Have been doing very well with my new kidney since the transplant in September 2020. Recent labs were nearly perfect with the exception of the BK PCR. I have this test done every three weeks, so it's now 6500 cp/ml. It sort of hit me hard, emotionally, this afternoon. Called my transplant nephrologist and he said his plan was to lower my Envarsis (TAC) from 3.75 to 2 mg and have labs done in two weeks. And, his plans down the road — depending on what the virus does — is to adjust my Myfortic somewhat as well and/or do an ultrasound. No plans at the moment to do a biopsy. As I said my numbers are almost baseline perfect. My creatinine fluctuates between 1.11 and 1.22 — it's been as low as 1.02 and as high as 1.35. Currently its 1.22.
Any input from y'all on current or previous experiences with the BK would be greatly appreciated. I've already checked out some of the forum's threads on BK. My dad, who was also a kidney recipient, also had several boughts of BK over the course of his kidney. So, I am aware of the complications and tradeoffs one makes when getting a new kidney. BTW, it received a living donor kidney through a swap with my wife.
In haste,