis was almost easier since he’s been so immuno suppressed we can’t even go anywhere and he’s at the doctor so often now.
Would love to hear everyone’s experiences with this. Thank you!